Neville Goddard – When Your Assumption is Fulfilled

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By SHABDA - Preceptor

Neville Goddard – When Your Assumption is Fulfilled


The heart is the primary organ of sense, hence the first cause of experience. When you look "on the heart" you are looking at your assumptions: assumptions determine your experience.

Watch your assumption with all diligence for out of it is the issues of life. Assumptions have the power of objective realization. Every event in the visible world is the result of an assumption or idea in the unseen world.

The present moment is all-important, for it is only in the present moment that our assumptions can be controlled. The future must become the present in your mind if you would wisely operate the law of assumption. The future becomes the present when you imagine that you already are what you will be when your assumption is fulfilled.

The Power Of Awareness

Chapter 14 – The Effortless Way