Psychology is the science of the mind and the word esoteric signifies “inner.” Esoteric psychology therefore embraces those inner workings of the mind … this not being confined in its researches to the physical, or three dimensional plane but including every plane and every type of life form through which mind and soul expresses. ~ C.C. Zain, Brotherhood Of Light
This of course includes the Law of Psychic Phenomena which concludes that man possesses in addition to his mundane consciousness, mental abilities and mental processes of which he is unaware.
It is quite simple really by concept until you start venturing into those areas of cloudy vagueness of the unconscious. Yet, if we accept that we are made up of billions of interacting cells that house the total body of knowledge that our spiritual consciousness has gathered and retained during pre-existence and infused into us currently in this space and time, the ensuing phenomena becomes easier to digest and discern. These so-called memory cells can and do react physiologically to all this input.
Yes folks, this is all part of Mind Theory and Carl Jung and the Conscious, Subconscious and Superconscious. But let’s venture anyway …
MORPHIC RESONATION … Have you ever had and unexplained and irresistible affinity with a thing or a place?
There are several definitions out there but basically Morphic Resonation occurs when the subconscious is physically confronted with a person or place that is so profoundly familiar from a past life that it triggers the conscious mind and brings about a total recall that is totally recognizable. The resonation occurs whole body – mentally, emotionally and spiritually and is undeniable. If you’re thinking déjà vu, think of it as compounded and multiplied by a gazillion.
On June 22, 2010, a young man who we shall call “Jim” visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. He had recently been undeniably drawn to the Egyptian exhibit and the cut-away model of an Egyptian Royal Tomb of the New Kingdom that was exhibited there. He had no interest in anything “Egyptian” prior to this sudden impulse to go there and “see.” He had never read any Egyptian history and was not attracted to any media concerning Egypt. If anything he had a dislike of the culture.
Oddly enough, Egyptian artifacts are only a small part of the Anthropological collections in the museum. There is a more extensive exhibit in the American Museum if Natural History which is located across Central Park from the Met. It was the cut away that interested Jim. Upon his first view of the exhibit, Jim became cognizant of “mistakes” in the structure and presentation of the model right down to the minutest details. He began to scribble notes all over his brochure so that when he returned home he could verify these “strange” findings. He was quite disgruntled feeling that the exhibit owed more to Hollywood than to Egyptology and he was certainly mind boggled at the notes he had scribbled on the brochure. AND search Jim did, finding enough evidence which provoked even more recognition and also a visit to a past life regressionist. Not just one but two past lifetimes associated with Egypt were uncovered. One life was that of a physician and the other as an architect located in the Valley of Kings who worked on the cliff tombs carved there. The architect was apparently of the same age Jim was currently when he first received the impulse to go “see.”
PNEUMATIC TRAVELERS … Are you on a Universal mission?
This concept often gets confused with Time Travelers (transversing the time/space continuum) and Soul Travel (expansion of consciousness). In essence, Pneumatic Travelers are those souls who have agreed to be sent by a higher power (God/source) wherever they are needed in the universe. They literally volunteer to incarnate … wherever.
There are several traits common amongst Pneumatic Travelers – a definite acceptance of sacrifice and life discomfort, often an uncommon empathy for others, kindness and generosity and an overwhelming commitment to service. There is a strong unwillingness to just sit idly by and watch someone else suffer if they can help.
Recently on the TV show Secret Millionaire, nine year old Jonas Corona, CEO of Love in the Mirror, a charity that for the last three years has been providing needy and homeless youth basic necessities such as food, clothing and learning materials spoke out, "I was trying to just do my thing and not think about it." Hilary DeCesare, co-founder of — and yes, a millionaire sought out Jonas and concluded the following about him:
"This little boy opened the door," Hilary recounts, "and I said, 'I'm looking for the person that runs Love in the Mirror.' And he kind of blushed and said, 'I do.' […] His mission in life is to help people and to give them a chance to really look inside themselves and see the beauty in what sometimes is an environment that normally wouldn't have anything beautiful coming out of it … I wish everybody could spend some time with that kid. […] He's like an old soul.”
An old soul indeed.
Don’t take my word for it. If you ever get the chance, sit down and talk to a Pneumatic Traveler. They will make you feel as though you’re in 1st grade. Hilary certainly did.
WALK-INS … WHO the hell are you?
To be quite frank, I am of the opinion that from a very basic spiritual, physiological and physical view this is impossible … psychologically – it's a whole different ball park. I am still willing to study any well presented proofs or theories. I have certainly listened to more than my share of those who believe this is their experience.
This controversy seems to been mainly stimulated by Ruth Montgomery’s 1984 book Strangers Among Us in which she introduced the concept of soul/spirit swapping called “walk-ins.” As we are all well aware the proposal of walk-ins took off getting plenty of media coverage and the implementation of all sorts of support groups and offshoot concept such as star seeds etc., etc.
So in essence we have soul #1 and soul # 2 who have made a deal. Soul # 1 for whatever reason decides it is done living out the usually overwhelming atrocities of life and wants to leave and continue its journey elsewhere leaving the physical body for soul #2 as the willing participant, to step in and take over. Confusion of course abounds once this happens since soul # 2 has not been afforded the role of entering the body of an infant who is allowed to grow and acclimate to the environment. There-in the suspicions abound and further issues occur. It can get quite messy and is always illogical.
From Michael Newton Ph.D:
“I am troubled by the walk-in theory as another escape mechanism. I believe the whole idea of walk-ins to be a false concept. According to the proponents of this theory, tens of thousands of souls now on this planet came directly into their physical body without going through the normal process of birth and childhood. We are told that these possessing souls are enlightened beings who are permitted to take over the adult body of a soul who wants to check out early because life has become too difficult. Therefore, the walk-in soul is actually performing a humanitarian act, according to devotees of this theory. I call this possession by permission … To give another soul permission to come in and take over your karmic life plan defeats the whole purpose of your coming to Earth in the first place! It is deluded reasoning to assume that the walk-in would wish to complete their own karmic cycle in a body originally selected and assigned to someone else. If I am a senior in a high school trigonometry class, would I leave my class and go down the hall to a freshman algebra class where a student is struggling with an exam and tell him I'll finish the exam for him so he can leave early? This is a lose-lose situation for both students — and what teacher would permit it?”
WHY indeed?
[MICHAEL NEWTON, Ph.D. holds a doctorate in Counseling Psychology, is a certified Master Hypnotherapist and a member of the American Counseling Association]
ASTRAL CATALEPSY … Get the f*ck off me!
Most of us have experienced this one – that totally unnerving episode of being woken up out of a dead sleep and feeling paralyzed and unable to breathe as if something or someone weighing a ton was sitting on the chest. Paranormal Investigators often have a field day with this ruling out or ruling in menacing entities that are generally up to no good. The most important point to note in these cases is that the person is not insane they simply took a trip out of body.
The term astral catalepsy was coined way back in 1930 by Sylvan Muldoon an American researcher and writer who spent most of his life recording his own personal astral travels at night while he slept …
Muldoon's first recorded astral trip during sleep started with his waking up in the middle of the night to find himself unable to move, see or hear, with a painful sensation of severe pressure on his head. As his senses and ability to move returned, and the pressure on his head subsided, he realized that he was actually outside his body, floating above the bed and able to look down on himself and watch himself sleep. He was conscious of his spirit being pulled from a horizontal position to a vertical one as it left his body, and of embarking on a very detailed tour of the house in which he, in his spirit form, was able to move with great ease through doors and walls … And then he was above his body again, his spirit was pulled back into a horizontal position, and he experienced the same paralysis, loss of senses and pressure on his head that he had gone through earlier. After a feeling of being jerked abruptly back into his body, he sat bolt upright in bed, in a complete panic, able to remember and immediately write down the whole sequence of events with crystal clarity. ~ Phenomena
WOWZA! Understandable? Yes. Frightening? Yes.
Enter the medical department and sleep research …
Sleep paralysis usually occurs at one of two times. If it occurs while you are falling asleep, it's called hypnagogic or predormital sleep paralysis. If it happens as you are waking up, it's called hypnopompic or postdormital sleep paralysis. During sleep, your body alternates between REM (rapid eye movement) and NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep. One cycle of REM and NREM sleep lasts about 90 minutes. NREM sleep occurs first and takes up to 75% of your overall sleep time. During NREM sleep, your body relaxes and restores itself. At the end of NREM, your sleep shifts to REM. Your eyes move quickly and dreams occur, but the rest of your body remains very relaxed. Your muscles are "turned off" during REM sleep. If you become aware before the REM cycle has finished, you may notice that you cannot move or speak. Sleep researchers conclude that, in most cases, sleep paralysis is simply a sign that your body is not moving smoothly through the stages of sleep. Rarely is sleep paralysis linked to deep underlying psychiatric problems.
Up to as many as four out of every 10 people may have sleep paralysis. This common condition is often first noticed in the teen years. But men and women of any age can have it. Sleep paralysis may run in families. Other factors that may be linked to sleep paralysis include:
- a lack of sleep
- a sleep schedule that changes
- mental conditions such as stress or bipolar disorder
- sleeping on the back
- other sleep problems such as narcolepsy or nighttime leg cramps
- use of certain medications
- substance abuse ~ courtesy WEB MD
This leaves the issue regarding when exactly REM occurs as it is tied to the ability to astral travel in the first place and the whole OOB and Luicd Dreaming variants. The latest: 'sleep paralysis' or 'astral cataleptic state' occurs as a result of the transition Beta – Alpha, and Low Alpha brainwaves. It's really the first stages of sleep, the 1-4 cycle is a journey from beta (alert) to alpha (relaxed), then theta (asleep) to delta (deep sleep, coma). There have been studies proposing that the Obe experience happened during the REM stage, so, neurophysiologically there would be no distinction between Obe and dream.
Such a tangled web we weave …
“Perceptions fuse to form conceptions. Conceptions unite to become reason.”
Oh thank you ADMoon – I do hope it was somewhat helpful.
Great blog Logos.With both
Great blog Logos.
With both "Morhpic Resonation" and "Pneumatic Travellers", I'll reserve an opinion on them. I won't deny their possibility, but I've never personally experienced either one, so I just don't know.
"Walk-ins". I would tend to agree with what you write that Micheal Newton said on this. I find it highly unlikely, for the exact reasons Mr. (Dr?) Newton mentions. From a Karmic point of view the idea just doesn't make any sense.
"Astral Catalepsy". This is something I've had a great deal of experience with myself. I frequently have the leg cramps in sleep. Usually painful enough to wake me from sleep. I"m also one of those people that practices intentional astral projecton. I've found that no matter how much I prepare prior to 'travelling', the process seems to be somewhat "hit and miss" for me. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes not. The furthest I have intentionally travelled is across the county. 3000 miles. Its been confirmed by cousins in the destination portion of the travel saw me. But the 2 most shocking incidents happened by accident.
1) I was awake in a trance state. I believe I entered a different dimension. It felt like I had been gone for roughly 6 hours, but witnesses that were there in the room say I was 'zoned out' for about 3 minutes. So if I did go to another dimension, then time functions differently there. I must repeat this was a complete accident.
2) This happened when I was asleep. I became conscientious of the fact that I was in an environment that was completelly unknown to me. Gradually I began to look around at my surroundings. With a shock I realized I could see the Earth. Not the dirt on the ground. The actual planet. I was in Space. Naturally, I did what any one would do. I panicked. I believe it was my panic that drove me back to my body and woke me. Since I was asleep at the time, I'm uncertain if this was a honest 'travel' or a dream. But as I said if it was a 'travel' then it was a complete accident.
Enjoyed reading the blog Logos. Thanks.
and thank you Digger …
… for sharing your experiences!
Often when we share what has happened to us we find that many others have experienced similar and that is when we can arrive at answers or resolutions.
Thanks again!