Long Term Cycles – Kondratiev Meets The Precession

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By ANTARA - Manager

Long Term Cycles – Kondratiev Meets The Precession

Kondratiev did not look at very long term waves that span many generations. He also did not realize that the Kondratiev-Wave contains a Fractal pattern, the fractal of the Seasons.

A fractal-pattern repeats itself on many levels with different periodicity. If you understand the fractal pattern, the levels and the frequencies of the Harmonic Universe, it becomes very easy to predict the short and long term future. According to Kondratiev the Depression will have ended around 2012.

The harmonic levels interfere, creating resonances or overtones. The self-referencing harmonic structure of the Universe can be seen in Nature, Music (the Music of the Spheres) and Colors (The Seven Rays).

One of the most important cycles for this moment is not the Kondratiev but the Precession. It is a very long time cycle with a periodicity of about 25.000 years.

The Cycle played a very important role in Astrology. The precession predicts a very important transformation around 2012. This transformation coincides with the start of the Spring Phase in the Kondratiev Cycle.

Around 2012 the Very Long Term Precession Cycle synchronizes or conjuncts with the “long term” Kondratiev Cycle. The Cycles are “added up”. Around 2012 we will were to experience a Giant Jump into the State of the Imagination and Creation.

Another very Long Term Cycle is the Cycle of Culture. This Cycle has a periodicity of 1250 years. Strangely enough this cycle also moves into the Spring-State around 2012.

The coming Spring-state in 2012 will start with an Innovation the World has never seen before.

The states of the cycles, the Seasons, are related to “Themes” or “Meta Narratives” (Myths). The old Magi, the Astrologers, used these themes to explain what would happen to the layman.

They projected the Story of the Precession on the Movement of the Stars and the Constellations. The Story of the Precession, the Zodiac, can be found in many myths in many cultures. If you understand the Myths of the Zodiac you know what will happen on the very long term and why it is happening.

The same Meta-Stories, written in the language and the metaphors of the Middle Ages, were later projected in the Cathedrals of the Masons. If you walk the labyrinth you will be guided through all the stages.

The meta-stories always appear in literature, art and in our time in Movies and Games. The Theme of the current Season is easily identified when you understand the Meta-Patterns.

Michael Bahktin found the meta-patterns (Chronotopes) of the Magi in literature and Joseph Campbell found the same Meta-Narratives when he researched ancient Myths.

He called the meta-patterns the Hero with a Thousand Faces. What is going to happen in the Short Term is visible in your Dreams. Jung has spent all his life to find the pattern behind dreams (The Archetypes). The Archetypes can be easily mapped to the meta-patterns of the Hero, the Chronotope and the Zodiac.

When you reflect about your dreams, the movies you like or are afraid of, the books you read, the paintings you paint, the poems you write and even about the “slips of the tongue” you know what is going to happen in the short term. Your Unconsciousness knows everything and the only thing to do is find the key to understand what it is telling you.

The theme of the Quest for the Grail, the Infinite Resource, is the theme of our Time. This theme is not a coincidence. Coincidences (signs and signifiers) are also not happening for nothing. They are trying to tell us something. The Western Mind has lost its focus on Signs, Dreams and Coincidences. They are funny or interesting stuff to talk about. I advice you to take them seriously because the Winter of Kondratiev in combination with all the other conjunctions will finally force you to accept a World behind the World you are Seeing.

The World behind the World is already known by the Physicist. They understand that the World is a Self-Reference, a Fractal. They also know that Linear Time is an Illusion and that there are many Universes. These Universes are now highly mixing with our own Material Universe.

This happens when major waves conjunct. Suddenly people start to communicate with Ghosts, talk with Trees, are aware of Extra Terrestrials and have strange feelings about being in different times in history at the same place. Believe me You are not going Crazy! You are moving like every Soul on Earth into the Great Conjunction.

The Cycle of Culture repeats itself just like the Kondratiev. We are not only going to repeat the Great Depression (Kondratiev) and the Phase of Aquarius (Precession). We are also repeating the Dark Middle Ages (2008-1250=758). Don’t you think our Time has a lot in common with this phase in Western History? It is not difficult to detect the new Witch-hunters (the Inquisition), the new Crusades (Iraq, Afghanistan), the new Plague (Aids) and the new global warming (The Medieval Warmth Period).
