Occult Whistleblower

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Occult Whistleblower

Or, How Magick Is Being Used As A Weapon

Occult Whistleblower

What has driven me to make this post is, quite frankly, unacceptable economic and living conditions – an etremely popular grievance in this time. When you can not even make a living to pay for the basics (food, rent, utilities, medicine), making a grievance is the only acceptable and civil response. There are many different perspectives as to how the state of world affairs leaves the average person: unconnected from sufficient ‘root chakra’ nourishment for many millions, while the rich gloat themselves with glee on non-genetically-modified and organic foods that are very expensive.


More specifically, this is what I am blowing the whistle on: how “occult” or “esoteric” knowledge (literally meaning “hidden”) is being used as a weapon to oppress the masses. There are already many weapons being used against the average person, from austerity, to tax increases, to sallary cuts, to reducing the workforce to disempower people financially – underlying all of these overt actions comes the covert metaphysical purpose of these horrendous actions. Allow me to explain:



Since 1873, the Global Elite Has Held Secret Meetings in the Ancient Redwood Forest of Northern California. Members of the so-called "Bohemian Club" Include Former Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan. The Bush Family Maintains a Strong Involvement. Each Year at Bohemian Grove, Members of This All-Male "Club" Don Red, Black and Silver Robes and Conduct an Occult Ritual Wherein They Worship a Giant Stone Owl, Sacrificing a Human Being in Effigy to What They Call the "Great Owl of Bohemia."


Let us start with what is established from independent investigations. As is quite clear as shown from this investigation done by Alex Jones of Info Wars, many people well-established at high levels of government – such authority as to perpetuate the present paradigm of a monetary/economic/business system which disempowers people instead of empowers them – particupate in rituals closed to the public with dark purposes in mind. This is extremely concerning because this is only one example of said rituals being leaked and made known to the public. The same people who continue the path of less liberty and more hardship – one using occult knowledge to amplify their intellectual attack against all that is good, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


So, Blowing The Whistle About…


…all that I know from my personal experiences and investigation, which are only a few pieces of the puzzle. As the internet expands, so does access to information. As the spread of occult knowledge grows – so does the response to silence the widespread dissemination  of said knowledge. The name of the game if control. I know of many websites which essentially create digital Temples of metaphysical knowledge. The potential benefit to humanity is the expansion of general knowledge once the complex manipulation of subtle forces are fully understood – contacting spirits and moving energy has incredible scientific ramifications when it becomes fully understood. By allowing evil material in their temples, these websites immediately become corrupted (LFN does NOT allow such material) from this influence. These websites, that we know of, are both social networking and torrent-based, with known membership in the tens of thousands. (I am choosing not to directly link to them and point fingers. I would not want to give them any more energy. Instead, please focus your intentions that these electronic spaces shall be healed – and then, when healed, more energy should flow towards them, instead of when they are under corrupting influences. In other words, starve the cancer instead of giving it more food.) Through my own spiritual quest and investigation this is what has become known to me. When these electronic influences are corrupted by evil, their enegy manifests to support the anti-liberty fascist rituals of the New World Order because they are both of the same wavelength as “bad” (Again, for example, against the common principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – they seek control and manipulation by withholding information and degrading your freedom and character as a human being).


Again, this could be the tip of the iceberg. This is merely all that I am aware of at this present time.


How I Came Upon This…


Really briefly, I want to explain how this became a part of my life. Initially in 2010, I found myself being accused of being psychotic and was being forced to medicate with extremely mind-numbing drugs. Eventually my body would reject the pills and my brain would equalize and become “normal” again”. However, I found myself, in several instances, where I felt as if I was being attacked in a psychic way, with bad synchronicities and bad fortune, it seems like a purposeful intent to degrade my character to get me in a hospital for the pure means of medical experimentation, which amounts to chemical torture. The 4th time this happened to me, I was beginning to realize that something strange was going on here. I knew I was never crazy, but I could definitely tell that someone, somehow, was “messing with my head”. I eventually overcome the 4th and 5th attacks that drew forced hospital visits, all without medication. I was told that being discharged without any medication amounts to a miracle. I knew something strange was going on. When my brain would heal itself quickly, I knew something strange was doing on.


I always remembered hearing about witchcraft in faerie tales when I was a very young kid, but I never really thought that it was “real” in the sense that it could be used to seriously effect and mess up someone’s life if someone has really bad intentions. For one reason or another, my intellectual ability was seen as frightening, so, my character was attacked as much as it could have been. More specifically, it was a dark magician who just wanted to mess with me, for whatever reason. And when I put up effective resistance, overcome the bad influences, and began investigations and online posts, it drew more attentions from these people with bad intentions. I did catch people performing rituals and doing invokations against me and others in my course of trying to find out what was going on. This was surely the case, as I did my own research I become educated as to what was being done against me, how to defend myself, and most importantly, how to help make this world a better place now that I have survived something most people do not survive – casting a strong spell against someone to make them crazy, and eventually fighting off such a curse by one’s own will power – is, sadly, extremely rare. You do not want to believe that chaos, or ritual, or ceremonial magic is real until it is being used against you. Then, you know to acknowledge the situation and defend yourself appropriately.


This is why I have the energy to blow the whistle on this horrendous activity. Most people who are sent to the mental hospital from this cause, from a curse, and not from a chemical imbalance or a genuine psychiatric disorder, never return because the environment and the drugs cement an aura of “crazy” into the person trapped into this literal hell. If you are called crazy, even if you are sane, and forced in this environment, you will, most likely, become crazy from environmental conditioning.


Somehow, I managed to overcome all of this insanity, educated myself, and am now working towards ways to assist people who have come under similar attacks. It is the perfect way to covertly target someone: discredit them by casting spells to make someone go crazy, they get tortured by chemicals, or sometimes physically by staff or restraints, and they usually can not overpower the power of the influences of environmet and succum to the attack. Anyone who is disbelieving this need only educate themselves.


So, what is the solution to this?


I believe that the most fundamental and basic way to assist in a solution to this problem is to allow open access to metaphysical information of positive intention in order to empower people (AKA This is an INFORMATION WAR). This will counter the dark energy and workings of those who wish to oppress the masses. This is not a religious system being pushed down anyone’s throat, as there are nearly infinite paths in the area of mysticism. What needs to be addressed is the fact that subtle forced are being manipulated. Whatever way you wish to approach this, there needs to be an information counter-balance to intentions of dark with intentions of light.


This is why I am so frustrated with, for example, the psychiatric system. People do not believe that their actions are evil because they are “going by the book” and “following orders” when what they are being asked to do is fundamentally wrong. Removing people from the community by force is traumatic in and of itself. Dumping tons of expiremental chemicals into patients is outright abuse, plain and simple. Sadly, this is the present paradigm in the name of medical “care”. This really needs to change. Patients rarely get better from all of the drugs they are given – I confirm what I say with person experience and meeting many patients in the course of my life experiences. Any “positive” effect is not really positive: what happens is that the drugs dumb down the patients extensively so they essentially become vegetables. Regardless of this specific bad side effect which is widespread, these drugs are new and are being tested on patients instead of being tested BEFORE being given to people. And, additionally, holistic medicine really needs to take a step up here, because when you drug up and isolate someone, you are NOT helping them, you are abusing them and causing them to turn even more psychotic from desperation and deprivation. I am trying to speak for the many people currently locked up, against their will, being drugged out of their mind against their will. Other forms of treatment are more appropriate compared to this sick form of abuse. Curses are NOT the only cause of psychotic behavior. When I was in and out of hospitals I talked to a lot of people, and a common cause of outbreaks of behavior was extensive abuse that was not allowed to be addressed, and instead it was suppressed. Instead of sending these people loving vibrations and healing and therapy, we remove them from their natural environements and treat them horribly. This is dark bidding that every doctor and nurse conducts when they act in this manner of using strong drugs as a false model for treatment.


Educating Yourself Is The Best Defense


Sadly, it is frigthening that even some of my friends follow the “ignorance is bliss” model. This allows for those in bliss to be manipulated and controlled.


Not educating yourself has consequences. Playing the ignorance card is a cop-out to responsibility for your life. It is saying “someone can control my life, I do not care to find out how I do not have complete control of my existence”. When you choose ignorance over education, you give up your ability to exist authentically, and hence, the very nature of the human soul is in danger.


Healing Vibrations as Energy Manipulation Counter-Measure


Thankfully, I have found this community at Light Force Network and many friends in the course of my life to help me get through this difficult period of time. Finding the Shamanic path as a means to rectify having my brain being messed with in a strange way is unique. I am very grateful of all of everyone’s support, truly. I simply want a better world for everyone. I feel that I have a need to speak out against metaphysical manipulation because I am able to after what has been overcome.


Regarding the state of my mind: It has been well over a year since energetic attacks have effected me because of my own education and strong mindedness. The only thing which causes me pain are root chakra issues: these are issues common to all who are struggling in this corrupt economy. When my stomach growls in pain, and/or I run out of medicine, it triggers PTSD from intense abuse at the hands of the “hospitals”. When PTSD memories flood the brain, it is hard to remain calm and enjoy life. Luckily, this scar shall heal. It is only a matter of taking care of food, medicine, and bills. That is simple. I do not desire luxury, I am content with nature and basic joys of life. The complex occult bullshit is not longer a threat to me. I am putting my intentions out there, that I see others being manipulated, and I will try my best to counter their hidden bullying techniques. This is the common goal of enlightnment in a community such as this in its truest sense of the word.


Putting this type of information into words is difficult. Poets, artists, and mystics time and world over have tried to explain transcendendental experiences and come short because direct experience is the best key for understanding and transmission of said understanding. I hope I have said everything as clearly as I can.


When more people become awake to this type of attack against liberty, and more minds are focused to think about this issue, the more information and conclusions we can make about this information. Some of this “occult” stuff is pretty incredible what it can invoke. The ramifications of this information is not fully known, as the hidden information is not truly known because it is actively being leaked on the internet – the full picture of being assembled. There is a potential for a new renaissance if this information can be used in a way to empower, instead of withhold and manipulate information seekers as is currently the case.


Information is being compiled on this website, and many others with many various independent projects working towards the same common goal of sharing knowledge and information. Together, I hope we can restore a true environment in which liberty can manifest. Please disconnection from the mainstream, television, mind control, propoganda if you have not done so already, and connect to what is real and around you. By distancing yourself from the products of the New World Order, you will energetically protect yourself. Being educated, in whatever manner, is a form of protection against manipulation.


This is a stream of consciousness piece. This is an original writing piece, there has been absolutely no copy and paste from other sources as it usually the case with blogs I have posted on here.


Lastly, and again, I hope this lengthy explanation makes sense. If lots of rich and powerful people can conduct Harry Potter type bullshit and make someone loose their mind, then there is a SERIOUS red flag against liberty. This manipulation needs to stop, and at the very least, be countered by education, awareness, and energetic support. Together, we can live in a much better world. All is takes is the right intentions.


With the best of intentions,

~Green Moon~

3 thoughts on “Occult Whistleblower”


    This "whistleblowing" may seem to lack many fine and specific details, because it does. Why? I am an expert and a proficient in many fields of metaphysics, but I am not an expert in all fields.


    My main speciality is Shamanism – which involves healing. Unlike other magical techniques, the spirits find me and communicate with me as I make journeys to the lower, middle, and upper worlds and make frequent pilgrimmages out into nature for communication with Animal Totems ((See ATHENAEUM Shamanism section for specific resources to back-up these statements, Online searches work well too)). In this regard, I, as a Shaman, do not conduct rituals and anything else to invoke magic, it finds me in the course of daily life. Shamans, those whom are genuine, do not manipulate forces but instead act as a "switchboard" for incoming information and discern it with prophecy and other healing words for the benefit of the tribe.


    It is going to take experts in ritual magic, ceremonial magic, chaos magic, astrology, and all the other relevant fields, and all other forms of metaphysics which manipulate unseen forces, to come forward and explain how other's are using their fields of expertise for manipulation.


    As a Shaman, I can sound the whistle, and sound it very loudly. It would simply be wrong to try and explain certain techniques I am not adept in. I am doing all I can, but until the entire community gets on board with making clear and concise information as to what is being done, we can only progress so far in the quest for freedom.



  2. the answer is

    totally easy! YOU can very easily fix it entirely once you come to realize the way of doing that…i have posted 2 blogs on this specific subject, and they are in fact partially in answer to this blog, even touching on some of the same points: 

    "The simplicity of life boiled down to this imaginitive faculty. The reason that animals are generally wild and will attack is that their imaginitive faculty is built by habit, that they must fight to survive. However, if you train an animal's imagination to accept friendship, it has no fear of man. This brings us to the point of rule by fear – the rule of the dictator or the slave owners. In the case of the latter i'm only referring to those masters who try to hold us in bondage through economic or other modern chains. These slave masters hire advertising agencies to make us desire things – and what they are doing is simply creating a desire within us or training our imagination to want what their masters have hired them to seduce us to purchase. "



    an even clearer and more specific set of easy to understand directions can be found here:



    Thank you very much for sharing this Shabda, it makes perfect sense to me!


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