Living The Law Of Love

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By aquinas

Many of you aspire to the state of un-conditional love, but in practice it evades most of you. Central to the law of Love is allowing. Firstly allowing yourself, then be allowing of all others and their creations and thoughts. Love is the total and complete acceptance of what is, that is love in its simplest definition. Even simpler yet, we can define love as allowing.

You receive Universal energy moment by moment, for there is a constant flow of this creative and powerful energy at all times. Your ability to use this energy for the purposes of creating the life that you want to live, is very much dependant upon your ability to allow. This is not only about the ability to receive, but it also means living in non-judgment, meaning allowing yourself to be who and what you are in each moment, and allowing others to be who and what they are.

The reason why most of you get tied up in non-allowing, is that you believe that in some way that another can influence your experience, influence your life. This is not so. No one can influence your life unless you have invited him or her to do so. You do not need to invite them consciously, but as you believe it and think it, so it is. If you believe that others can influence your life negatively, then so it is. If you believe that you cannot be happy until this or that changes, then so it is, if you believe that you cannot find peace until this or that circumstance changes, then so it will be. Each thought that you offer to the Universe draws to you the object of your attention. Whatever it is that you are focusing on not only comes into your experience, but it also grows.

Through practicing the law of love, which is un-conditional allowing, you are in fact acknowledging that you are the creator of your life experience. As you allow others to be who they wish to be, you are in turn allowing yourself to receive more of the delicious life force energy that is flowing to you.

Love is all about allowing others to create the experience that they are having, and knowing that you have the power to create the experience that you are wanting. It means that no matter what they are saying about the economy or world affairs, that you can create your own island of wealth and peace. You create your own experience, and participating in the mass beliefs that do not serve your joy and inner being is a choice. We do not suggest that you withdraw from the world because it is a ‘bad place’, but rather, to set the example through focusing only on that which you find to be good and uplifting and through not being influenced by the general fears of the masses. Do not judge your fellow man or woman for not being ’spiritual’ or positive enough. All beings are spiritual beings, whether they know it or not. All beings have had many lifetimes, whether they know it not. Your task is to live a life of joy. If in the process you are able to share your vision of the world and of your experience with another, then do so. But do not think badly of them if they do not see your point of view. A point of view is exactly that. Truth is individual, and how you experience the world or even peanut butter, is quite different to how another experiences it. Each time you move into the lack of allowing, you stop the flow life force energy through your system. Not only does this take you further away from your source, from your inner self, it also makes it more difficult for you to create that which you are wanting.

You may feel, because you are on the spiritual path, that it is your duty to inform others of your insights. Do so only with their asking and offer only when they seek guidance or your thinking. However, let them be, allow all to be who they are. Honor the love and light within them because they, like you, are perfect as you are. Many of you still believe that you are here to prove yourself worthy of God, that in some way you are lacking and that you are here to gain that which is missing. It is not like this at all. There is no higher authority for you to measure up to, only the ability to follow your inner desires. The work that you came to do in this lifetime was to master the law of love, to master the art of allowing. Allow all to be in their experience, even that which offends you. It does not mean that you need to allow those who offend you to violate your boundaries, but we would encourage to ask how it is that you drew these people into your experience. For everything in your experience has been brought there by way of attraction and it is your thinking that attracts.

That which you do not allow is brought into your experience purely for the purposes of releasing it. You see, the Universe does not understand yes and no, it only understands focus. Therefore a strong sense of not allowing concerning this or that, is focus in its own right. Therefore that which you are not allowing will be drawn unto you. The reaction that most of you have to those things that you do not allow is to resist them, to try to push them away. This in turn is even more focus on exactly that which you do not want, therefore, even more of the same thing is being drawn into your life because that is where your focus is.

Allow yourself to be who you are right here and now. You are perfect in all your ways, perfect and lovable exactly as you are. You are not complete, just as the Universe in not complete, for experience creates learning and more desire for experience and learning, and so it goes on into infinity. No one in this Universe is complete, but all are perfect. Many of you get into the mode of not allowing because you are imagining that enlightenment or spiritual awakening is a defined finishing point. Indeed, it is not dear ones — there is no end, just many, many new beginnings. We invite you not to look at the end result, but to enjoy the journey with its wondrous unfolding and revelation. You are here to create a life of joy, nothing more, nothing less. Find that which gives you joy and do it, and allow all others to be exactly as they are, and give that gift to yourself too!

John Payne