Mahavakyis – Sri Paul Twitchell
"All right, let's get started again," said Rebazar Tarzs. "Now to finish up the part on eternity which I've been holding back to the end of this particular discussion.
"Certain phenomena occurring in the high world has great interest to us at this point. In the beginning, let me explain it this way. We have those ECK Travelers who roam the universes from end unto end – except they do not often exactly enter into the real world of the SUGMAD.
"Of course, they enter the land of Anami Lok, and mingle freely with all of the inhabitants there, and go up on the ECK to where dwells the first manifestation of the Lord, but often the duties of instructing Souls do not cause them to go further than this.
"Within this region where dwells the SUGMAD, ITSELF, there are only a few beings who live and serve IT. These are the Mahavakyis, the Silent Travelers – and so mighty are these great ones that you seldom can confront them. Those who have been fortunate to come face to face with one of these superior beings have thought they were in the presence of the SUGMAD, ITSELF.
"These Silent Travelers are well named, for they are practically invisible to all eyes outside the world of the SUGMAD. As they come down from the highest region into those of the ECK, instead of taking form as one would imagine them doing, these superior beings remain in their cloaks of anonymity.
"These are what we know of as the Agents of the SUGMAD – those who travel anywhere through ITS vast empire on ITS business. These strange beings are actually the subordinates of the SUGMAD – in a way they are ITS deputies who carry out ITS will and wishes.
"Now all are subject to the laws of these strange, superior entities for they manifest at any point so desired in the universe and carry out some order, whether it is against the Lord of a certain plane, including the Omkar of the Daswan Dwar which directly corresponds to Kal Niranjan, ruler of the lower planes. It is the Mahavakyi's duty, not to question the orders they receive.
"They are in many forms among the inhabitants of all planes. Here on this earth plane they may be disguised as men, animals, birds or fish, and even rocks if it serves their purpose to carry out the mission of their Superior Commander.
"Much as some of the Spiritual Travelers know about the SUGMAD, little is known about these Silent Ones, who come and go like the winds of the world. The Spiritual Travelers have their own agents, as well as the Lords and Governors of the various regions of the universes; each in turn reports to his own chief and carries out his desire. But the Silent Travelers are not responsible to anyone but the Supreme SUGMAD. IT alone gives out their commissions to be carried out – and they must work for IT alone, or be cast out of the Heavens and into the lowest of the universes as Lucifer was near the beginning of time.
"These Silent Ones are in command of the great Sound Current, in the highest heavens, and are to give aid and comfort to the SUGMAD in ITS eternal home. They keep the planes balanced and in order, so that little destruction can come to them, should any of the inhabitants go on rampages and bring about the downfall of planes within planes. They are in charge of time, creativity, space, and other mechanical phases of the lower universes.
"They see that the planets in this world are properly hung in space so there will be no collision of them, by being out of their assigned positions.
"They have immense powers, and great wisdom to carry out their missions, and of course, unlimited freedom.
"Outside the SUGMAD, these Silent Travelers are the most powerful beings in all the worlds. And next to them are the Spiritual Travelers. The Lords and Governors of all the planes can be powerful within their own domain, but they are subject to the laws which govern them, and even the Kal Niranjan, as I have said before, will someday have to be reincarnated again. They are all limited in power, wisdom, and freedom.
"The ECK Masters know when the Silent Ones are around, and they will cooperate with them at the level upon which they are working at the time. The ECK travelers are subject to the Silent Ones; they do not have to obey, yet they will because it's realized always that the Silents are directly from the SUGMAD – out of love and respect, they will give their best cooperation, even though at times they wouldn't like to do so.
"So you have three levels of independent workers in eternity, who cooperate in the running of the worlds. First, the SUGMAD, the all Supreme Being, second, the Silent Travelers, who are ITS messengers or agents, and third, the ECK travelers who are both the agents of the SUGMAD and the Silent Ones. The three work together, in perfect harmony and understanding.
"The functions of the Silent Ones are to serve the purpose of the SUGMAD in running the universes, carrying out ITS laws and regulations; the Spiritual Travelers have the duty of seeing that Souls return to, and realize their mission in the kingdom of the SUGMAD.
"These are about the only duties that either of the groups have that are in common, otherwise they go their own way and live with their own without coming into contact with one another.
"Quite frequently the Silent Ones appear on earth in some form or other; at times they may be the shining angels, like those that appeared at the tomb of Christ and told Mary that her lord was gone. Jacob wrestled with one on the ladder to heaven, and through that encounter was initiated, and forever after walked with a limp. Occasionally, you will read of a Silent Traveler in a similar manner in the ancient scriptures, or somebody will speak of some strange phenomena happening to them.
"As it stands, the Silent Travelers are not concerned with the rulers of planes, Sohang, Omkar, Ramkar or Jot Niranjan. These minor gods are only workers within the spiritual hierarchy of the SUGMAD. They are subject to the nature laws of those works within which they are living.
"The Silent Travelers, as I have said, have no such laws hanging over them, and they are as free as the winds of the world. Now this is the interest the Silent Traveler holds for you – someday you may become one, for it is the highest point in all of the universes which you can reach.
"You cannot in a sense become the SUGMAD, ITSELF; you can become a part of IT, and you can become a coworker of the SUGMAD. Under no circumstances can you become the Supreme Deity, although religions try to tell followers that this is true. You cannot do this, regardless of what is told you by a priest or minister of any gospel.
"You can become a Silent Traveler, which is one of SUGMAD'S closest relations – these strange beings have their home and habitat within the heart of the SUGMAD. Nothing can get any closer than these beings who are without doubt the only creatures who are in direct contact with the Lord God of all the worlds.
"If you are at all interested you may aim your sights at becoming a Silent One. But if you do this, there will be an intensity of training which you have never heard of in your life nor in your many incarnations spent on earth. The training that many lamas are reported as going through would be a child's practice beside what these candidates go through. Many fail to make the ranks of the Silent Ones.
"For example, I will point out that perhaps out of every ten-thousand who take the tests and trainings they must go through, one will succeed. Candidates are picked, without their own knowledge, from the higher planes – hardly anyone living on the planes below the Atma Lok is ever picked for training. I would say that ninety percent of the candidates have reached the plane of the Soul, before they are even considered. The Silent Ones are not intending to put anyone through the tests and training, who have not finished up their training in the lower world. They know better, for it would mean the loss of a Soul who had gone through the practice of trying to reach the proper plane and suddenly shoved into something much over his head.
"These strange beings are the chosen ones. They intend to take care of their own, for they have no responsibility to anyone except the SUGMAD.
"To the human heart these creatures look and act cold toward all others, and in a way they are; except for the fact that they are running the universes through the administration of the SUGMAD. Each plane has a number of them who are doing their work under the supervision of the top Silent One, like a regular business staff, from the chief executive to the workers.
"These creatures are not bothered with the individual Souls, but concerned only with the mechanics of the universes. They are so busy that nothing else matters to them – to be filled with all the qualities of mercy, kindness and those which serve mankind in another way would be rather out of their field.
"Their chief concern is with the three qualities which I have mentioned several times – Isness, Nowness, and Hereness, the trinity of the Sugmad."
Edited by Matt Sharpe 2014
This selection taken from The Far Country by Sri Paul Twitchell