Keyhole: Unlocking The Secret Geometry Of The UFO Enigma

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By Henry

Ancient Keyhole Door in Turkey –

I had been studying the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt for a long time, but the Byzantine nature of the puzzle started causing me an overload. The enigmas of that edifice are many, entangled and impossibly complex. Stopping short of a mental meltdown, I let it go for a while.

One morning I woke up with the compelling thought to experimentally shift the prime meridian from Greenwich 0 to Giza, 31 E longitude. That made Giza the new 0 longitude (actually, Giza/Nile River delta). I did not plot out this scenario; the idea came to me first thing when I woke up. 

Next, I got a map and looked at Mississippi River delta, 89 W longitude. Then I added 31 to that and came up with 120 degrees! That is a very significant number in geometry, especially when we are talking about the Earth and the Great Pyramid.

The Greenwich prime had obscured that fact, and nobody was pointing out this exact relationship between the Nile and Mississippi deltas. They both sit on 30 N latitude, precisely 120 degrees apart. 

Now consider that the Nile flows from south to north; the Mississippi from north to south. I realised they were inverted mirror images of each other. Something was going on with this. I also realised it was a very big anomaly. So is the 30 N latitude which is seldom mentioned.

I then found that the Tigris-Euphrates was exactly 15 degrees east of Giza; the Yangtze delta 90 E degrees also and both on the 30 N parallel. The question that popped into my head: what is behind these rivers flowing into deltas, all along a single northern latitude around the globe?

I know of no geological dynamics that logically explains this and I have never heard a geologist try. Erosion, deposition, floods – they are all random processes. Then there was the fact that the earliest civilisations emerged in these river valleys on 30 N latitude. Another anomaly.

When a whole bunch of facts added together turns up an enigma, people either dig for the answer or chalk it up to ‘coincidence’. A quaint shallow concept that explains nothing unless one has a simple mind. It reveals a bias toward thinking the universe is based on random variables… dumb!

Prime Meridian experimentally shifted from Greenwich 0 to Giza.

Anomalies as Clues to the Bigger Picture

What is an anomaly? Basically anything that does not fit the model, or expectations, “something that deviates from what is standard, normal,” says the dictionary.

I realised, after many decades studying anomalies, that they are the Achilles heel of modern science and academia. When these ‘experts’ are confronted with a serious anomaly (i.e. the Great Pyramid), they abandon the scientific method, circle the wagons, and become babbling morons. The nonsense spouted on how this massive, precision-engineered edifice was built is quite shocking. We are given to believe it was built by people using hammer-stones, wooden sledges and ropes. 

They present a scenario that is so improbable that it short-circuits even normally rational minds. People using Stone Age technology could not build such a sophisticated edifice. Our scholars are either stupid or just plain liars. Never mind, the Egyptians somehow did it, case closed. Minds shut, anomaly disposed of, everybody goes home. Problem is, the anomaly and the response to it are like a computer virus. It grows, spreads and starts causing fragmentation and loss of system integrity.

Already a substantial number of people around the world utterly reject the orthodox theories. Get enough of these anomalies piling up and credibility and trust become real issues. We are approaching that watershed critical mass point now.

UFOs exist, but then again they don’t, because they shouldn’t according to the laws of physics. Anomalies. Nothing in our rule-based 3D material dimension can appear and disappear in an instant. 

In addition, it is impossible to see events in the future because it has not yet happened in linear time, right? Wrong.

Paranormal, psi, psychic phenomena occur and have been scientifically observed in controlled settings. Scientist Russell Targ noted his experiences while carrying out research into such phenomena in the following quote.

“Stanford Research Institute (SRI) conducted investigations into the human mind’s capacity for expanded awareness, also called remote viewing, in which people are able to envision distant places and future events and activities. For two decades SRI’s research was supported by the CIA and other government agencies. I was co-founder of this once secret program which began in 1972.” (See ‘The Scientific and Spiritual Implications of Psychic Abilities’,

Since these phenomena do exist but shouldn’t by the rules that supposedly govern the dimension we live in, they are anomalies. As such, official science shows them the backdoor and politely asks them to leave and not return. Yet, the fact they exist puts us in a paradoxical position.

We seem to be living in a Universe that is, in reality, much more complex and inexplicable. Nonetheless, these anomalies must be explained and accounted for. 

Quantum Nature of Reality

Now our view of normal starts getting twisted out of shape. As shown above, scientific investigations have proven that paranormal phenomena are real (that was one study, there are more.) However, we have to keep in mind that these things are weird only in the context of the rules defined by physicists. They have a model of the cosmos and our place in it. That model is predicated on there being an external universe that exists independent of our observations. In that model objects exist in three-dimensional space.

In fact, that description is not the newest upgrade. There is the quantum-view, the 2.0 version, now held by many scientists. The foregoing was actually the mechanical model from Newton that existed until Einstein blew it up.

In his relativity model, the space/time continuum is an interdependent whole. We cannot have space without time and objects need both to exist and move about. It is a package deal. Quantum mechanics came along and changed everything. There is no external universe made of solid objects existing in space independent of our observations. 

What actually exists is an unexplainable paradox. Our observations change the underlying conditions of the universe. We are in an entangled presence. No pure objectivity is possible because our very observation changes the field.

Objects are vibrating fields comprised of waves of energy. Well, that is unless they are particles comprised of quantum units. We have a situation where the smallest foundational components of the observable universe are called wavicles

Moreover, experiments demonstrate that quanta of light that are sent off in opposite directions maintain their connection to one another. Each photon is affected by what happens to its twin, even millions of kilometres away, if one gets bumped the other feels it.

Physicist David Bohm conducted those experiments. Now, we are starting to talk about a universe in which UFOs and psi phenomena can and do exist. This is good for me because I have been studying such things for 40 years now, with people thinking I was a fringe dweller, or worse. 

You have no doubt seen and pondered holograms, those two-dimensional graphics that appear be three-dimensional. They may hold the key that opens the door and helps explain anomalies. Here is a definition of what is behind a hologram.

“The Holographic Principle holds that the information which describes all of the particles of matter and vibrations of energy in the bulk of the sphere fundamentally ‘lives’ at the boundary of the sphere.”  

In plain English, the form of a 3D object is fully embedded in every point on a two-dimensional surface. Holograms form when a beam of light hits a plate and sends off refracted interference patterns. They contain the image of the hologram. It only exists as a field of light in space that appears to have three dimensions. So much for the technical explanation. We both know what they look like and they are essentially illusions.

There is no 3D object floating in space. But knowing that does not change the fact that we see an object floating in space. Odd, yes, and welcome to the paranormal dimension of the holographic universe. 

My UFO Encounter

All this is relevant to my research and thinking about ‘Ancient Aliens’. For me, this whole process started back in the late 1960s. I was living in Scandinavia and had an encounter with a UFO. It surprised me to the bone. Then and there my worldview shattered, and I had to try and explain it. Shortly thereafter Erich von Däniken’s book Chariots of the Gods? came out. I got a copy and was enthralled by the possibilities he suggested.

We forget, at least those my age do, that those were the heady days of the Space Race, men setting foot on the Moon, UFO flaps as headline stories for two decades and so on. All of a sudden this new book comes out intimating that perhaps Earth was visited by extra-terrestrials in the past. Maybe these ancient enigmas found all over the Earth such as pyramids had an explanation – ancient astronauts

That proposition dovetailed into images of our astronauts in spacesuits climbing into a capsule before launch. ‘Star Trek’ and decades of sci-fi novels and films reinforced the concept of long-distance space travel in (hardware) 3D spaceships. 

An archetype started forming. UFOs were advanced spacecraft piloted by aliens who were physical like us… but different. The simple formula was ancient astronauts had landed their ships on Earth, bio-engineered humans and departed.

In 1970 I recall what NASA promised. The next phase of space exploration was setting up a lunar colony. After that, manned Mars missions. The whole fictional environment of sci-fi was being spun as if it was real science. 

Here we are almost 50 years later waiting for the still promised lunar mission. It keeps getting postponed every few years. Why? In fact, NASA never really explained why they pulled the plug on the lunar mission back then. 

I suspect that some goo-goo got splattered all over the walls of Mission Control. They learned some things, quite a few actually, from the early manned missions. Unpleasant things about human beings in gravity-free habitats quickly losing muscle mass; unable to sleep; an entire list of nasty side effects, in fact.

I investigated the situation because I did not think NASA was passing the smell test. Liar, liar, pants on fire. (NASA: Never A Straight Answer.) The longer and deeper I thought about it, more and more reality floated up to the surface. 

It seems there are some real intractable problems with extended space flight. The kind that bursts bubbles and makes you stop and think. Example: A trip to Neptune compromises the astronaut’s ability, in deep space, to communicate with Mission Control on Earth. Why? It takes eight minutes for a signal to travel that far. That means about 20 minutes turnaround time in an emergency. That won’t work. Extrapolate that scenario to interstellar space. We just hit the ‘Star Trek’ kill switch.

Nobody is going to be sent out on a suicide mission costing hundreds of millions of dollars. We will never be that far out on the edge of the solar system and forget about interstellar space travel. That was pure fantasy.

I know this sounds strange coming from an Ancient Alien theorist. But facts are facts, and they threw me for a loop when first discovered. With the deleterious health side effects coupled with the above, extended space travel is caput.

Is NASA informing the public of these naughty little details? Of course not! I could add the problems with a fail-safe oxygen generating system but that’s overkill.

This impacted my whole psychology about ancient aliens and modern UFOs. I realised that any alien civilisation in our Universe or dimension would be confronted by the same problems.

UFOs: Through physical Space or via Portals?

Returning to the 1970s momentarily, I was struggling to understand the encounter I had in 1968. There was also a very high-level scientist who had a similar experience and was also a UFO researcher. His name was Jacques Vallee [see article on page 45 of this issue].

Vallee had been on the team that developed the first prototype of the Internet. He had done design for NASA. I mean one smart guy. After years of researching the phenomenon, Vallee was not happy with the aliens-in-hardware-spacecraft model. That was the prevailing thinking back then among the research community. 

He wrote a book explaining his objections, Passport to Magonia. That was followed by a radical proposition: the aliens were not from our dimension, but they entered and left it at will. They had been engaged in this activity in the remote past up to the present day. This became the Interdimensional Parallel Universe theory, hotly disputed by many researchers at the time. 

I was at a crossroads when that came out and stirred up a huge controversy. I had studied the phenomenon, all the anomalies, and simply could not figure it out. In fact, I got to the point of being turned off by the politicking among researchers. That is when I chose to drop the modern UFO phenomenon and focus on the mysteries of ancient history. I reasoned that perhaps Vallee was correct. 

There were lots of strange stone megaliths scattered all over the planet. I could not imagine how aliens from another dimension could manipulate them or why they would feel compelled to. I decided consciously (half-informed) to pursue the enigmas of the past. My working hypothesis was that an advanced ET civilisation had seeded the Earth, visited and bioengineered humanity into a hybrid race, implanted much knowledge in the Sumerians, and history unfolded.

My approach was a hybrid of its own. I discovered a paper written by two eminent scientists, Sir Francis Crick and Leslie Orgel [see Will Hart’s article “The Scientific Case for Alien Intervention” in New Dawn 167]. I was convinced they were onto something with Directed Panspermia. They laid out a bold refutation of Darwin’s doctrines and a good case for alien intervention.

I still think their approach has a core of valid facts, and their work raises many serious questions about evolution. Beyond that, how life emerged on planet Earth.

Erich von Däniken was a popular writer, but these two were scientists. I steered a middle course. Everything proceeded fairly smoothly for a while. Then in recent years psychological dissonance started to hit me. It took decades to go through hundreds of ancient sites and many thousands of artefacts to come to it.

The problem was that if aliens had come to Earth in spacecraft, why had I not seen one depiction of them? I mean the craft they arrived in and left, that is. You would expect that the Sumerians, who claimed they lived with the Annunaki, would have carved one on a stelae somewhere. They carved plenty of depictions of the gods. All these anomalies, evidence of ancient high technology, yet not one spaceship… it did not add up.

Graphic representation of the original layout of the Nintoku-tenno-ryo Kofun (mausoleum of Emperor Nintoku) with numerous smaller ones (located in Osaka Prefecture, Japan).

What I was finding instead were artefacts that suggested perhaps a portal of some kind was used. That mainly came in the last few years when I found out two things I had never noticed before or had but was focused on other priorities. 

That was 1) the keyhole pattern found worldwide, and 2) the trapezoid embedded in a wide variety of ancient artefacts. 

Step-by-step, as I needed it, new data came streaming in bringing fresh insights. I discovered and visited Japan to see their Keyhole Kofun. Massive structures surrounded by moats, hiding in plain sight. The Japanese do not promote them as a tourist attraction. In fact, a veil of tight security and secrecy surrounds them. The Royal Family owns and controls the main ones. Incredibly, there are an estimated 150,000 Kofun spread around the country. Even archaeologists get the ‘no trespass’ turnaround.

Indeed, here is a very deep level anomaly. Keyhole structures resembling those in Japan have been found in the Arabian Desert. I have found the pattern at sites around the world. Perhaps the most surprising is the obvious keyhole design of St. Peter’s Square.

At the same time I was running into trapezoid windows, doorways, cave entrances, everywhere I looked. Snap! It dawned on me in a flash. The Keyhole Kofun had a trapezoidal lower section and a circular section above that. 

Time rolled by and a bigger bolt hit me. This one was a bit of a shocker. I was looking at some ‘pyramids’ and suddenly noticed… those are not pyramids. They were not designed using a square base surmounted by four inward leaning triangles. None of them came together to a point on top.  

Kofun-like structure recently discovered on planet Mars.

Structures in Harrat Khaybar, Saudi Arabia, with distinctive keyhole design. These mysterious structures are estimated to be at least 9,000 years old.

A square base was surmounted by four trapezoids. The structures were truncated to accommodate a platform on top that held a solar temple. We had Westernised these structures and had triangles and pyramids in our minds. But they were not there, like the holographic images.

You cannot understand why the ancients built them by studying the geometry of triangles and true pyramids. The trapezoid is an embedded feature of ancient sites all over the globe. It isthe geometry we should have been investigating.

 What was the message the ancients were trying to pass along to us in those shapes? Think of another trapezoid, circle combination, this one small. The ankh! Especially those from 1st dynasty Ancient Egypt which had a pure trapezoid under a perfect circle. That was later changed to a stem underneath a loop. 

The message has to do with the nature and structure of the space/time continuum we inhabit. Keyhole. Just like the phi code was embedded in ancient buildings, including the pyramids. Today, scientists and programmers are rediscovering it. Now phi is embedded in algorithms in a zillion software applications. 

That ratio is a very deep secret related to how the universe design’s structures. At this point I have abandoned the hardware archetype. Don’t get the wrong idea; the concept was not that important in my latest book. One of my objectives in the volume is to present the best UFO evidence and integrate Ancient Aliens with the modern UFO phenomenon. The phenomenon forms a continuum. 

I feel compelled to examine the possibilities of interdimensional transit. I wonder what conditions would have to exist to facilitate it. I am taking the keyhole and trapezoid shapes and trying to pierce that veil as well.

Will Hart  –

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