Image by 建鹏 邵 from
Something to ponder about the nature of man – Clear thoughts are welcome …
1. Man is in essence divine. This has ever been enunciated throughout the ages, but remains as yet a beautiful theory or belief, and not a proven scientific fact, nor is it universally held.
2. Man is in fact a fragment of the Universal Mind, or world soul, and as a fragment is thus partaker of the instincts and quality of that soul, as it manifests through the human family . . . It must lead to the education of the public as to the nature of man, and the development of the powers latent within him — powers which will set him free from his present limitations, and which will produce in the human family a collective repudiation of the present conditions. When men everywhere recognize themselves and each other, as divine self-conscious units, functioning primarily in the causal body but utilizing the three lower vehicles only as a means of contact with the three lower planes, we will have government, politics, economics and the social order readjusted upon sound, sane and divine lines.
3. Man in his lower nature, and in his three vehicles, is an aggregate of lesser lives, dependent on him for their group nature, for their type of activity, and collective response, and who through the energy of activity of the solar Lord — will themselves later be raised, and developed to the human stage.
When these facts are understood, then and only then will we have a right and just comprehension of the nature of man.
"The constitution of man . . . is basically threefold, as follows:
1. The Monad, or pure Spirit, the Father in Heaven.
This aspect reflects the three aspects of Godhead:
1. Will or Power……………………….The Father.
2. Love-Wisdom………………………The Son.
3. Active Intelligence………………….The Holy Spirit.
And is only contacted at the final initiations, when man is nearing the end of his journey and is perfected. The Monad reflects itself again in:
2. The Ego, Higher self, or Individuality. [Soul]
This aspect is potentially:
1. Spiritual Will…………………..Atma.
2. Intuition………………………….Buddhi, Love-Wisdom, the Christ principle.
3. Higher or Abstract Mind……Higher Manas.
The Ego begins to make its power felt in advanced men, and increasingly on the Probationary Path, until by the third initiation the control of the lower self by the higher is perfected, and the highest aspect begins to make its energy felt.
The Ego reflects itself in:
3. The Personality, or lower self, the physical man.
This aspect is also threefold:
1. A mental body………………..lower manas.
2. An emotional body………….astral body.
3. A physical body………………the dense physical and the etheric body.
The aim of evolution is therefore to bring man to the realization of the egoic aspect and to bring the lower nature under its control." (Initiation, Human and Solar, p. xv)
Old Theosophical thought –
Some truth to it some not.