Some Astrotheological thought:
People often speak of the “last days” or “end times.” We are truly in those very days. We are in the last days of the astrological Age of Pisces.
Every 2,150 years there is a symbolic metaphoric war in heaven, a rearrangement of the stars. We are in the “Last Days” of Pisces, but we are nearing the dawning (the Sun’s dawning) of the Age of Aquarius.
The Bible tells us that at the end of one age, and the beginning of the next, there is great upheaval and a war in heaven. This is talking about a new arrangement, a new order. According to the Bible, whatever is going on “up there” affects us “down here.” As above so below. Compare this idea with the current conditions on our planet.
There is a new order coming to the heavens; there will also be a new order to things here on Earth. This is the New World Order. A new order is coming; the old Order of Pisces is giving way to the new Order of Aquarius.
Adolf Hitler and the Nazis spoke of a New World Order. Modern political leaders, such as George Bush as well as many others, have also spoken of a New World Order. Might these people have understood this ancient story and the astrology of the Bible? In popular culture the New World Order is on the lips of many people, but I dare say they have no idea in the world where these ideas actually came from.
The Bible is telling us that a new order is coming, but there is a war for what exactly that new order will be. Is it going to be the Order of Freedom and Liberty as God the Creator intended, or will it be the Order of Slavery and Bondage as Satan desires? Freedom or slavery? Liberty or tyranny? Enlightenment or ignorance? This is what the Bible is trying to tell us and get us to think about.
A new order is coming, but what order will that be? Gods Order or Satan’s Order? This is the foundation of the concept of the New World Order.
In the Book of Revelation, an antichrist is spoken of. In Greek, the word anti means to stand in place of or take the place of something. In the Bible, Satan wants to take the place of the Christ; Satan wants to be the Christ.
This is what we see going on in the world today; it is the war between freedom and slavery. Satan wants to create a world of total control, while God has created us to be free. This is all very much metaphor, but this is what it means. The Bible and its characters are not the nonsense we have always been told. The whole thing is a metaphor, a very complicated detailed symbolic metaphor.
There will be a New World Order, which one will it be? According to the Bible, God is going to install a New World Order and all the Kingdoms of Satan will be destroyed. Apparently, this is the real New World Order, the one God creates, not the New World Order of popular satanic culture.
All of this is metaphor for people’s relationships to themselves, to the Universe, and to the state of the world. Being metaphor does not diminish the profound importance of the message; it emphasizes it. These ideas and concepts are more powerful than words alone; metaphors are necessary to describe these understandings.
When the Sun does finally move out of Pisces into Aquarius, there will indeed be a new order of things on this planet. The new order will be dictated by the stars above (God). A new order to the stars, and the world, is coming. The New World Order will come, but it will not be at all what most people seem to think.
Interesting to think about who knew what, when they put thatpyramid representing Jesus on the one-dollar bill along with the words Novus Ordo Seclorum. Novus Ordo Seclorum means a new order of the ages, or a new order of the world, or New World Order.
In Hebrew numerology, the number 8 means new beginnings, and 13 means perfect government. The year 1776, the founding of our nation, breaks down to 8 and 13. Someone somewhere knew something when they put this all together, and they didn’t tell us anything about it.
If this is what the Bible is talking about, and it is, then who is going to be in charge when this new age comes upon us? Who is going to be running things? Satan or God? Ignorance or enlightenment? Slavery or freedom?
We better start to pay attention.
Jason Horne
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Posted for educational/informational/enlightenment purposes only.