The Observer’s Position

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By Artemis Appolonia

The Observer’s Position

Please consider the following…
We are spiritual beings who have come to earth in order to live in human bodies. This means that temporarily we become a human beings or think we are one. However, we are not the body! We are a Cosmic Energy or Soul living within the human body. As a human being we are an instrument of our Soul. Souls animate and direct the body and perform a very important function. Our soul is The Infinite Light itself…

Not in harmony with Mother Nature…
We live in human bodies in order to experience the human condition. What is this human condition? The human condition at this particular time is of such a nature that the majority of people are not in harmony with each other and neither are they in harmony with Mother Nature. This is mainly due to the religions and ignorance of mankind as a whole, as well as, the greed of the rulers of the world. It means that the world or mankind is ruled according to a certain scenarios.

The world is out of wack on purpose…
Many souls have incarnated at this particular period in time in order to 'see through' these scenarios and the way humanity is being ruled and fooled. Souls cannot master this particular task when they live in a perfect world. Which would be so, if all human beings would live in a harmonious relationship with each other and their environment. Since the world is what it is – we could say that the world is out of wack on purpose…

Basically it is a hell of a mess…
When we look at the world and its population, we find that there is an enormous variety of older and younger Souls, different races, religions and personalities. All these different types and characters play certain roles and create a disharmonious whole. Well, in actuality it is downright dysfunctional if not shocking!. All human characters are actors in this world scene or play and produce the reality as we know it. Basically it is a hell of a mess. The conditions of the world have been negative and disruptive for a very long time. This gives the incarnated Souls experiences they need to learn from. Our 3D world or density is a learning environment. The world and mankind is an experiment that is conducted by higher beings. It is an experiment, as well as an experience, for all incarnated Souls living here. There are lessons to be learned from all of this. If the world would be a pleasant and harmonious environment it would not be worthwhile for Souls to incarnate here…

We gain awareness relatively quick…
Can this disharmonious situation in the world be improved upon? Yes, it can, but we do not come here to directly improve or change the world at this particular time. We come here to become aware of what this world and mankind really is all about. This world is a 3D environment of a specific kind and that's what attracted us to this world in the first place. It is a place to learn from our experiences and gain awareness relatively quickly. In the future however, the world will change for the better, but our task now is to see through the curriculums we are subjected to…

There is no need to improve upon Grade Three…
The world is a learning environment in the same sense as Grade Three of elementary school is. Most of us went to Grade Three, we learned our lessons and on the end of the year we were promoted to Grade Four. We were promoted because of what we learned, not because whether we liked certain students and did not like others. Also, while we were in Grade Three there was no need to improve upon Grade Three. Neither was there a need to improve or correct the rowdies, the bullies, or the slow pokes that might have been present there. We learned our lessons and we went through Grade Three without changing or improving it. When the time was ripe we ended up in Grade Four…

Disharmony is the nature of this world…
Things are the same for us on earth in Third Density! We learn our lessons in 3D and pass on to 4D or higher levels when the time is ripe. The earth has always been a messy place. Lots of unrest, killing, suffering and whatever else. What we see and experience around us is basically the steady nature of our world in this specific cosmic time cycle. Disharmony is the nature of this world. It is supposed to be this way for now! The big question is – how do we learn our lessons in this 3D environment in the most efficient manner? Here is the answer to that big question: we become aware of 'what is' and we get out. The big clue is gaining awareness. The level of our awareness determines where we find ourselves…

Promotion depends on Awareness…
Our level of awareness creates our circumstances and our environment. It is not necessary to go to workshops, do certain exercises or rituals in order to catch up quickly and promote ourselves. Promotion depends on Awareness. It does not depend on the amount of workshops we have attended, how well we know the exercises or any other contemporary activity. However, all courses and or experiences help us to become more aware. The most important question is – have we learned the lessons of 3D?

Christness is determined by the level of our Awareness…
Have we learned what this world is really for? How aware are we? Do we see through the games that are played in this world? Did we investigate whether our Leaders are Leaders or Liars? Do they work by the motto: rule them and fool them? Learning about this does not necessarily depend on whether or not we have aligned ourselves with this group, with that group, or with some other kind of institution in order to help them or be helped by them. Neither is it necessary to appeal to others to give us a boost because we are not powerful enough to stand up by ourselves. All human bodies (or Jesusses) are occupied by an Inner Force that some people call the Christ Within. This is what we really are – a Soul or a Christ – living in a human body. Lots of power there! Christness is determined by the level of our Awareness…

Promotion time is here…
As soon as we become aware of what this world is all about and conclude that it is a place for learning and a place to observe what is happening, the Soul We Are is ready to be promoted when the time is ripe. As many of us know – that time has come! The big question is: do we know who we are? If we do not know – there is more to learn! Many of us have lived enough lifetimes in order to learn the lessons of 3D. There is no need to stick around and go through the same cosmic-classes once more…

Observers are looners…
Individuals who have learned their lessons in 3D become an Observer. They rest in peace so to speak! An Observer observes without an alignment or membership to a specific group or activity. Observers are looners and do their own thing! Alignment with a certain group means that we have taken sides and lost our Divine Neutrality. It also means that we have surrendered some of our power to others. We would not be authentic anymore. All this means that it is still possible to help others whenever they ask…

We are The Infinite Light in human form and our desire and task is to become more and more aware. This does not mean that we have to hang out with what is thought of as the Good Guys or the Bad Guys. Hanging out with either side is aligning ourselves. Alignment with any group or force makes us lose our Divine Position of Indifference. It makes us lose our Observer's Position! In the mean time, both sides, Light and Dark are necessary in order to create the training ground for beginning Consciousnesses or Souls. So, it is not necessary to pick any side, Light or Dark, as a favorite. Both are equal, for both side are played by Souls who are either discarnate and function as Inspirers, or by Souls who have incarnated to play the different roles in the world scenario. Many Souls only have a temporary affiliations with certain sides. The next incarnation, they play a different role and might be aligned with the opposite side. It gives them balance in the long run and a readiness at promotion time.

So, become an Observer and in the mean time – share this article with other Souls…

By Gerardus Grist