Instead of copying and pasting from "traditional" sources of "knowledge", I am going to post my own synthesis.
Kundalini Awakening and Initiation are intricately connected with one another. To the outside observer who is un-initiated, the onsets of the mystical experience may be perceived as psychotic or otherwise nonsensical. This is to be expected when there is an explosion of life-force energy being activated throughout the chakras and energy centers of the living and breathing human body.
How is this energy represented? Firstly, familiarize yourself with the seven chakras/energy centers. This can become a solid foundation by which you can explore and understand what has happened in your body. When this energy is activated it will feel as if a serpent is pulsating up your spine; from the root to the crown chakra. This is to be expected. Visionary images of light, and other transcendent sensations, may swirl around your consciousness faster than a twirling dervish. This is also to be expected as your body is naturally, effortlessly, and unprovokingly, initiated into the underlying mysteries of human existence. The proof is in the pudding – the felt experience. When you resonate with these words with synchronistic coincidence, you are on the right path towards exploring, for yourself, what this energy means and how you can best utilize it in your life.
This is my attempt at an extremely basic definition of the kundalini life force. When this initiation happens with the self, it will form a leap-pad from which one can further explore spirituality and the esoteric. After networking with various people who have had similar experiences, they have supported this analysis: the kundalini energy explosion directly led to their current path of seeking knowledge. As this process is entirely directed with the self, there is not the danger of being manipulated by coersive rituals and ceremonies, as are traditionally done with initations (do you REALLY know what is going on when you are blind folded?) There is no "foul play" here, it is only yourself and YOUR energy that is being activated. One can always try and cheat the game by practicing certain techniques to try and activate kundalini before its time. This is NOT advised – the fire of the life force can be dangerous if it can not be controlled and is not activiated; naturally, and effortlessly, and its own time and due course
Have you ever had a Kundalini Awakening experience?
Would you say it was an "initiation" or some sort?
Please feel free to share your experiences!
Kundalini and Uranus
According to traditional Astrology everyone has a Kundalini awakening somewhere in general between ages 40-43. This important life cycle is known as the Uranus Opposition and takes place when transiting Uranus opposes its natal position.
The Uranus opposition affects both the physical and spiritual bodies. On the spiritual level, the Kundalini energy that is stored in the root chakra is stimulated by the electric charge of Uranus prompting it to surge up and down through the entire chakra system for a period of about one year. Esoterically speaking, this process promotes psychic awareness and spiritual cognizance and takes inner wisdom to new levels of consciousness as the chakras are blown wide open.
On the physical level, the Uranus opposition can cause nervousness, irritability and anxiety which is why many astrologers jokingly refer to it as the time some people reach for the Prozac because they think they are having a nervous breakdown. It is also mundanely referred to as being strongly connected to the infamous time of Midlife Crisis where people try to live it up based on “last chance” or “now or never” mentality. It is particularly important the women understand this year long process because it also occurs at the same time many women are beginning to experience pre-menopausal symptoms or hormonal changes. Those who are somewhat spiritual advanced or cognizant at the time of the Uranus Opposition look forward to the new awareness and liberation that are the real gifts of this process.
Great Info~!
Thank you, LOGOS!
Great information … I have also heard that there is a similar transition around the age of 27. Perhaps you are familiar with this as well? Thank you for adding an astrological perspective!
i cant say but…
the situation i had been talking about happened between myself, at 43 yrs of age, and a woman at the age of 27, so…lol
not always
I am able to manipulate another's kundalini, and in such a case that individual is if anything, NOT in control of it at all, i am in such a case. while not making any distinction with any other fact or aspect other than who's energy being a changable factor depending on the case at hand.
very simply
Because, simply put, in this case i can, karma is not a threat to me in any way, i can stand aside from that as can anyone willing to put forth the effort, although i abide by the cautions you mention and recommend the same to anyone else….think, if you would, firstly in the direction of, why would anyone do the things i had originally suggested i had done? think to yourself, in what set of conditions might such a thing make the most sense? be most likely to occur? might perhaps even be literally the dictate of my karma? it is certainly no accident on my part, and IF i dared, i COULD assume a far greater level of responsibility in any number of ways that might seem amazing, not possible, or not seem to make any sense at first appearance, but i can't claim that any that i have in mind are that way. Not in my own opinion, nor in that of the person i speak of having such a degree of control over, however, the way such a thing is done is very simple, and as applies in one way or direction or interpretation, might also apply in a great many others as well. Sometimes referred to as Siddhi powers or abilities, those supernatural qualities of the mind and or soul, and yes, sometimes done by a Guru, which i am not clkaiming to be, take notice. There is a single word, a conceot, and though well known, not always having a single widely agreed upon definition, this mere four letter word is the best and only explanation i am able to offer…can you guess the Word i mean? calm , detached discussion is always welcomed, so take advantage of it.
i consider " mixing energy " to be an inaccurate way of expressing that concept, not literally true i mean to say.
ADMoon & Shabda – Fascinating!
Great discussion folks! Just one brief thing to add…
The phrase "manipulate kundalini" can be left open to interpretation, and can raise caution for some good reasons. However, to tell the other side of the coin, it is possible to manipulate another's energy, with proper intention, by the careful use of words contextually … using words to explain how to use words to cause something that can not be explained with words is difficult, is it not? 'LOL'
Maybe that makes sense … I do not know.
Thank you BOTH for sharing your experience and your knowledge!
oh yes, that IS the 4 letter word i was indicating, and in that respect would likely put a truer indication of what i am speaking of in my particular case with this one person. I said it the way i did so as to try avoiding any egoistic sounding things on that matter, because it isnt about power of any sort at all, just to be very clear. i would also say that kundalini is NOT life force or energy, or whatever term one wishes to use for it….i personally consider it to be a much lesser force, and while creative, is still not of the highest order among forces that exist…it is sexual and therefore is considered creative, but it is also subject to some of the lowest natures and motivations in mankind, and being such excludes it from those higher states, imo anyhow. Now, having clarified that Love is in fact happening n my situation, i can also step a bit outside of those considerations because i CAN also do this to literally anyone i choose to, and i AM aware that not many people can say that, but i have proven this to be the case, and have also TAUGHT how to do this to another friend upon his upcoming wedding, as a wedding gift to he and his bride, and they in fact use it constantly, and he has also found accidentally that he was able to have an effect on random strangers if he wasnt being careful about it. It can happen more than many might believe possible.
I fully realize that some of what i claim might be seen as not true according to the teachings or words of others on this subject, but i say what i say just the same, as i have found it to be the truth, and so i can only offer it as that and leave it to each to consume in the way that works best for each individual…in any case i AM pleased to find my words so
clarification on terms
i am using Eckankar terms, and those taken from Dianetics or Scientology, the terms are, Matter, Energy, Space and Time conditions, worlds or planes. These are terms used to describe lower aspects of reality in our lives, and how they interact with the purely spiritual. it is for this reason that i refuse to use the term energy to describe kundalini for example, energy being a lower manifestation and therefore below what i am speaking of. i hope tha makes a degree of sense as it will enable us to have a better degree of understanding on the basis of terms used. no offense meant by it, just my own personal preference as to how to express some of these concepts.
i understand you
and i remain saying an entirely different thing, kundalini is NOT the Life force at all, just a mere expression at best, and i see this difference as acommon one amongst changing states of consciousness, as the Way Itself evolves, It does in fact literally evolve, and therefore become expressed ever in a more full or complete way, which is also to say that the more ancient ways do not at all express all of the same things in any way, they arent capable of that, they have evolved and become something different than what they were at their start. Also the individual UNDERSTANDING of what that might be or how it can be interpreted is highly changable and widely seen as being different in different cultures, times and areas. And everyone IS different from everyone else in certain ways are they not? In any case, the differences are rather slight overall dont you agree? you will come to find however, that the WAYS i utilize to make my accomplishments is very likely to differ from a majority of other ways, though these things are by far less in the area of unknown to the general public as may have been the case throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, some are ways used by Hinduism, others are certainly not, but may be seen as familiar from Sikhism and Sufism as well as Sant Mat, and to a large degree a majority of those ways are derived originally from Hinduism, the western misunderstanding of which i consider to blame for the many misconceptions generally held by those in a so called monotheistic way. The concept of ASPECTS is lost amongst Chrisitanity for the most part. Luckily on this site we are able to do away with such things right???
definitions, they DO always differ some dont they?? the words you see as controlling and potentially negative im seeing as not so much that way at all, just a measure of assuredness, inability to do wrong, a knowingness, i find that very helpful!
did you give a definition for that term in the above?? if so, i did not see it, as the term is used in a great many of the Indian faiths, nearly ALL of which derive from Hinduism, i get the definition that i use, that being “Union” meaning WITH the Godhead, although i see that differently the Divine parts that ARE one’s True, individual self, the Soul and the realization through which that is discovered or realized, and understood in FULLNESS (and THAT is the bit of it that has undergone an evolution over the centuries) and is also the very source of the ” I AM ” thing that is discovered upon what i call Self Realization, that ALL Souls are That, or the One Divinity or Godhead as experienced on the first purely spiritual plane, the Atma “Realm” for lack of any better term.
one reason or another i somehow got that you were a Hindu from your own comments, perhaps i actually realized where your individual point of view lay! likely influenced by past life experience at the very least.
wow, those 2 comments TOTALLY posted backwards in time, wtf???