I am often asked about Khodam – what it is and what it does. Here is an “offered explanation” only. The reader is to use their own discretion and discernment. Further interest in this subject should require great research as there are many websites offering expertise or easiness in supplying Khodam power. Use common sense. Initiation and study is required.
In between the Djinn and the Angels lies the Khodam …
A khodam is an evolved being in Islam that is a servitor to the letters of the Arabic language and quranic passages. They are also intrisically connected to the ninety nine attributes of Allah. These beings are pure and righteous and also nothing to play with. Sufi masters have many of them at their service and devout sufis have their connection to them too. This is based on the litanies, salawat and other forms of superogatory worship they participate in. Each sufi order has their own set of prayer vigils that link you to khodam. The consistency of the worshipper in her duties, which are: purity, ethics, remembrance of Allah in all actions, will draw the worshipper into close proximity with the divine. With certain prescribed practice given by the sufi’s murshid (guide) she is able to ascend to heights of which she is able to beckon and request service from the khodam. Now often sufis do deal with the djinn, which of course has its own rules of engagement. Dealing with djinns is an art of its own and can be quite dangerous and should be left to the masters. The khodam is much safer and moderate in its realm between angels and djinn. Sometimes they are called minor angels. This is a special creation that exist in Islam to benefit those spiritual aspirants that have arrived to the level of certainity and superogatory worship. Khodams also assist those not of the Islamic faith. They are willing to help the righteous — Khodams wear robes and can be inticingly beautifully seductive to one with base desires. They don’t have protuberances on their heads like djinn —Some khodam are so advanced that they can’t be commanded and only requests can be made of them. It is believed khodam empowerment can supply invulnerability to projectiles, which includes knives, bullets and punches to the body. 1
In Indonesia there is "Ilmu Khodam." The word ilmu (pron. "eel-moo") literally means "knowledge." In Indonesian shamanism, ilmu particularly refers to a specific occult art–its theory, practice, and the resultant power or ability–emphasis is especially placed on power. It is believed by practitioners of Ilmu Khodam that most spiritual adepts in the past possessed khodams, and that it is possible to invoke the energies of these khodams or even persuade them to become one's magickal companion. Adepts of the past leave behind them magickal energies permeating their physical remains and possessions and even in their khodams. Acquiring these energies could increase the practitioner's powers. The shamans in Indonesia often seek the left-over power of an adept wielded by their khodam; they also believe that sometimes it is the khodam that seeks for a worthy vessel. Thus, there are cases where uninterested individuals in magick suddenly possess remarkable occult or psychic abilities after an illness or a traumatic event–many shamans are born this way.
Here some of the abilities and powers that one could acquire or exercise with ease with the assistance of the khodam spirit, according to the practitioners of Ilmu Khodam :
- The power to charge and consecrate objects without the use of any media whatsoever (should circumstances demand it), such as water, flowers, incense, etc.
- The ability to acquire information from someone without the need of meeting him/her face to face; this is done by invoking the person magickally and/or attuning with his/her mind.
- The ability to detect an area whether there is hidden treasure or sacred objects buried and the action to be taken in order to retrieve them.
- The power to automatically exercise self-defensive techniques.
- The ability to conjure various kinds of spirits and to communicate with them.
- The ability to move spirits or power associated with a sacred object to other media.
- The ability to exercise the "distant punch,"–that is, the ability to hit an aggressor without physical contact. One simply goes through the motions of hitting, the khodam would simultaneously exert a force that would topple the aggressor.
- The ability to acquire information or knowledge on the magickal arts.
- Invulnerability.
- The gradual unfoldment of clairvoyance and telepathy.
- The ability to assist the healing process of those suffering physical ailments.
The practitioner of Ilmu Khodam should be virtuous while maintaining a high level of spiritual ethics. It is possible that those with negative temperaments, and practicing Ilmu Khodam, would only attract spirits of a low order with the propensity to deceive and delude. It is, therefore, necessary to improve one's character. Cleanliness is required in mind, body, and soul–and of course, one's place of practice. Dirt, whether physical, psyhcological, or metaphysical, attracts the inhabitants of the lower spheres. Traditionally, spirit conjurations are often carried-out in empty rooms as conflicting vibes from objects seem to affect the outcome of the conjuration.
Misuse any power and the law of karma would be invoked. One would have to face the consequence of one's actions and be burdened with its compensation. This could hamper or delay the further growth of the occult practitioner. The practicing magician should keep this in mind. The more power and knowledge possessed, the more responsible the magician should become towards maintaining harmony in the universe. Blessings from heaven above should be put to positive use for the greater good, even if it has to start with improving one's condition–and this would naturally be the magician's initial concern. Lash out no force that would defeat one's soul-purpose or that of another.2
You might enjoy this interview with Islamic Exorcist Brother Rhaman at this link: http://www.polarisrising.net/index.php?/topic/528-interview-with-islamic-exorcist-brother-rahman/
At age seventeen he had a dream in which three men stood before him. They were not human but Muwkils, a golden class of Kohams.
His advice: "Does this mean one should run out and find A Khodam seller on the web, who are listing them in quantities of hundreds? NO, that’s ALL BS. To even bring a Khodam forward requires MINIMUM 40 days of rituals and fasting with NO guarantee and the riutal/Amal can only be done by one has full knowledge of the Quran, can read it with perfection and ease, A pious Muslim, does salat 5x a day (etc). So to the ones who sell so called khodams in the open on the web, you’re selling lies and garbage, you have no Idea of what a Khodam is, let alone bring it forward."
His site: http://www.brotherrahman.net/
Good general vid of lecture on Magic and Occult in Islam by Saiyad Nizamuddin Ahmad (Department of Arabic and Islamic Civilizations, American University in Cairo) delivered at the Warburg Institute, University of London, School of Advanced Study.
1. http://divineangelichealing.com/2013/10/12/what-is-a-khodam/
This has been an extremely informative post, and I do very much appreciate your having posted it!