When the student is ready, who shows up?
How many times have we heard the axiom, “When the student is ready the teacher appears.” Think of all the movies that prove that statement over and over again. I remember The Karate Kid, yes Miyagi-san telling our soon to be hero, “Wax on, wax off!” And who thought there wasn’t a lesson in waxing a car? Now I will share that I enjoyed both “popcorn” movies and I liked Ralph Macchio and Pat Morita, but there is more to this axiom than what meets the eye.
Seems Hollywood believes that in our crisis we will find a kind Asian gentleman to bring us back to our path and overcome the “demons,” that haunt our lives. Well, the movies were fun; the message was a bit off. You see for this entire Hollywood folder, I do believe when the student is ready, the teacher will come – call it the extended director’s cut.
Our “teachers” are with us constantly. As we master one lesson, the next presents itself. Funny my personal belief is that both abundance and poverty are the same lesson wrapped a bit differently. So, how does this play out in our lives? Many times these lessons appear in the subtlest ways. Imagine, leaving the grocery store and the clerk made the wrong change … have you gone back? Or, did you say a prayer of thanks for the small windfall and move along? In small places and events like these we discover allot about ourselves and truly, that event was our teacher.
Personally, I have had so many teachers along the way it is impossible to keep count. Some lessons I aced, others I failed miserably. Yet, I did discover something on this journey. If we can face our teachers and honestly see them for what they are, we can learn from them. Once the lesson is learned, every fiber of your being calls forth truth the next time that teacher appears in our lives. The answer is so clear, that the question seems unreasonable.
Some of our teachers come in roaring; others quietly climb onto the center stage of our lives. You will find a legion of educators in your life; the question is will you honor the lesson they bring or escape hoping to avoid the consequences of your thoughts and actions? I’ve done both. I find that facing them brings peace, completion and graduation! Running away breeds fear, and takes you off your path.
So the next time you find yourself in the middle of a very difficult decision, one that will force you to declare who you are to the world. I would encourage you to stop, listen and ask the question, what is this lesson for? Before you say yes, no or not now, realize that every lesson becomes part of you. If you successfully learn your lesson, you will move on. If you don’t, the lesson will play out in your life over and over, until you master it. Unless, you like life as a merry-go-round, I recommend you look at learning the lesson and moving forward on your path.
So today, I encourage you to move through your day and honor the teachers that step forth to offer you their wisdom. Even in the hardest of circumstances, you can find amazing love, peace and grace. I enjoyed Pat Morita’s work, he was a fine actor and from what I have read, a man of integrity and love. The lessons that his character Miyagi-san shared are simple yet timeless. Are you ready to face your teachers?
The camera pans the horizon as you are walking the Pacific beach at sunset, you turn smile and the screen fades to black and your journey continues … Cue the next teacher.