Nonagon – Expression Of Divine Grace

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By Astranaithes

The nonagon embodies three times three and represents the ultimate expression of the Holy Trinity. In early Christianity, the nonagon was known as the Star of the Holy Spirit. At the end of a prayer, the word “amen” is reduced to nine in Greek gematria. The nonagon also has significance today and in the past in Freemason society.

Within the tail of a human sperm cell lie nine parallel tubes, and the average length of gestation of a human fetus is nine months. There are nine opening in the human body and in ancient times there were considered to be nine elements of the body; bones, brains, nerves, blood, veins, skin, flesh, nails and hair.

The Hebrews called the nonagon a symbol of Immutable Truth through its relation to the number nine. The number nine and the correspondence to the octagon are unique. Every time you multiply nine by any number, the digits add up to nine. For instance, 2 x 9 = 18 and 1+8(18) = 9. Nine is also the highest single digit number in the decimal system and is also the third square.

In Islamic, Indian, Jewish, Celtic and Tibetan traditions, the magic square created by using the first nine numbers of the decimal system in a three by three grid is considered sacred and full of power.

Chinese sacred architecture uses nine repeatedly – it is a Yang number designating “Heaven.” Within the Temple of Heaven in Beijing is the Circular Mound Alter composed of three tiers with nine steps at each of its four corners. Surrounding the round central stone radiate nine fan shaped stones, then eighteen and so on until the last row containing eighty-one stones The total number of stones is 3,402 which is reduced to nine in numerological practices (3+4+0+2=9).

In Mayan architecture, the Pyramid of Ku’Kulkan at Chichen Itza on the Yucatan Peninsula has nine levels. Ancient Egypt had nine Gods and Goddesses. Collectively there were known as the Great Ennead: Ra, his children Tefnut and Shu (water and air), their children, Nut and Geb (sky and earth) and their children, Isis, Oisiris, Set, and Nephthys. When all thirty-six edges of a regular nonagon are connected, the result looks like this:


This figure is used and references certain aspects of hyperspace theory within science today. Although hard to visualize in one dimension, the Enneazetton has facets extending into seven dimensions as opposed to the three we are comfortable conceptualizing; length, width and height.

Posted for educational/ informational purpsoes only.

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