Nature and Wisdom never are at strife – Plutarch
Ahhhhh… but they are! Knowing what I know of Plutarch (he and I were tight); I would venture to say that, in its most literal sense, even Plutarch didn’t believe that. In fact, the inherent dual realities embedded in that statement was what he aimed to resolve, ultimately concluding to attach little importance to theoretical questions, doubting the possibility of ever solving them.
In Eduard Zellers, Outlines of the History of Greek Philosophy, 13th edition, he writes that Plutarch’s distrust of human powers of knowledge led him to believe that godliness comes to our aid by direct revelations, which we perceive the more clearly the more completely that we refrain in "enthusiasm" from all action. That is what made it possible for him to believe in divination… to reconcile the dual realities. This principle he sought, however, not in any indeterminate matter but in the evil world-soul which has from the beginning been bound up with matter, but in the creation was filled with reason and arranged by it. They say history repeats itself… and kinda sorta, here we go again, with seemingly more precipitative events and more pervasive consequences. Based on Plutarch’s philosophies, it seems a similar kind of aura has loomed throughout time.
I guess it would depend how you define nature and how you define wisdom. I’m guessing they would both be defined in their purest innate forms, but as any good philosopher does, he leaves you to really dig deep and ponder. And ponder, I have. I’ve been thinking about this quote for over two weeks, and dontcha know a little synchronicity crept in, as I’d also been thinking about dual realities vis-à-vis what’s going on the world today religiously, governmentally, economically, ecologically, psychologically, and psychically. I mean, really, there’s not an aspect of ‘nature and wisdom’ that hasn’t been touched. Mother Nature is very upset with us.
Humans, it seems, have becoming psychologically cannibalistic… the people / positions whom we’re taught to revere are the ones creating the most havoc on the psyche of its own incumbents and then some! There are too many people, the world over, running with scissors.
How do you reconcile this? How do you learn to not let the pervasive corruption, mistrust, and almost belligerent evil permeate your corner of the world when it has such an overpowering affect on collective consciousness? Figuring out how to be, and stay, happy is a multi-million dollar industry; what with lots ‘n’ lots of life coaches, therapists, self-help books, talk shows, aromatherapy, metaphysical modalities… sheesh, it’s everywhere… and our own lack of being able to have it stick is merely “cha-chinging” everyone else’s cash registers. And that becomes part of the rub too!
Forgive me for saying, but everything going on in the world today, one calamity after another, after awhile almost becomes white noise. We learn to accept it as the reality of the world when our hearts and psyche know and want a different reality. We become distrusting of the world’s reality while striving to create a reality of trust within our own sphere of the world. Nature and wisdom begin to coexist in strife. I mean, how much more loss must there be before everyone realizes the current ‘way of the world’ is just not working and it’s spiraling downward? Suddenly, I feel like breaking into a chorus of “Blowin’ in the Wind”… ‘cause it applies in today’s time as well. Here’s how I see it… and I liken it to the impact of Women’s Lib. The “rules of the world” have drastically changed. Industrialism’s shift to technology has drastically altered how people professionally and psychologically fit themselves into a world filled with new mindsets, new ways of doing business, new ways of socializing, new ways of sharing life. And it’s still very much ad hoc.
And it all being very much ad hoc can be a good thing. Think about what became of the Crash of ’29. Think about all the brilliant inventions borne out of necessity and people using the world’s resources for good. And, hey, it’s summer… sun’s out more often… lots of things to do… it’s lighter longer…! So you stay lighter longer too. Go do ‘em. In fact, take a quantum leap and do things you’ve never done before… trust like you never have before… love like you never have before. Let’s just all start workin’ it from the inside out. If energy begets energy… let’s keep creating the good kind! I dunno, I say we’re in for a groovy ride, so keep ur sunny side up!