The Metaphysics Of …

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By Nox Arcana

The Metaphysics of Joxua Luxor …

I am a deist. My god is the faculty of reason in man, which is the only evidence I need of god.  The early Christians, Hindus, Hebrews, and Buddhists if you understand their occult philosophy, didn’t believe that god existed as a manifest being in the physical universe.  The word Amen, “let it be” comes from the creator god Amun, that manifested everything but never manifested himself.  The reason for this is very simple.  The universe is made out of the body of god infinitely sub divided.  Time is created as a separation of self from self.  The mind exists in order to connect self with self, and to help us get what we need to survive and in the act of surviving understanding god.  Our mind is that part of ourselves our reason which god gave us, to contemplate himself.

Time though is also an illusion, which means that time doesn’t actually exist.  God is outside of time and outside of the universe in his perfect undivided whole.  We, with the tiny shard of godself that we possess are living in an illusion of time, as an act of theurgy to understand god and do his will.  In the indian story of Markandeya  he is vomited outside of god because of not appreciating his life, once outside of god swimming in an ocean without light he realizes that god is the only thing that exists and outside of god there is nothing, because the human brain was not designed to understand anything outside of this universe.  The Hebrew story of Jonah is an homage to this Hindu story.

But the theme is recurring and ongoing throughout the different systems.  The highest form of god in the Tibetan system according to the Dalai Lama is Samantabhadra, who is male and female engaged in the act of coitus, because god is the creator, and in order to create you have to have male and female.

Furthermore, you see this recurring theme in all of the traditions, (well all of the ones that came from a valid tradition) the reason the celebrate the Sabbath on Friday night after sunset is because that is when the day representing the sacred father and mother meet.  That is why you are supposed to roger your wife on the sabbath.  That was one of the first human rights reforms that meant you couldn’t work or force someone to work 7 days a weak, of fear of offending god.  It was quite simply an unsustainable, undesirable process.  And there is no evidence in the world of the mother and father meeting, this happens in concealment.  The ancients knew there was no evidence of god in the world.  Observe the continuing metaphor.

Ganesh sits guarding the entrance to his mother’s bedroom.  It was in trying to prevent Shiva from entering his wife’s bedroom that he was beheaded, and was resurrected by Shiva with the head of the elephant.  Heinrich Zimmer whose research was edited posthumously and published by Joseph Campbell affirmed that Buddhism is a sub sect of Hinduism which makes sense since the Siddartha came from India.

In closing god doesn’t exist inside the universe, he exists outside of the universe, and the only evidence of him inside the universe is intelligence, life, consciousness, etc.  The whole concept of sitting in seated meditation posture without moving comes from an effort to emulate the prime mover unmoved, any movement is a negation of godself because god doesn’t move and doesn’t act in the world.  The division of duties between the husband and wife was also based on this concept of the prime mover.  The man moves in the world in the polis but upon entering the oikos the house everything is done for him, he doesn’t lift a finger.  The Agency through which god influences the world is through the holy spirit, or the shechinah, god’s active force.

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