I would like to share with you a story that came to me through meditation which while not directly, speaks about reincarnation, hell, & Satan. Directly it speaks about the love of God. If you do not have children, imagine that you do. I had six children of my own and raised a stepson from age 2 to 16, so imagining I had seven children was not difficult. While I was meditating one day, the Spirit came and this is what occurred.
It said, "Imagine that you had seven children and you were sitting on the couch watching television. There is a knock on the door and when you answer it, there are seven policemen, each of which is handcuffed to one of your seven children. They had been caught red handed; there were eyewitnesses and no question as to their guilt. Each of them had committed one of the seven deadly sins as listed in the Bible. The question is, “which of these do you no longer love?”
I still remember the feeling within me, I honestly felt that I was supposed to say one or more and was afraid not to at least say one. But somehow I could not pick one. So with great fright, feeling that I was to be struck dead or punished somehow, I said, “None of them.”
Seeming to pay no attention to my answer, the Spirit continued. "Tell me, which of these children would you not go to court with to offer your support?" Once again I was very frightened and felt that I was still supposed to pick one or more out but yet again I could not. So I said, "I would go with them all." Again, seeming to ignore my answer, the Spirit continued. "Tell me then, if you had the power and the ability to extract your child from this dilemma and place it in a situation where it would be given another chance to learn from its mistake, which one would you take out of its problem?"
I remember those first words standing out and impressing me so strongly, ‘you had the power and the ability’, so I thought to myself while noticing much of the nervousness and fear had left, I quickly said, "I would release them all." I will never forget the wonderful flushing of the greatest feeling out of love within when I heard the Spirit then say, "And if you can love your children that much, how much more do you believe your Creator loves you?"
I was left there with nothing but that wondrous feeling, and I only need to remind myself of this situation at any time to feel it again. If you have read this story not only with your mind but with your heart by putting yourself in that situation, I feel confident that you too are experiencing a great feeling of beauty within yourself.