Nothing Out Of The Ordinary

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By Dr. Bhaglani

Image by Gerd Altmann from

How does one recognize an enlightened being?

There are no ‘enlightened beings,’ only Enlightenment … which is everywhere and nowhere, and so, not ‘locatable’ to a particular person or location.

Think of Enlightenment like God. All the world’s faiths say God is omnipresent. That means there is nowhere that God is not. So in a crowd of people (or birds or trees,) how would you isolate and recognize God?

Enlightened is enlightened, a person is a person.

The only distinction may be, ‘you’ think some people are enlightened and some not (like ‘yourself,’) so you’d like to recognize an ‘enlightened one’ because you think this may help you to ‘attain’ that, ‘yourself.’

Whereas, everywhere they look, the ‘enlightened’ sees only enlightenment. And that there’s nothing to attain.

Then they walk right past you. And you see nothing out of the ordinary.

An example:

When Gautam Buddha and Lord Mahavira would pass through a village, the flowers would start to bloom even if it wasnt the blooming season. The human beings who came in contact with them and were open hearted would feel a magnetic pull towards them, a deep spell of hypnotism, giving a feeling of serenity and love, an unreasonable happiness, an unexplained bliss.

Nice bedtime story .

They love without doing an effort to love you,


Their presence is the presence of love,

Yes, they cure your pain, they heal. All of it just by their presence.

No. Enlightened or not, no Master can take even one step for the disciple. They can only point and set an example. They do not cure anyone’s pain or heal anyone from disease (including themselves – most of them die from cancer or other contracted ailment, not ‘old age.’) Telling people an enlightened Guru can/will heal them or take away their pain is very dangerous, and a complete fiction

Everything they do is music, every word they speak is poetry.

Sometimes. As I have said before, we have met fully enlightened ‘grouchy’ grannies who were standing in the supermarket line in front of us, ordering a pack of cigarettes and loudly complaining their brand was not available.Their sole purpose is to spread the love and blessings they have attained to.

Once again, you are promoting a very romanticized vision of ‘enlightened’ ones. In Absolute Reality, there is no ‘separate enlightened person’ who has any purpose, and they have attained nothing.

Teja Anand