Below we present some invaluable principles, disciplines, and practices that would not only raise one's awareness and vibratory frequency, but also form the basis of the unfoldment of divine virtues and powers, and anchor spiritual aspects of the microcosm into the physical/etheric force-field. When the ultimate goal of these disciplines are reached or attained man will no longer be man, he will become a god, a divine being, a Son or Daughter of the Supreme Being. It has long been proclaimed by Christian evangelists that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Nowadays we hear that the Aquarian Age or the Golden Age is at hand. Nothing has essentially changed. It is the same message that the Higher Intelligences ruling the Omniverse wishes to convey to humanity. Waiting for the Kingdom of God or the Golden Age to appear is not dependent upon time in any way. It is not a future event but a state of consciousness. One will never enter heaven or the glories of the New Age by waiting. Passivity will not help man to attain the state or condition that he longs for. Man reaches the peak of attainment by striving, by personal effort, by moving along with the evolutionary current. The way has long been shown by mystics and Spiritual Masters. It is up to us to follow in their footsteps. Spiritual disciplines can be considered as the vehicle that would transport us to the spiritual goal, to the promised land flowing with milk and honey. Below are some precepts and disciplines helpful in the spiritual life :
1) Try avoiding the use of the word "I" in everyday speech. Do not emphasize the lower self in any way. Instead of saying, "I like this," say "This is nice." By putting this discipline into action we eventually displace the lower ego with the power and influence of the Higher Self. We would gradually express self-surrender and self-sacrifice and acquire group-consciousness where the Great SELF is perceived in all.
2) Imagine, feel, and know that everyone you meet, that every creature you come across, that every plant or spirit that appears before you is an expression of God–that God is present in every one. Remember the teachings of the Master Jesus: he taught that if we harmed, hurt or did something to another we also did it to him. Every true Master feels this way; their identification with All That Is is so complete that they feel the emotions and thoughts of others as their own.
3) In conjunction with the above practice, do not forget to maintain a constant awareness that your very essence is of God, that in fact you are an embodied Christ or Buddha. See the world through the eyes of an enlightened, compassionate being. Minimize unnecessary thoughts and feelings whenever possible. However, just maintain an awareness of the divine presence within you.
4) Cease filling the physical, emotional, and mental bodies with negative energies and substances. Do not smoke, drink alcohol, consume narcotics or drugs. Gradually become a vegetarian. Avoid foods and beverages that contain chemicals, preservatives, etc. Processed and cooked foods are bad for the physical system. Emotionally and mentally speaking, change every negative thoughts and feelings into their polar opposite. Whenever a negative feeling emerges quickly transmute it. For instance, when you begin to feel anger, calm yourself down and feel peace by recalling your true identity as a divine spark of God.
5) We do not own anything. Realize that it is impossible to own anything, so therefore renounce possessiveness. We are not able to own ourselves, what more other people or earthly goods. Everything comes from Nature and goes back to Her at Her own pleasure.
6) Make sure that every word that passes your lips goes through the three gates of truth, kindness and necessity.
7) Fill your minds with divine thoughts and assume divine attitudes.
8) Discern what is Real from what is false. Do not be attached to the false, illusionary, ephemeral objects and conditions in life. Always look for the Real, the essence underlying all things, be attracted and attached to that. It is permanent, unchangeable, infinite, and boundless. It's nature is bliss.
9) Serve others. Forget the wants and desires of the false ego. Be a willing instrument of the Divine Will.
10) Always give thanks for what you have, for the life within you, for your life on earth, for the varied experiences that Life offers you, or for any other reason that you can think of.
11) Maintain cleanliness physically and spiritually. Keep your homes, offices, cities, country and world tidy and in order. By doing so we emulate the Creator.
12) Be graceful and harmless in everything that you say and do.
13) Express unconditional love and affection to those around you without being overly attached to them.
14) While bathing imagine yourself being cleansed by a powerful white light.
15) Study the precepts of the Saints, Avatars, and Mystics to be found in all Holy Scriptures.
16) Do not live in the past or the future, live in the now.
17) Constantly affirm the following:
18) Before falling asleep direct your attention and thoughts to the highest possible level.
19) Jot down all of the psychic and spiritual experiences that you may have.
20) Engage in spiritual study, meditation, occult disciplines, and physical exercises. This will help transmute sexual energy into a higher form needed to fuel and activate dormant brain centers.
21) Refrain from watching too much television and movies or reading trashy novels, or involving oneself in senseless gossip.
22) Connect with Nature. Go to the mountains, the seas, the woodlands and attune your consciousness with them. Walk barefoot, absorb the Earth energies, breathe in the vitalized air and bathe in the sun rays.
23) Socialize with those of similar spiritual interests; exchange ideas; support and encourage others that their faith in the spiritual path may be strengthened.
24) Periodically, retreat to a secluded place several days or weeks at a time to conduct metaphysical exercises.
25) Take several breaks in the course of the day to attune yourself with the Cosmic forces and the Divine Mind. This will not only recharge your batteries but also clear your mind, inspire and awaken your creativity.
26) Cultivate humor. Do not take yourself seriously.
Excerpt from: Metaphyscal Development and Disciplines by Lee Leonard