Image by Sanam Maharjan from
Karmic objects are certain objects which are subtly located in one’s auras, on the basis of one’s past life incarnations’ deeds, thoughts, feelings, hurts, traumas, guilts, and emotions. These karmic objects make our energetic levels and vibrations dense, which in turn proves a huge block on our desire manifestations.
All these below points are based on our experiences and channelled Guidance of Reiki Master Jhilmil Golande and mine. We request all of you to please go by your own gut instincts and HONOUR YOUR INTUITIONS. Many times we were guided not to disclose the detailed karmic scanning results with our clients – probably they won’t accept, or understand these. So follow the guidance of your inner voice.
A) Rope – Think of umbilical cord that connects a baby to his mother. So rope represents – connection and bandages. Now how its presence determines the karmic lessons – in various chakras (and corresponding to auric layers). So here is the interpretation of rope in various chakras or corresponding auric layers:
- Root – Past life karmic deeds – lots of struggles in manifestations of desires.
- Sacral – Karmic relationship with loved ones (blood line).
- Solar Plexus – Past life sin or crime.
- Heart – Karmic entities controlling life.
- Throat – Fear of strangulation, lack of self-expression.
- Third Eye – Depression, lots of negative emotions from past life. Immediate help and healing be given.
- Hands tied up – Powerless, self-esteem is badly hurt.
- Hanging from a rope – Hung up, lack of control, inability to make decisions.
- 3 Braided silver Rope at Naval/Crown prominently seen – very very positive. It’s silver cord, connecting one with higher self.
B) Knife/ Scissor – its presence denotes repeated Karmic patterns and this repeated pattern needs to be cut or stopped. Now here we find 3 types of knives / scissors-
- Pocket knife/small scissors – Suppressing emotions.
- Butter Knife – Buttering up people.
- Dull knife/ Scissor – Inadequate resources.
So here is the interpretation of knife /scissors in various chakras or corresponding auric layers:
- Root – Fear of death and phobias.
- Sacral – Loved ones (blood line) control over your life.
- Solar Plexus – Cut out negative habits and addictions.
- Heart – Inability to let go of painful events.
- Throat – Sharp tongue or loose tongue.
- Third Eye – Repression of anger, feelings and guilts.
C) Iron Rod – When you see a huge iron rod covering the entire aura – implies that the aura is severely blocked, karmic ties from previous generations and ancestors, attachment. This type of case needs minimum 21 days healing and in case you are doing for others – encourage them to do Ho’oponopono or Forgiveness exercises. If left or right aura is significantly affected, accordingly the yin or yang affected for Left aura denotes the feminine and right aura denotes the Masculine.
D) Person lying in muddy water with snake and tar and even fire – This type of combination is very rare. (In our entire healing journey, we encountered only one this case) – this signifies CURSE from some of your past lives. The person might be blessed with sufficient resources, but somehow he is overwhelmed with grief, sorrows, feels devoid of love, inner peace.
E) Person with mask, weapons, shackles, other objects – Sudden tragic death which wounded the soul.
F) Falling – Wen you feel that person’s auric field sucking your Energies like vacuum pump – Subconscious garbage and misalignment of the physical, mental, and emotional body. It indicates instability.
G) Health of Aura
- Auras distorted, muddy, vortex – Presence of negative Energies.
- Too much emotional body (dense thick Energies near the physical body – greenish yellow)- Severe Empaths
- Too much of mental body (dense thick Energies between emotional body and spiritual body – bluish indigo) – The person is over analyst.
- Too much of spiritual body (last auric layer looks clouded) – Unstable grounding. The person is hung up in higher vibrations.
- Healthy aura – Rainbow coloured, with the auric length of 5 meters. If aura is gold (very rare like Gautam Buddha)- Enlightenment and signifies Moksha.
Charisma Phatak