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All we can do in the middle of winter is pray and hope that the light will return. Winter is not about having the light. It is about carrying hope and moving toward a vision that we will work to make a reality. We must wait in the darkness of Midwinter, and this is not easy for most of us who are not comfortable with the dark, silence, resting and dreaming. In the darkest part of the year when the days are shortest, Nature asks us to slow down and enjoy a cup of warm tea, to be with loved ones, to listen rather than to speak. However, nature teaches us that resting, drawing inward for a time, is present in all living things. Rest is necessary for growth that comes later in the season. The Sun will return. – Ruth Barret*
ISA is known as the Rune of STANDSTILL. It is tied to the season of winter. You may feel there is a freeze of all useful activity and positve accomplishment is unlikely. Some may feel a drain on their energy as they seek sources of warmth. During this time of stillness, go deep within and examine what you may be holding onto that is shallow and not serving your growth. This time is all about shedding, cleansing and releasing away the old and preparing for the new. In a sense you will be bringing on the thaw. It is a personal quest so don’t expect outside help. It’s all you. Trust your own process. – Niamh Argall **
Winter is a time for patience, silence, and going inward – a hibernation in a way. This is a time to lean into the darkness to find your inner light. A time to envision where you want to see yourself in the future projects to work on that you want to birth in the spring. The possibilities of using your imagination are limitless.
Winter is also a good time to clear our thoughts out. Having more time to sit in solitude with your thoughts, is an opportunity to concentrate exactly on what kinds of thoughts you have running through your head daily and get rid of any thoughts that no longer serve your highest good.
Did you know that you can actually be much more productive when you are in a state of rest and aren’t constantly thinking about “what comes next”? Being able to focus more on the here and now, helps you ground yourself and stay more mindful throughout the day.
The energy of winter is a sacred time of rest and reflection, it is not the time to run around frantically to stores and stress about the holidays. That’s not the true meaning of holidays anyway, but we’ll save that topic for another post. What we need is to rest and gather our strength for the upcoming season of renewal in the spring. Break down the old paradigm that resting and relaxing is a sign of laziness. Rest is very necessary for future growth.
Let’s all take a lesson from Mother Nature. While the earth silently sleeps, seeds rest, animals hibernate, it is all in preparation for the massive growth that will take place in the spring.
We are all cyclical beings, so it is important to allow ourselves to experience nature’s cycles. Winter is a time to bring awareness to those feelings you may have been hiding from, trying to suppress by staying busy. Negative emotions can certainly feel uncomfortable, but they are necessary to understand and not hide from. Not hiding in the darkness can be one of the biggest catalysts on our transformation journeys. We grow by what we go through and allow ourselves to fully experience.
An opportunity to find that inner light, allow your feelings to guide you.
There is a metaphorical significance to the Sun standing still during the Winter Solstice. It is a reminder of the immense power we have within us (reflected in the power of the Sun) and being still is like a built-up of energy waiting to be released. No matter what happens, your inner light never dims. ***