A Karmic Synastry Case File

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By Skywriter

Image by ilian Kovandzhiev from http://Pixabay.com

The following is a case file of the astrological findings of a past life and the karmic implications of two friends based in their individual Karmic charts and the interactions between them. One of the basic tenants of personal astrology explains that a natal chart or Nativity acts as a cosmic road map customized for a life journey full of potentials and opportunities. In Karmic Cosmology, it is believed that an individual soul chooses this map before entering Earth existence to provide itself with much needed Earth experiences. These experiences ultimately promote spiritual growth which in turn brings the soul closer to a state of grace and perfection. It is further believed that in each subsequent incarnation, the Nativity grows and changes along with the individual. An exoteric astrologer who is also educated in the esoteric ramifications of Universal Law can not only look forward into the future of an individual but also backward into past lives. In each lifetime the rate of growth is different. In some lifetimes growth is greatly accelerated. In other lifetimes growth is slowed down and it may take more than one lifetime to fulfill a particular modus operandi. This in no way implies lack but rather a need for more work to be done in order to complete a cosmic contract and bring it to a fruitful conclusion.

Why is karmic analysis important? If one believes the basic tenants of reincarnation then it is easy to accept and understand that every single experience in life is representative of a choice made on a Soul level in order to gain wisdom and thus perfect the essence of the Spirit. When an individual seeks individual personal or relationship karmic analysis, he or she is seeking to improve the quality of life by gaining more insight into what makes them and others “tick.” On a very intimate and innate level it is already understood that all of us learn karma a few steps at a time through a series of lessons that transcend from one lifetime or human existence to another. Karma is not always difficult but rather reflects our human capacity for give and take in any given lifetime. Based upon this capacity, many of us carry residual energies for good or ill from one space of existence into another. Through higher spiritual understanding, we can break the old ties that bind and open the door to true expression which brings us greater happiness and a closer connection to God or Source. Indeed, this makes our karmic obligation for give and take much easier.

This is a final product example. The astrological method used by STAR LOGIC ASTRODYNAMICS for the Karmic Synastry is based on an ancient Middle Eastern procedure encompassing reincarnation. In this process, it is believed that a soul is reincarnated into successive lifetimes until it has been karmically and spiritually purged of all desires through archetypical experiences expressed within the Zodiac.  This report is not computer generated. It involves hand calculated aspects by the astrologer which is accompanied by insightful written interpretation. Over 150 interchart points are considered in these cases. All technical data has been eliminated in this blog for reasons of privacy. Names have been eliminated and the individuals are referred to as “Male” and “Female.” Both are metaphysicians in this lifetime.

In Karmic legend, it is difficult to say exactly “which” past lifetime or lifetimes two souls meet to support each other’s further evolution and growth for reincarnation is a constant process of re-cycling. We have for too long been conditioned to think that Karma is nothing more than Divine Retribution for our past deeds. Contemporary esotericists are breaking away from this old mode of thought and negative perception. The “New Thought” proposes an acceptance that each Soul chooses its life path and all the other Souls it chooses to associate with on the Earth plane. Since Karma is truly associated with our capability for give and take in any Earth lifetime, each of us chooses others who will help us improve our sharing capacities which in turn assists us with the resolution of “old” issues.

Astrological Synastries (inter-chart comparisons) are sought out for various reasons, the prime reasons being romantic compatibility or work related compatibility. The information is used as a guideline for better human understanding which enhances the future of a potential relationship. The Karmic Synastry is mostly sought out of “curiosity.” This type of Karmic analysis can be very shocking to less spiritual individuals but, for the most part, it is enlightening and helpful. Each of you should read your individual Karmic delineation before engaging this part of the report so some of the references will be easier to understand.

The Case File …

This is very much a spiritual and arcane lifetime for both of you.  Female, you were chosen to help Male work through his Double Karma life experience by keeping him grounded and realistic about his work and “himself.” Male has had many lifetimes but, this is the lifetime whereby he takes a large leap and finishes his work through an old and comfortable essence which must be completed and shed. It is extremely important that Male deal with himself on an honest Earth level regarding “who” and “what” he is without the smoke and mirrors of the past and his joie de vie lack of attention to himself. Male, you were chosen out of “kinship” and a prior bond with Female that carries a sense of obligation because of your “past” demise which affected the “prosperity” both financial and spiritual surrounding her work. Your relationship was very meaningful in the past life and there was a significant destiny to be fulfilled. In this lifetime your unfinished business will be fulfilled with a sense of supplementing each other’s life purpose. Due to the chart signatures, connecting in this lifetime is absolute.

It must be strongly stated that each of you harbors powerful occult and arcane knowledge most of which neither of you is completely aware. The chart cross references suggests that despite whatever “day jobs” the two of you held, there was strong entanglement with a Secret Society. You were both comfortable with these powerful arcane energies in the past life and cast a fair amount of caution to the wind when it came to experimentation. Male, you tend to still experiment in this lifetime while Female has a healthy respect for the lesser realms and the consequences attached to “poking around in the dark.” This is because despite her shameless liking for the occult in the previous life, she learned that her mischievousness could lead to violence. Both of you need to be warned about the quality of the spiritual activities you engage in this lifetime. You were both highly susceptible to serious attack from astral entities and you are still susceptible in this lifetime as both of you are exceptionally mediumistic or “open channels.” This is not just an issue of proper “protection” but also iron clad “discernment”, in other words, be careful before you pick up the stick and poke the snake’s nest … the snakes can bite back.

This all probably sounds a tad medieval in nature but you both must remember that Secret Societies have been around for a very long time. Throughout the years there have been many people who literally lived dual lives. For example, a 1920’s haberdasher by day was transformed into a Freemason by night meeting with the “brotherhood” in a building with no windows where strange rituals were conducted. Most of these societies have their roots in “magick” and still do today. Most of the members of these societies had/have wealth and stature in their everyday lives as the two of you did in the past lifetime. The cross reference is suggesting a Hermetic Order from Female’s chart and a secret organization original to Lower Egypt in Male’s chart. What comes to mind among the various Hermetic Orders is the Hermetic Order of the Brotherhood of Luxor which is ancient in nature but which also was extended in the last decades of the nineteenth century to England and then to the Western world. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn can also be considered due to its “blended” brand of philosophy. The only thing that can be said about that order is thank heaven neither of you appears to be a reincarnate of Aleister Crowley. Again, it is difficult to place an exact time frame on the past since there is only a “signature” to base hypothesis.

Regardless of time or lifestyle, it appears that Male was Female’s superior with regards to “work.” It is also possible that he was older than Female. It is not suggested that Female knew less about the work, in fact, the degree of knowledge was most likely equal. Both of you were publicly prominent and wealthy through your own efforts. On the energetic level associated with the arcane side of your relationship, there was tremendous power and extremes. This factor was so strong that it left a residual imprint on both of you that carries over to this lifetime. It would most likely show up in what are teaching and learning from each other on the spiritual levels. The two of you must avoid “swinging” from one extreme to another in this regard. You also worked well together “then” and will continue to do so “now” as there is equal understanding to “do it right” this time and eliminate the old problems of the past.

Male was a bit of a loose cannon in the past who was too willing to leap without looking at the drop of a hat. Female was faithful and dedicated to the relationship but her good qualities were usurped by the lure of power, fear of her superior’s disapproval and his ability to incite her to rebel. Male was easily conned by those who misrepresented themselves. His spiritual side was lacking and he was improvident in nature. This was the missing piece of the puzzle in the past lifetime for Male. For all of the occult and healing knowledge he had and kept working hard to gain, he was not at “spiritual peak” to bring the work to fruition by helping and healing others. He kept his information to himself. Female was caught up in this spiral and lost the joy connected to the work. She became too much of a critical perfectionist who began to lose the respect and cooperation of others in the group. Since Male was easily conned by proposals he thought worthy of experimentation, his fortune began to dwindle as did Female’s via her willingness to support his eccentricities. For obvious reasons, the two colleagues began to isolate themselves and work alone. Eventually, there was great dissention in the group as to how the power it wielded should be used and the differences of opinion led to other disassociations. Despite the important work that was done and honored in some circles, Male’s reputation suffered disgrace and Female suffered from the aftermath and from the “legacy of association” with Male which followed her to her own demise. The conditions surrounding Female’s death suggest a condition of paralysis possibly similar to poliomyelitis, which first affected the muscles of her lower legs and nerve of the left fibula.

The chart cross reference also suggests that Male predeceased Female and that he died due to injury or ailment of the liver. It is also suggested that Female may have been responsible for the death delivering Male a fatal wound with a sharp instrument, probably a knife or dagger, during a heated argument. It would behoove Male to tend to the health of his digestive track, pancreas and liver in this lifetime. The charts also strongly suggest that Female was attendant at Male’s death where she applied “healing” for his transition. This was a lifetime of reorientation for Female where she learned to appreciate the value connected to that which was irrevocable.