Nosy Psychics … Take A Walk On The Darkside

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By All Knowing

Nosy Psychics … Take A Walk On The Darkside

Image by evgeniyataya from Pixabay

I have been intending to write this blog for some time. It will make some people angry and defensive and bring out an ego or two along with some self righteousness but it is time for it to be expressed. As a psychic myself for many years, I learned these rules a long time ago so this is for all the haughty and foolish who think they can break Spiritual Law with excuses and cover-ups. Time to opine …

 As careful as most spiritual people tend to be, we can still fall prey to unscrupulous psychics who have selfish desires for intruding upon the personal space of others.  

A good psychic has the ability to tune in on someone anytime, anywhere, for any reason, just as a psychologist can probably spot and identify psychopathic behavior or someone who is really depressed.  However, an ethical psychic, or one who serves the light, would not do such a thing without your express permission.  An unethical psychic, or one who serves the dark, would not seek permission, instead violating your privacy to serve their own ego needs or whims.

 Psychic harassment such as trying to read the Energy Signature of another individual, their aura, or their emotional MO without permission can carry a heavy price for the perpetrator in the Karma department. There is no accidental “read” … no oops! It is a deliberate act. Someone’s energy does not come up and smack you in the face – it requires a calculated effort (btw- it is also a definitive tool used by psychic vampires). Any so called psychic person who tells you otherwise … “it just happens” … or … “I cannot be fooled” … is most likely a fraud or at the very least an egotist. The signature can also be easily misread – a woman who carries heavy masculine energy can be mistaken for a man and vice versa. Then there is the emotional factor. The Perception-Deception. We are all emotional beings and we have an emotional filter through which psychic input runs. Here is where many, many mistakes are made because one’s emotions and memory cells can produce an inaccurate read. A “familiar” energy may not be a familiar energy at all – it merely feels familiar because it has run through an emotional program like a mix and match game … let’s match up what seems to be correct. People who suffer from psychological rejection based on early conditioning are at the top of the list for the mix and match game. They have a strong need to be right, noticed and even better applauded for their so-called accuracy. In some cases, even though a person may not be able to deliberately hide their signature, they can at times be so detached the signature cannot be read accurately if at all. According to psychic Erin Pavlova, “I’ve  had experiences where I can’t read someone’s emotions, energy, or anything because they themselves are very dissociated from their own emotions and minds.  It’s like Troi trying to read Data.  I get nothing.”

Maybe that’s a good thing.

An individual should always protect themselves from someone they know or feel is trying to invade them. Psychic Erin Pavlova states, “ … you can shield your energy from others using psychic self defense techniques.  Literally imagine a wall or shield between you and the psychic.  Push out with your thoughts or energy and say, ‘Keep your probe to yourself!’” You can also create your own combinations of energy that you project as you manifest through your emotions, your thoughts, your physical feelings, all of your senses, inner and outer. There are many working elements to you, and all of these are expressed through energy so go ahead and recalibrate yourself.