By Anonymous –, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.or/w/index.php?curid=6822437
There has always been much speculation about the infamous Borden murders and it remains a cold case. One theory regards a male intruder, a stranger, who did the deed. But what about an illegitimate child? A child who had been ignored his whole life and was cut out of any will. According to author Arnold Brown in Lizzie Borden: The Legend, The Truth, The Final Chapter, William “Billy” Borden fit the bill.
William Borden was a real person, but there is no evidence he was related to Andrew Borden, however other accounts say he was a ‘cousin’ to Lizzie and Emma Borden.
William Borden, an apple farmer and horse renderer who lived several miles north of Fall River, had been rumored for years as being the illegitimate son of Andrew. The Borden family, however, adamantly denied such talk. William was more than slightly “touched.” He was always going around talking about rich men and rich sisters and of wealth that someday would be his. When he was drunk on “ice cider,” a type of homemade applejack liquor, such claims became louder and more frequent.
According to Taunton State records researched in 1995, William Borden was in the asylum. The time of his stay at the facility is recorded as December 8, 1874 to December 2, 1875 and one other time prior to 1901. Also according to records insanity was hereditary in the family and lists two sisters and two aunts as “insane.” William S. Borden committed ‘suicide by hanging.’ He was found hanging from a tree on New Boston Road in Fall River, on April 17, 1901 (death record). Obviously a birth certificate would clear all this up, however it seems to be commonly held that the certificate was impounded. Author A. R. Brown explained why he could find no birth certificate. The birth certificate of an illegitimate child was not public knowledge by Massachusetts law. That is also an unsubstantiated statement.
According to the Fall River police blotter Andrew and Abigail Borden were murdered on their home at 92 2nd Street, Fall River Massachusetts on August 4, 1892 at 11:15 am.
What does an event chart reveal? Derivative houses are used to view conditions surrounding both the victims and assailant.
courtesy of Star Logic Astrodynamics
Mr. and Mrs. Borden are ruled by the 1st house, Libra, Venus and Uranus. Venus is intercepted in the 9th house (at 9 degrees Cancer 58 minutes) indicating the murders took place in enclosed rooms. The murderer is ruled by the 7th house, Aries and Mars. By aspect, Venus is exactly inconjunct (mutually applying within 2 degrees 11 minutes to retrograde Mars (at 12 degrees Aquarius 10 minutes) indicating fatality.
The Sun rules the event (12 degrees Leo 40 minutes) in the 10th house is sextile Neptune and Pluto in the 8th house (death) – all three are inconjunct the Part of Murder (14 degrees Capricorn 38 minutes) in the intercepted 3rd house forming a YOD. Uranus (the unexpected) is also inconjunct Neptune and Pluto in the 8th house.
Let’s have an additional look at Venus. It is sextile Mercury (8 degrees Virgo 48 minutes) which rules the 11th house ruler of conditions beyond control. Venus and Mercury are both inconjunct Mars forming a double quincunx. Venus rules the victim’s 8thhouse of death and inheritance, their 1st house and misfortunate 12th house. The assailant’s house of money, the 8th house, is again ruled by Venus.
The Arabian Part of the Male Child (27 degrees Aquarius 35 minutes) is square the Part of Assassination (27 degrees Scorpio 30) in the 2nd house of heredity. The solstice point (2 degrees Scorpio 25 minutes) of the Part of the Male Child is conjunct Uranus (2 degrees Scorpio 16 minutes) in Andrew Borden’s 1st house. Uranus rules illegitimacy. The Part of the Male Child is inconjunct Saturn (27 degrees Virgo 14 minutes), the father figure, in the 11th house of conditions beyond control. The Part of Assassination’s solstice point (3 degrees Aquarius) is conjunct the end of the matter.
The Part of Fortune (11 degrees Pisces 21 minutes) in the Borden’s 5th house of children becomes the Part of Misfortune because it is in Pisces. Some believe this degree of Pisces is also the degree of death. The Part of Death (29 degrees Pisces 13 minutes) is also in the 5th house of children. The ascendant is inconjunct (fatality) the Part of Death in the 5th. The Part of Death is also conjunct the Fixed Star Scheat (28 degrees Pisces), a star of violence, disgrace, melancholy and loneliness and murder.
Pisces on the 5th house cusp indicates sorrow and sacrifice regarding children and love affairs. Mars in the 4th house when afflicted indicates death on the premises and trouble with inheritance. It should also be noted that Mars rules axes and hatchets and when in the 4th, death.
In this chart, the Moon, ruler of activities is besieged by Mars and Uranus. The Moon’s last aspect over Uranus indicates a violent death.
The South Node (12 degrees Scorpio 41 minutes) is in the 1st house which is the assailant’s house of open enemies. Jupiter (24 degrees Aries 48 minutes) is one of the rulers of inheritance. It is in the Borden’s 6th house of stress and the assailant’s 12th house of self-undoing. The fickle Moon in the 2nd house which is the murderer’s 8th house denotes a change in his inheritance. The Part of Passion (27 degrees Aries 54 minutes) is conjunct Jupiter and the 7th house cusp. This is a degree of decadence and the breaking up of family and traditions.
Was William ‘Billy’ Borden a disgruntled bastard who was the murderer? What do you think?
Today’s Astrologer, The Enigma of Lizzie Borden. Lawrence White