Man Speaks With A Forked Tongue

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By Joseph Morningstar

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"White  man speak with forked tongue." That's an observation credited to Chief Joseph, after it turned out that the treaties he'd signed with Washington didn't mean what he'd been led to think. In essence it means a liar.

Bi-lateral or bi-polar or bi-partisan thinking lends itself to deception.  If every concept or element of reality has an alternative that's the opposite of the preferred, then it's possible to talk in terms of preference and support even as the objective is to destroy.  For example, if there are only white men and black men and the white men are good, then not only are the black men bad, but expressing support for the white men implicitly means that the black men are to be destroyed.

But, and I think this is important to note, it's not a matter of deception; it's an inevitable consequence of the code.  That is, if a person thinks in terms of good and evil, then some things (whatever is classified as evil) are bound to be destroyed. If there are only two alternatives, then, to get one, the other has to be removed.

That's a rather harsh position.  Perhaps that's why the term "creative destruction" was invented — to suggest that wanton destruction was not the intent.  However, for people who have no talent or practical skills, creative intent is a no-go.  So, whether they want it or not, the destruction they orchestrate or countenance is wanton.

Another clue can be found, I think, in the more recent formulation, "create an environment."  While, on one level, both "create" and "environment" are concepts which are widely attractive and have a positive connotation, "create an environment" is really an oxymoron.  The environment is like the universe.  It exists.  While it may not have existed in its present form at one time and may have been created by a "big bang" or God, the notion that man has the potential to create an environment is either blasphemous, hubristic, or just plain stupid.  Of course, if create an environment is merely the alternative to creative destruction and destruction, albeit not admitted, is what's really on the agenda, then what we're hearing is merely new verbiage for an old habit.

 If you're a guy that can't say 'no,' and all that's left is 'yes,' then saying 'yes' is better than nothing, especially if what the person to whom you are speaking wants is of no importance. One of the advantages of being self-centered is that the environment and all the persons in it do not count.  Man at the center of the universe is an illusion, but it doesn't matter, because the self-centered person is not aware of his environment. Which would explain why the notion that man's actions are affecting his environment is so upsetting to, and seems to be in contradiction to, the "create an environment" population, until one understands that "creating an environment" is a synonym for destroy.

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