Image by WALTER ANTONIO Boeger from Pixabay
Let’s keep this simple:
Today, lies are everywhere. The Media is ripe with liars of all sorts from the individual seeking Aggrandizement to politicians seeking power. So what makes the average person believe a lie? It starts with self deception.
Self-deception is a process of denying or rationalizing away the relevance, significance, or importance of opposing evidence andlogical argument. Self-deception involves convincing oneself of a truth (or lack of truth) so that one does not reveal any self-knowledge of the deception. 1
It seems that lying in today’s society has almost become moral. Does that imply it is ok because it is a means to an end? Anyone with two brain sparks looking at the news will know without a doubt this is so. And they have morally chosen the side they think is true.
How does this all get justified in the human thought process? Consider some of these circumstances:
A person who has always valued truth in the long run and suffered for it time and time again may finally decide that a lie is preferable to being hurt. It becomes not only justifiable it becomes ethical. As this spreads, it can become a community standard of deception. It is simply easier and pays off better to believe a lie and propagate and spread that lie.
No wonder we are in trouble.
What fuels all this is personal and group think that it would be unbearable to be proven wrong which is an ego deficit. Who wants to be proven a fool when they are riding high on the golden sleigh of deceit?
As time goes on, hate to be cliche, but the truth will come out. It will be a bitter pill and many will resist and persist in upholding the lies out there never to be convinced otherwise. Counseling would be helpful because in general those who believe in lies have low self esteem coupled with a poor sense of self. They will jump onto any boat of lies because it proposes power such as the political party in power for example. What they should really be is afraid of IS such platforms and run away screaming. But again, that would requjire an internal come to Jesus meeting with themselves forcing them to think for themselves which they are not capable of doing.
It’s “safer” and more empowering you see to stick with the lie. No one can get you … that is until the liars themselves come for you.