For most of my life I have tried to maintain what I perceived as balance in my life, my work and play. It never seemed that hard when I was younger maybe because I saw myself as a middle of the road type of person never going to extremes. Then the day came when my doctor threw out the “M” word and in that one shocking moment my life became totally unbalanced.
Well, I soon realized I needed to take a closer look at my life if I wanted to become a balanced woman again. This meant examining my “self” on all levels… physically, mentally and spiritually. What I discovered was that there were no set rules because even though we are each so different and unique there are many things we can do to insure balance in our lives at any stage of life.
My quest has taken me down many paths and the information I have gathered has proven to be very helpful in my life so I’d like to share some of it with you.
The recurring theme I found from classes on energy and healing to Quantum Physics was this idea of how powerful thoughts are in creating our lives, our biology and eventually the world around us. From the moment we are born the customs and environment begin shaping our behavior and experiences building within us our ideas, mindsets and the way we view the world. These are the foundations that really set the tone of our thoughts as we move through life. As new information is received we decide how we will act on this new information. Unfortunately a lot of the information we take in from the world around us is not to our advantage especially when it comes to the worlds view on body image. It seems the world would like us all to be the same but we’re not. Have you ever met anyone exactly like you? The reason we don’t is because we are all unique.
When we come into this life we are gifted with a magnificent body. Turns out our bodies are the most complex organism on earth. If you look at the number of processes that is takes for us to just breathe, move, hear, see, digest, eliminate, think and simply stay alive its mind-boggling. Yet as wonderful as we are most of us hate or strongly dislike our bodies and treat them with very little respect. We feed our bodies dead processed, chemical laden food and then wonder why we are heavy, tired and depressed. We tell others and ourselves how much we hate our thighs, our stomachs and our cellulite. When we look in a mirror instead of seeing the great work we are we see something wrong with our hair, our skin or the way our clothes fit.
One important thing we may not realize is that each of our cells which are so complete and complex are listening to everything we say and are responding to our words and thoughts by giving us exactly what we are complaining about.
It is important what we put into our bodies but, it is just as important if not more important what we put into our minds. “Current neuroscience has proven that our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions affect out bodies at a cellular and chemical level, significantly affecting energy and health.”1 It’s a choice to begin to live consciously. To become aware of the thoughts you have on a daily basis about body, weight and our lives in general. When we are not conscious of our thoughts they can get away from us so quickly. We also tend to be so hard on ourselves holding us personally to a much higher standard than anyone else around us. It may seem hard at first catching those negative thoughts but eventually the more aware you are of the type of thoughts your having the easier it is.
A great exercise to do each day is to take ten to fifteen minutes sometime during the day and come up with a sort of picture of yourself. Write these thoughts down so you can say them out loud with intention and strong emotion. As your picture of yourself changes so will the thoughts you express. To give you an example you may say, "I see myself in perfect health." I see myself invigorated with life appreciating everyone and everything in my life. With practice, being conscious of your thoughts will begin to spill over into other areas of your life. As they do, add other thoughts to your picture, things like I choose continuing abundance, joy, balance, harmony, wonderful relationships, being unlimited in all you do. Whatever you can think of you can create in your life. The more we come to understand the power of our thoughts the more interest you will have in deliberately directing them, for we get what we think about, whether we want it or not.
Have you ever stopped to consider where all the input comes from? Ninety percent of it comes from the world around us. Shows we watch, newspapers we read, the conversations that we have. That’s billions of bits of information going into our brains daily and we take it all in like computers and have to process and file it away somewhere. Maybe that’s why we spend time trying to understand things that may not apply to us or carry around big files of unresolved issues. We need to be aware of what we put into our databanks. When we understand and recognize the correlation between what we are thinking and feeling and what is showing up in our lives then we’ll become more aware of our thoughts. Once we have that realization that’s when we begin to direct our thoughts to create positive life experiences, bodies that function at their highest and all the things we would like in our lives.
So I encourage you to start today no matter how things appear in your life now. Disregard those things and focus only on how you would like things to be. Most importantly do not pay attention to how others may see you and what they may have to say. With practice you will recognize a faulty thought and change it to a positive one and by doing this you will begin to make changes in your life. Sickness can become wellness, bad relationships can be replaced with good relationships, lack of prosperity can become prosperity, and an unbalanced life can be balanced and so on.
When we stop going through life on autopilot merely observing what’s going on around us and we take back control of our lives and thoughts we begin to create positive changes. You will come to know that there is nothing that you cannot be, do, or have. Happy thoughts!!!
1The energy prescription by Constance Grauds and Doug Childers