“Now before we go into our moment of silence there is something I must make very clear, and that is this effort we discussed last night. If there is one reason in this whole vast world why people fail it is because they are unaware of a law known to psychologists today as the law of reverse effort. When you assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled it is with a minimum of effort. You must control the direction of the movements of your attention. But you must do it with the least effort. If there is effort in the control, and you are compelling it in a certain way you are not going to get the results. You will get the opposite results, what ever they might be.” – Neville Goddard
Always control the movement of your attention – feel what you would feel if your wish was fulfilled – with a minimum of effort.
Why is minimum effort so important?
Because struggle creates struggle. Because force creates more force.
so relax, use an effortless effort , and remember a few key points that Neville recommends :
“The event must always imply fulfillment of the wish. Always construct an event which you believe you would naturally encounter following the fulfillment of your desire. You are the judge of what event you really want to realize.”
what mistake is commonly made? many people focus on the “wish” itself in a session. The “Neville way” is to focus instead on a scene that implies the wish has been fulfilled. This is why Congratulatory Conversations work wonderfully.
“That is why we insist on establishing the basis of the Bible as Adam slept. That is the first creative act, and there is no record where he was ever awakened from this profound sleep. While he sleeps creation stops. You change your future best when you are in control of your thoughts while in a state akin to sleep, for then effort is reduced to its minimum. Your attention seems to completely relax, and then you must practice holding your attention within that feeling, without using force, and without using effort.” – Neville Goddard

Super Neville
Because struggles creates struggle. Because force creates force,
I love plain and simple as it is usually the most effective.
"The firm, the enduring, the simple, and the modest are near to virute." ~Confucius
I’ll take this away with me –
“The event must always imply fulfillment of the wish. Always construct an event which you believe you would naturally encounter following the fulfillment of your desire. You are the judge of what event you really want to realize.”
This blog hit me where it counts!
Oh yeah!
In my book Goddard is a wise prestidigitator. Magic in th words and magic in the message and magic in the application.