Some of our fears are caused by future events that we are afraid of now, in the present time. When our thoughts are not engaged by this fear of the future, we often turn towards offences and pains we have suffered in the past. Memories such as ”I was humiliated,” ”deserted,” ”kicked,” ”ignored,” ”called a liar,” ”cheated on,” ”robbed” fill our minds.
In our spiritual Journey, when we are burning in the fire of fear, we fail to recognize that the final root of all our fears is the fear of death which hogties us, makes our life bitter and prevents us from fully experiencing the joy of Existence.
Because of those fears (regular or permanent anxiety, a sense of being threatened, or outright panic) the Ego-dominated mind cries for an urgent treatment.
Society offers a “solution” to that problem through entertainment and medical industrie, the production of consumer goods and stimulants. These are all prosperous, tremendously lucrative businesses. They afford “effective” remedies, suppress and treat the fear the spiritual Seeker experiences on their journey.
Despite all the “help” society has to offer, there are periods in the life of the spiritual Seeker when he/she will be alone and the “wrath generator” begins working. The “I am angry” is an expressive indicator of the venom circulating in the system of the individual, causing spiritual and physical destruction and diseases. Fear in this way turns into anger, performing its destrcutive work in the life of the spiritual Seeker.
“But why am I angry at all just because of the recollection of a negative event that took place in the past? And why remembering something that should not have had to happen in the first place?”– the spiritual Seeker may ask himself the question.
But the spiritual Seeker often expects the answer all in vain. Because of the lack of Consciousness, the spiritual Seeker fails to recognize that he/she insists on the emotions generated by hatred and wrath that he/she considers as justified, instead of choosing the quiet and peace of Consciousness. The reason for that is that the Ego wants to defend itself.
The spiritual Seeker does not realize that in connection with past events the question is not that they were good or bad, since those things are dead and gone, they do not exist. Still, the spiritual Seeker will exhumate events of the past in order to identify, unite with them.
Another strategy of the Ego-dominated mind forces the spiritual Seeker to find shelter from the fear and anger in nostalgic memories of the past and an expected brighter future. These images provide good feelings, and for a brief period take the spiritual Seeker away from the effects of his fear and sorrow.
Without the “help” of the industries mentioned above, the flames of the fear and anger that look so frightening initially, would calm down and turn into a transmuting glow in which pure Consciousness would be born and awaken to its real Self.
The objectives of the nostalgic memories of the past and the beautiful visions of the future, as well as the social techniques aimed at suppressing fear are the same: to deprive the spiritual Seeker of the absolutely unique experience of Presence.
The spiritual Seeker would hear the message waiting for him/her for such a long time, beyond all fear and anger:
You are the Spirit, the pure Consciousness!
Frank M. Wanderer