Levitation In The Great Pyramid?

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By Morgana

Levitation In The Great Pyramid?

Did the Ancient Egyptians have advanced scientific knowledge unknown to us?  Is this how the Great Pyramid was built and how other objects they produced that defy explanation in the conventional sense were made? Levitation has for many years been suggested as a way that would raise the heavy limestone and granite blocks used to build the pyramid.  Is there any evidence that this was used either from historical records or recent scientific experiments? 

Let us first look at some historical records.  Masoudi, an Arab historian of the 10th century wrote that the Egyptians used magic spells to move large blocks.  His account is the following:

"In carrying on the work, leaves of papyrus, or paper, inscribed with certain characters, were placed under the stones prepared in the quarries; and upon being struck, the blocks were moved at each time the distance of a bowshot (which would be a little over 200 feet), and so by degrees arrived at the pyramids."

Was this story made up by Masoudi, or is there some truth in it?  Is it possibly that he was reporting on an early legend that the blocks were moved mysteriously and the story of the inscribed papyrus was added to embellish the story?  Or were the blocks placed on some unknown apparatus (mistaken by the historian to be a piece of papyrus) that would levitate them.  If you strip away all the additions and embellishments to a legend, sometimes you are left with a strand of truth.

There are many other legends of construction of temples, buildings, etc. that used mysterious or magical means to lift blocks.  These stories abound in Mayan and Greek legends and even in the Bible.  In the opposite sense, the walls of Jericho were brought down by marching around the walls, the blowing of trumpets, and shouting.  Maybe to be funny, we could call this downward Levitation.

In modern times, there have been many reports by travelers to the east (India, Tibet, China, etc.) that holy men or ascetics have the ability to levitate objects.  Again, could this have been produced by slight of hand, imagination, or suggestion?  It appears that there are too many of these stories by reliable witnesses to dismiss the possibility that these holy men developed some sort of ability to levitate objects.  More recently, followers of Maharish Mahesh Yogi (founder of Transcendental Meditation) have claimed through a specific program of training and discipline to be able to levitate.  They are working on scientific confirmation of these results.  

Through out history levitation has been associated with either mysterious objects, some type of sonic vibrations, and sometimes electrical effects.  This really has a modern scientific ring to it.  We know that the effects of sound, harmonics, vibration, etc. can produce some modest levitation.   

There are some interesting stories in the 19th century.  One is of John Keely who lived in Pennsylvania.  He claimed to have been able to levitate metal balls and other objects.  One interesting note is that he also claimed to be able to disintegrate granite.  Granite contains quartz, which is a crystal, and by causing the quartz to resonate at an extreme rate, it would cause the granite to break up or disintegrate.    This rings a bell with some of the research and speculation that the granite in the King's Chamber and the possibility of it producing piezoelectric effects.  To continue, it is reported that he would produce the effect by making his objects with a combination of copper, gold, platinum, and silver.  To produce the levitation, he would blow on his trumpet a sustained note. He actually went as far to almost produce his apparatus for commercial sales, but he had arguments with his backers and he destroyed his notes. 

Another story involves Edward Leedskalnin, who at his home in Florida, built a castle entirely from large blocks of coral weighing  between 20 to 30 tons.  The total castle was composed of blocks totaling some 1,100 tons and it took him 28 years to complete.  He claims to have done it all by himself.  He never has revealed his secret and took it to the grave.  Chris Dunn has investigated this and calls it the "Coral Castle Mystery".  Chris suggests that Leedskalnin had discovered some means of locally reversing the effects of gravity.  He speculates that he generated a radio signal that caused the coral to vibrate at its resonant frequency, and then used an electromagnetic field to flip the magnetic poles of the atoms so they were in opposition to the earth's magnetic field. 

More recently, Tom Danley, an acoustics engineer,  has developed an acoustic levitation device, that can levitate small objects.  The 1991 Patent of the device reads:

"An acoustic levitator includes a pair of opposed sound  sources which have interfering sound waves producing acoustic energy wells in which an object may be levitated.  The phase of one sound source may be changed relative to the other in order to move the object along an axis between the sound sources."

Tom Danley also became interested in the Great Pyramid.  Here is an extract from his interview in FATE magazine in 1998.

"In the Great Cheops Pyramid in the King's Chamber an F-sharp chord is resident, sometimes below the range of human hearing.  Former NASA consultant Tom Danley feels the sound may be caused by wind blowing cross the ends of the air shafts and causing a pop-bottle effect.  These vibrations, some ranging as low a 9 hertz down to 0.5 hertz, are enhanced by the dimensions of the Pyramid, as well as the King's Chamber and the sarcophagus case inside.  According to Danley, even the type of stone was selected to enhance these vibrations."

In a 1997 video, JJ Hurtak said "this chord (F-sharp) is the harmonic of planet Earth to which native Americans still tune their instruments, and is in perfect harmony with the human body."  

In the Great Pyramid these sounds are infrasonic vibrations,  meaning they are below the level of human hearing.

Chris Dunn proposes that the source of these infrasonic vibrations come from the earth itself, magnified by the acoustic properties of the Great Pyramid.  Boris Said related to Art Bell the following:  that the granite blocks forming the floor of the King's Chamber were sitting on corrugated support blocks, which would cause minimal distortion to their ability to resonant.  

Paul Horn, using a Korg tuner,  found that when he struck the coffer it registered the note A with a frequency of 440 cps.  Dunn also discovered that when he struck the coffer it registered with a frequency of 438 cps and that the entire chamber was designed to amplify and resonate that frequency and octaves thereof.   Dunn's matrix tuner was inferior to Horn's Korg tuner, and his 438 was close enough to Horn's 440.  This has been confirmed by other researchers.

Another researcher, John Reid, an acoustic engineer stated that while he was lying in the coffer and vocalizing various tones he was staggered by the intensity of the reflected energy.  He said "the effect of lying in the sarcophagus while toning its prime resonant frequency is almost like taking a bath.  Waves of sonic energy wash over your body almost like water".  

It does not appear that all  this was accidental or incorporated for a ritual.  It must have had a more important purpose.  We agree with Dunn that these acoustic properties were deliberately built into the Great Pyramid in order to create a resonant chamber.  Dunn also feels that this formed part of an energy plant (see Chris Dunn's research in our research section for more details).

Does this mean that the Ancient Egyptians knew how to do sonic levitation?  At this time, all we can say is that from basic principles of sonic levitation,  the structural design of the pyramid (especially the King's Chamber), and recent research in levitation – the possibility is there.  Much more research needs to be done but this is an area that needs to be pursued. 



Giza The Truth, Ian Lawton and Chris Ogilvie-Herald, 1999.

The Giza Power Plant, Christopher Dunn, 1998.

