Anyone who is a realm walker or half way decent metaphysician knows what happens on the lower end of the Astral Plane. That ghetto is the stuff nightmares are made of if you happen to visit the nastier and seedier end of that adventure and while I am certainly not the first person to write about this topic, it is worth yet another look and a reminder.
From the human view let’s take a look at what political hatred for one another has done and how we got there. Political hatred is hardly a new thing but in the past few years it has reached new heights and is not looking as though it will improve any time soon. I have come to think that people literally like it this way with bases of one party or another lording over its opposite relishing every blow and sucker punch dealt. Hate to put it this way but humans have turned into vicious animals bent on survival of the fittest. Of course this leads to only one thing self-destruction along with annihilation of any institutions that kept people bonded no matter what. In this country it is all a prelude to democratic collapse. Anyone with a mindset that this will still work like the good old days where, “If we don’t like that administration so we’ll just vote them out”, is sadly mistaken. The power mongers have a damn good grip and are not likely to relinquish control anytime soon – they’ve already shown what they can do.
From my research there are three trends that make sense for this human decline. The first is the steady nationalization of American politics. The second is the sorting of Democrats and Republicans along urban/rural and culturally liberal/culturally conservative lines, and the third is the increasingly narrow margins in national elections. In Washington, D.C., cross-party compromise is difficult, and both sides are increasingly holding out for complete control. Stalemate. Coupled with the complete decline and imminent collapse of the Media (who also take sides), the introduction of proposals and theories and “what matters” that go against ethics and virtues that still most people hold to heart and the rise in crime and all the convenient judges who dismiss cases and let felons go free, this is to say the least a miserable recipe – and once that cake is baked it’s good-bye American Pie.
Now, I will grant you there have been periods in history that were also terrible.
1861 was worse—with many, many hundreds of thousands of people dying in an extraordinarily bloody war. In some ways, 1968 was scarier, with all those assassinations and the protests at the Democratic [National] Convention in Chicago. But there is something new about the current type of polarization [known as “outing”.] What used to happen was: there were lots of conservatives in the Democratic Party and lots of liberals in the Republican Party. What we have [now] is an alignment of social identities that correspond to our political identities in a way that we’ve never seen before. –
The worst thing about this current human status is all the convenient moralization. We confront each other in public places and write vexing vitriol about one another on social media and in local newspapers. AS IF ANY OF THIS IS GOING TO MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE … not as long as humans continue to “not see the forest for the trees.” Here’ a shock for all – NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOU IS RIGHT ABOUT ANYTHING. So, shove the self-righteous attitudes. The only thing you have accomplished is giving your power away to a group of sadistic morons who will end up costing you everything you have and have ever known that has kept you safe. And you my friends are helping it along.
All those lovely little nasties sitting up in the lower astral plane watch and wait as you empower them. All the vitriol you spew travels right up to the ethers and makes it to their nostrils. They inhale it, feed off it and send it back with a vengeance. YUM – YUM – YUM. You read that correctly – it comes right back to the human source with a vengeance. It bombards everything and everyone keeping them (except for the few smart ones) in a state of anxiety, fear and submission. Psychologist’s office are full and they have no answers because even they don’t recognize this vicious cycle that is created by humans themselves. In all my Earth Years (all 75 of them) and my astraling to the realms I have seen this happen many times on different levels of severity both personal and collective. None of it produced good results. Ever.
My advice to you is to start with yourself.
Clean it up before it mops the floor with you and all the rest of us.