Message Of The Sphinx

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By Heart and Soul

The Great Sphinx stands on the plain of Gizeh in Egypt, communicating its message of love, devotion, and overcoming as it has done for the past six thousand years.  The message it carries is timeless:  It is the Sphinx's love for God which causes an inner victory over the lower forces of its own nature.  This message is captured both in the Sphinx's construction and its orientation: a noble human head on top of a lion's body – a composite figure, part human, part animal – that rises out of the earth to face the rising sun each day and to follow its passage across the sky.

The Sphinx adores the sun – Ra, the supreme God according to ancient tradition.  It waits for it to return each day.  It is the Sphinx's adoration for the sun that causes it to rise out of itself, out of the earth from which it is made, to reach continually for the higher level of its being, called by the light.  This adoration causes the life within it to become holy: forever striving, Life meeting Light.

The construction of the Sphinx represents humanity's future: the triumph made possible by love of the higher self over the lower; of the human, spiritually-driven self over the instinctual, need-based self; and of the Divinely-led and inspired self over the self that is closer to the animal kingdom.  This is the reason for the human head on top of the lion's body: what is most human within us, what is capable of perceiving God and of wanting to be joined with God, ascends out of animality and instinct in order to follow the path of the Sun.

Timeless, yet relevant to today, the Sphinx's voice speaks to us from the past concerning the joyful reunion that can occur when human will is no longer personal but becomes joined to Divine will.  This joining makes possible the transition from the human to the Divine.  It makes possible the emergence of a 'sacred human' – one who rises out of instinct and personal desire toward the higher ideals of purity, service, and love for God.   The Sphinx stands as a lodestar or magnet for the future of mankind.  It prefigures what is later to be called the Biblical 'Israel',  for 'Israel' is the name of what it means to become a 'sacred human'.  'Israel' is also the name for what it means, on the collective level, to become a holy people – a people whose life is dedicated to serving God, and to honoring all life on earth as sacred.

To attain the goal which the Sphinx represents is to undertake the journey of purification.  This journey requires long, deliberate effort, motivated by the desire to reach the goal.  What is this goal?  It is the eternal marriage of Life and Light that love seeks and that the Sphinx represents.  It is the Covenant, the purpose for Creation – its beginning, and the place of its return.  When the soul reaches a certain stage in its own development, love calls it and inspires it to seek its own higher nature, moved by the stirrings within itself.  Then a partnership takes place between human effort and Divine assistance in pursuit of this end.  This partnership, this marriage of intention between God's purposes for humanity and human purpose is the meaning of the Covenant.  It is also the motive force and the method for that which leads to it – the process of purification.

Part 2

Another name for the Great Sphinx of Gizeh is 'transmutation' or 'becoming'. For the conception of the Sphinx is evolutionary if we think of the long arc of time, and transformational if we think in terms of the present accelerated time period we are in.

The idea of a human form above an animal body is not meant to be a static image, but one that rises out of the earth, giving birth at the first level to the domain of instinct and especially to the instinct for survival, and at the second level to the higher instincts which become the prototype for the advancing human being.  These higher instincts have only been partially realized today.  For being human is also an evolutionary process, and an understanding of what 'humanity' involves changes along with the consciousness that supports it.

The body of a lion, traditional in usage within ancient times, supports the human form above it, communicating strength and nobility, especially the nobility connected with protection and nurturance of both cherished ones and ideals.  The lion's body relates to the single-minded devotion to the protection, upholding, and containment of these ideals, the way one would protect, uphold, and contain young ones in one's care.

All that we really know of the Sphinx is its grandeur and its longevity, and yet the image speaks to the heart in mysterious ways.  Beyond the mystery of its origin lies the mystery of its message which is both human and transcendent.  It is not without meaning, for example, that the Great Sphinx faces to the East.  It is an affirmation of its eternal relationship with the Rising Sun, the prototype in ancient times for the victory of light over darkness.  Though modern research, writings, and discoveries, both alleged and real, have found mysterious passageways and aspects of construction of the Sphinx that allude to purposes that are both astronomical and other-worldly, its spiritual purpose is to concentrate an energy of hope and of affirmation to last throughout time, and especially to be present during the 'end-times' that would bring about the last great battle between light and darkness.

It was understood by its creators that the Great Sphinx would communicate this meta-message throughout the course of humanity's evolution.   Though the scientific mind with its rational and investigative approach would only gradually learn what the Sphinx of Gizeh was in its origins, purpose, and construction, the message of the Sphinx would nevertheless speak to a deeper layer of human consciousness and as it did so, would transmit an energy the way a beacon transmits light.  This energy would embed itself in the layer of truth that resonates with the deeper knowing of humanity, and would allow the unconscious or subconscious self to feel identified with the Sphinx, even while the conscious mind might have little knowledge of such identification.

It is in this way that the spiritual message of the Sphinx was to be transmitted across the centuries – not primarily through scholarly research but through the energetic transmission of a current of hope that transformation into the higher aspects of humanity is possible for each individual and for the world as a whole, and that the victory over darkness is assured by the rising of the light.

This spiritual intention and the construction that emerged from it was a gift to a fledgling humanity, barely conscious, then, of its spiritual origins, following a period in which its original knowledge had receded into a blurred awareness.  The Sphinx stood and stands as a visible testament that one day humanity will rise again in understanding and in glory, and achieve its full potential as reawakened beings in full possession of the knowledge of its Divine origin.

Julie of Light Omega