Metaphysical Significance Of Ethnic Groups

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By Mad Scientist

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Metaphysical significance of ethnic groups ties into Sheldrake’s theories about the morphogenetic field. His field is specific to a species, but as you may have guessed there’s a spectrum of energies some more general and some more specific. It’s kind of like radio waves, where noise from a malfunctioning transformer can appear across all frequencies, whereas a finely honed transmitter only shows up in one frequency band.

DNA is the modulator of our etheric energy field. I suspect it allows our aura and biology to be scanned by advanced black ops technology. But sure, there would be a race-based version of it too, as well as ones for specific bloodlines, and finally one just for yourself (which keeps the cells in your body dancing to the same tune and thus coherent and healthy).

It’s all bundled together and interacting:

  • types of souls that incarnate into one race over another
  • evolutionary tendencies encoded into the DNA (instincts, habits, abilities)
  • nature of the etheric energy field emitted by that DNA
  • etheric/astral energy field emitted by the souls in those bodies
  • thoughtform entities created by these people via their shared culture, mythology, religion, traditions…
  • karma they have all incurred by their individual and collective past actions
  • telluric energies from the ground, and nutrition of the soil and sea, that influences them based on their geography

I will say that the boundary between races is fuzzy along all these factors. You can indeed have someone who’s mostly been black in their incarnations now be Caucasian or Asian, if special needs require it. Or if a white person migrated to USA in the 1700s, by now their soul has been imprinted with the culture and energies of North America. So it’s not 100% clear but, just general statistical groupings.

The volksgeist (racial oversoul) exists but is fuzzy at the edges. I mean, there are plenty of white people now who think, act, and idolize the culture of blacks, and some blacks who do that with white culture and white volksgeist.

What many don’t realize about genetics is that what we call ‘race’ is only based on external appearance. It doesn’t account for inner biological differences like heart shape, or the shape and size of various brain anatomy. You could have someone who looks white, but maybe 15% of their brain is derived from their grand uncle who came from Africa and it happens to be the key 15% that shapes their personality, biases, and talents. Or vice versa with a black person whose European grandmother is the source of their not fitting the mold of their siblings. That’s why racism based on appearances is a fallacy, and in the end it’s content of character that counts.

Each individual has a unique toolbox provided by their genetics and ancestry. Souls choose whether that is appealing to them. It’s like people choosing sedan over pickup truck or SUV. It fits their needs. If you survey what people choose compact cars, and what people choose trucks, you’ll find definite demographic differences. Same for the souls that incarnate into whites versus blacks or other races. Statistically, yes there would be a difference overall.

I’m half white, half Asian. I was born and grew up in Germany until second grade. Culturally I’m German-American. Energetically I’m Teutonic/ Nordic/Celtic. I think that the soul is the ultimate decider of what they resonate and align with. Genetics is your computer hardware, not what data you have on it or what you do with the computer.