A Number Is Just A Number – Or Is It?

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By Skywriter


Image by GJTCOLONIA from http://Pixabay.com


YEP – Every address has its own “sign” … and the degree within that “sign or constellation.”



Base information:

There are 360 degrees in the total zodiac – 30 degrees per sign or constellation – 12 signs.

The 360 degrees is our base from which to work:  Aries, of course, is the first sign… and the others follow in order:

  • 0 – 29               Aries
  • 30 – 59             Taurus
  • 60 – 89             Gemini
  • 90 – 119           Cancer
  • 120 – 149          Leo
  • 150 – 179          Virgo
  • 180 – 209          Libra
  • 210 – 239          Scorpio
  • 240 – 269         Sagittarius
  • 270 – 299         Capricorn
  • 300 – 329         Aquarius
  • 330 – 359         Pisces

Okay, let’s say your address (hypothetically, of course) is 67 West Main Street. You can see that 67 falls within Gemini – and since Gemini begins at 60, the sign and degree are 7 DEGREES OF GEMINI.

ANOTHER ONE:  289 West Main Street

Using the chart, 289 falls into the Capricorn category. Since Capricorn begins at 270 within the total 360 degree wheel, 289 will be 19 DEGREES OF CAPRICORN.

Now, let’s say your address is a higher number than 360.

ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS DIVIDE 360 INTO WHATEVER NUMBER IS ABOVE 360 AND THE REMAINDER IS YOUR ANSWER  (here comes the test for whether you are smarter than a 5th Grader):

Let’s say the address is 1568 West Main Street:

1568 divided by 360 =  4 with 128 left over.

128 is the usable number.

Again, you can see by referring to the above chart that 128 falls into Leo. Since Leo begins at 120, this sample address is 8 DEGREES OF LEO.

Pretty easy, huh?


Now, what are the qualities of that sign?  How does your home (or neighborhood) reflect that? And, where does that address (sign and degree) fit in your own personal natal chart? If the sign of your home happens to be your Venus or Moon sign, you are definitely comfortable there – you resonate emotionally.  Maybe you’re a private person and your house is Sagittarius.  Well, forget the privacy.  Sagittarius is anything BUT private.  Plus, where are the planets NOW???  What relationship do the current planet placements have to your address?

Here’s an example:

My address in California was 236 2nd Street.  As you can see by the chart above, 236 is 26 degrees of Scorpio.  Well, let me tell you – when the planet Pluto transited or hit that degree of Scorpio, some interesting things happened.  Pluto is the planet of death/rebirth, transformation, privacy and digging deep (so to speak).  It also rules PLUMBING AND SEWERS. When Pluto first hit 26 degrees of Scorpio, my landlord died, the plumbing backed up, AND a group of Japanese businessmen wanted to buy the property, level all structures on it and build condos. That’s Pluto for ya!

Another example:  When some friends of mine had Uranus transit the sign and degree of their home, they had some electrical issues and ended up re-wiring the entire house.  Uranus rules electricity.

Political examples:  The White House is located at1600 Pennsylvania Avenue – which converts to 10 degrees of Virgo.  When John F. Kennedy was assassinated, Pluto had been transiting that very degree since his inauguration.  Also, when Nixon resigned the Presidency, Neptune was transiting square that degree (from Sagittarius).  Neptune dissolves.  The most recent transit to the White House by a transpersonal planet has been Uranus. Guess what that event was???  The so-called democratic elections in Iraq and the newly elected  “first time” President of that democracy, Talabani, visited the White House, along with Tony Blair, Prime Minister of Britain.  Uranus represents INSTABILITY.  No further explanation is needed.

By the way, 9-11 was under a transiting Pluto opposed transiting Saturn square to that very 10th degree in Virgo – The White House degree.  That means that BOTH Pluto and Saturn (our structure and security) were both challenging the White House. Major power struggle.  An entire book could be written about THAT scenario.

Now back to your personal information… You may need an Astrologer to provide the detailed information for you, i.e., the transits, progressions, your own chart, etc.—depending on your level of knowledge about Astrology. It IS good to know this information about your home and/or your business. 

AND it’s fun – so go have some insights and play a bit!

This system explained by Astrologer Janet Robinson