Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it a rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul. – Unknown
How to use Music as a Powerful Feng Shui Cure
Music for each of us has a different meaning. For the senior people they love religious music, instrumental and religious. For the young ti would be rock and rap, what they call music, and for some it is soothing meditative while some like loud playing music some like the chirping birds and swaying in leaves as nature’s music. Feng shui and music is linked in a very beautiful way. Music that is pleasant and soothing for hearing is considered very good feng shui and can be used effectively as a feng shui cure. As we know bedroom and home feng shui energy is a balance of yin and yang that is strong and subdued, light and dark and black and white. An imbalance or having one energy in higher rate will spoil the harmony of your home and result in restlessness, lethargy and weakness along with less motivation to work. All this will result in poor health and hamper business which will affect adversely the health, wealth and prosperity of your family and home.
When there are frequent bickering about health and everyone seems to be low on energy then feng shui cures can help to uplift the energy of your home and increase motivation and energy levels in your home and family. Music has been used to cure mental illnesses and stress related problems and music can be effectively used to cure and uplift the energy of your home. Usually having too much yin or passive energy that is too much quiet environment will affect adversely on the energy levels of the members of your family. We see that many families live a dull and boring life and all this leads us to their passive lifestyle of living. They have less motivation to do anything and as time passes this energy that is too much yin spreads in all areas of their life. When we visit such homes we see all members lack life energy and always keep bickering about weak health. This dull energy is transferred to all visitors and either people avoid visiting such homes or even they are attacked by this negative passive energy and come home with drained energy.
Use a simple feng shui cure, music to cure and uplift the energy of your home. Restaurants have soothing and pleasant music going on and discos have high volumes to uplift the energy and make the mood. All this indicates the effect music has on our psyche.
When you are faced with such problem of too much yin energy in your home try music as a feng shui cure. You can play music of elements or soothing music or even ring a metal bell. Kindly take care to avoid any form of music that does not feel good to your ears. One feng shui cure may not be universal for everyone and also do consider the needs of all family members before applying any feng shui cure.
Process of using music as feng shui cure- clear the clutter and energize the whole house by cleaning all furniture, windows, doors and walls. Burn a pleasant fragrant incense to clear off the negative energy or too much yin energy that has accumulated over the years. Do remember to ring the bell in corners and dark spots of your home. You can also put on your religious music or chants in your home to purify the area and clear off the negative energy, provided the sound is in limit and does not disturb your neighbors. We have personally faced this problem for many years, and I repeat too much of anything is bad feng shui and too loud music is also bad, for our body heart and of course ears! this is proved by increased cases of tinnitus and deafness among younger generation, our ears are not made for this volume, and feng shui is all about going with the flow.
Usually I am put up with the question, do I paint with music on, no I do not , music is used for healing and meditation but while painting, its just us two, me and my canvas!
Since the stagnated energy has accumulated over the years you must give at least three months time for improvement to be seen. Do the feng shui music cure regularly once a week for at least three months and see the difference in energy levels of the members of your home.
You will see happiness and good health and strong motivation to work and creativeness will increase in all fields. Feng shuing the kitchen with music will improve the mood of the family and eating time will be a refreshing time. Living room will show more enthusiasm and guests will feel invited and energized to be in your company. This will improve your relationships with other people and within your family.
When using music as cure try to use clear sounds and not very loud music or film songs as this will focus your attention to the song and will not give the desired feng shui result.
Then we also have specific music to balance chakras and create harmony. Today we see healing chakra music, meditation music as well as balancing the five elements music, too good and very effective as feng shui cures. Reiki music and Tibetan meditation music is also great.
Just remember use music with proper guidance to see miraculous changes in energy and life. As each one is different and people who lack earth element may not love the element earth music which is too loud with traditional drum beats, and sometimes may need support from family and Reiki healer to heal the blocks to attract peace and harmony.
One important point, never go about with any thing unless you feel it comfortable,as it will create more harm than good. I have seen people follow music therapy and feel so relieved when I share this, you do not need to follow unless you like it, we each one is different and each one will also have different ways to heal. Our main aim must be to heal the complete mind body and spirit, how we go about this, correctly balancing the healer and healee energy, is what matters most.