Negative Entities
Their True Nature and Means of Eradication
Negative entities, Demons, psychic vampires are some various terms used by many to describe the very same sort of creature, and unmistakably these fall into two definite categories of differing intensity. The first are self- created, caused by a malignancy in one’s own thought and/or emotional patterns, and these to be sure, can and do take on a life of their own after their creation. These are also the most multiple sort and will often be taken over as slaves at some point by actual living entities who would fall into the second category of entity, actual living “ demons “. With both categories there are a certain number of specific traits that can be identified, and I often refer to these as types. Anger, deception, sexual, as well as financial are some major categories, but in following the passions of the mind one identifies them more specifically : Anger, Attachment, Lust, Vanity and Greed.
There are also some general states of appearance that the various types of these creatures will have, the self- created types usually exhibiting being made of shadow. For Anger they are generally very tall and large, great wide shoulders, those considered to be of a form of deception (Vanity) will almost always be very small and oval shaped. Lust entities, usually identified as sex demons (of whichever sex) are not only without gender, but they are also very very skinny, bony, having a slimy brown and greenish appearance, and quite possibly a stench as well, often smelling of rotting flesh. Of course these are the entities often identified as either Incubi or Succubi, after donning the appearance of an attractive human as well as a great amount of apparent sex appeal, all of which is illusory. It must also be noted that these sorts of entities are often the door openers, appealing to very basic human senses and thus serve to get the doors to an individual’s space opened to the negative influence, after which a great many others will pour in to take advantage of the opened food source. It must also be noted that an apparent type is not the limitation it may appear to be, or not necessarily, a demon of any particular sort can be counted on to use attachment for example, as its weapon of choice, and potentially many others too, so as to keep themselves clawed into the personality and to form a habitual connection on the part of the victim.
These “ riders “ like to latch onto the host not only to feed, but also to influence them directly by whispering directly into the mind in a voice that SEEMS very familiar but isn’t. This method can be used to change habitual patterns from what once may have been overall rather harmless, to one that is far more negative, and this is always the intent. The victim’s welfare is never a primary concern to a feeder and it will always suffer ultimately. It has been said that the devil’s greatest accomplishment was too make people believe that he didn’t exist. This statement was originally written by Charles Baudelaire in 1864, and can certainly be applied to negative entities on a widespread level. Those who are actually carrying riders are generally among the last to believe such a thing possible, however, this isn’t always the case either; there are a number of circumstances where a misguided one has actually invited or sought out an entity and asked it to join with them or to ride, believing that this would provide them with great power. The selling of the Soul to Legba at the crossroads is a form of this action, however it isn’t at all actually Legba that is encountered there. While a popular figure in Haitian Voudoun, the source of this story is in Yoruba culture in Africa, where this trickster is known as Eshu, he who speaks all languages including the Cosmic tongue. There is no one better to relay a message to the Gods of that culture, but he is known to be playful and very tricky. Also it is he who keeps the crossroads, known as the meeting place between the world of the living and the dead, and notably being this cosmic messenger, can easily be related to, and in fact is the same as Thoth, Hermes and Amun, known as Hermes Trismegistus, however at this point there is a divergence of knowledge as Hermes Trismegistus actually imprisoned the Souls of demons in statuary as a means of removing them as riders, and the fact that there are many who consider taking on a demon rider as a positive thing. It is not under any circumstances a positive, despite the fact that these entities would love nothing more than that people believe this. In some cases magic is used to hook a Soul and subdue it to a demon’s controls, sex magic being one very specific action of this sort that despite beliefs, actually has no action that does NOT involve negative entities. In the very same way t can be stated as factual that in absolutely no cases, can Infidelity within a marriage be considered to NOT involve lustful entities that are feeding on the human weaknesses and desires available to them. Persons who use anger as a form of attacking or empowering themselves over others are involved in the very same action, although of a slightly different flavor. A person that financially manipulates another for the purpose of control, or theft, or profits etc. is engaged in the same behavior and is being influenced , used, and even fed upon by such entities.
In any and every case, a true inspection of an individual’s motivations for thoughts, words, and actions will reveal when there are entities at play. When such actions are revealed a very strict diet of detachment is in most cases required to solve it. A dumping, throwing away, or burning of any photographs, hand written messages or letters, or personal possessions of the offending person must be completed. There can be no attachment to any of these items, nor to the person or situations concerned, and very often survival will be a matter of these requirements being followed.
When eradication of an entity’s influence is undertaken, there will always be an attempt by it to fight this and prevent that happening, and they will often utilize attachment to make the heart cry out to save what once was, what had become habitual, but this must in every case be resisted and defeated. It is recommended to ask your God or Gods (and Goddesses) for aid in successfully doing this. Whichever religious or spiritual purview you subscribe to, there is a means for accomplishing this. Seek it out and perform the requirements correctly and faithfully.
There are several layers to the various ways and means entities can use to manipulate a person. The various entities can exist on supra-physical layers, as well as the various other planes of existence all the way up to the highest/deepest of the mental layers which is the highest area they can exist at, limited to existence only within the dualistic states, but not beyond them, for there lies the True Heaven, as well as the first manifestation of the Godhead. The literal Creator God or what is often named Source. All forms of Egyptian Hermeticism and Alchemy end here, and while this is NOT the end of the worlds of consciousness, this is the highest level they are able to attain, and in many cases they cannot even do that very well. Much too much attention is placed on the duality, when beyond that is always the actual goal. By placing one’s attention on the One God a person who is dealing with negative entities can seek and ask for help that is entirely above and beyond the entity’s abilities to falsify, thus true discernment may occur.
apologize on the delay for chapter 2