O.L.D. = Original Life Design
R.E.P.T.I.L.E. = Reactive Emotional Principles That Initiated Life’s Evolution
There is a portion of our cognitive mechanism, "BRAIN” that helped to initiate our evolution into becoming what we are. I must say we've been perfected in the mind of God since infinity, but it has taken increments of time for God to develop us into perfection. This component I am talking about is called the Rheinencephalon Complex. Those who know it have nicknamed it, "the Old Reptile Complex.”
It's been stated as being the oldest and least understood portion of our brain. It is said that the Old Reptile is significant in base reactive principles. A survival mechanism, it sits atop the spinal column within the Medulla Oblongata. To my knowledge, it acts as antennae, and I am informed that hair follicles are an extension of this mechanism. Have you ever noticed how your hair stands up on end prior to being threatened? Think about it. Or how about when you sense a phone call, or a certain song, prior to the act? That’s the Old Reptile. I have found that we sense one another at a core level. So when my personal perceptions are negative, it is relayed to anyone that I am about to interact with, “prior to our interaction.”
I had a female friend whose self-talk stated, “I am fat and ugly.” When I met her, I thought, that I thought, that she was, fat and ugly. But it was actually me reading her self-talk. I had never thought that way of anyone. Her problem is called a, “DEMON” = “Developed Emotional Manifestation Of Negativity.” Obviously, this can snowball into chaos for both parties. There are 7 Demons and they are realized in the seven-lettered acronym, "FAILURE” = “Fear, Anxiety, Impatience, Laziness, Uncertainty, Resentment, Envy.” When you have these, "EMOTIONS” = “Evolved Manner Of Thinking In Our Nature,” you naturally, magnetically, attract what is called Dark-Matter. It coagulates in your, "D.N.A.” = “Designs Natural Attributes.” In “D.N.A. sequencing tests,” it has been proven that history’s worst cases loons, and murderers, and folks with emotional problems, have massive dark increments in their "D.N.A. spectral layout.”
This is the coagulation of dark-matter, it is also called, "the Spirit of the Anti-Christ.” This considered, "Christ" or "The Light of the World" is the nucleus of every atom that composes your body. Then it would make sense that, "Anti-Matter" is the "Anti-Christ.” Anti-matter is to dark-matter as fire is to light. These are two opposite principles. And gray-matter is the marriage of the two. “Light – Matter + Dark – Matter = Gray – Matter.” In this case, “Gray-Matter” being your perception and the reactive principles thereof. What else could it be? God, Who is the Light of the World, gave us his breath of "LIFE” = “Light In Focused Emanation” – the foundational element and the nucleus of all atomic nature, which are particles of light. The body of Christ is the Universal quantum body of nuclear energy. Also, when the Bible says, "God is the Word,” it is the same as saying, "Universe"-"Uni" is the same as saying, “one,” or “the.” The word "Verse" is the same as saying, a set of "Words" so Uni – Verse, is the same as saying "one-word,” or “The Word.” In the beginning, “The Word” was with God and God was the word. Also at a nuclear level, light is a solid body, "The body of Christ,” it is in the past present, and future, at the same time. Therefore: “The Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning and the End.” The proof is to be found by your experience with Déjà vu and the fact that I have this info to offer.
O.K. –let’s get back to “dark-matter.” It is cancerous. Like all creation it has a desire to live. We have seven major energy centers in our body and these are "The Seven Churches of God" and the same as "the seven Chakras.” These seven attributes, correlate with the seven colors of the light spectrum. They absorb and radiate – Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiations continuously to maintain the integrity of your biological system – "SYSTEM = Something You Start To Employ Method.” "METHOD= Makes Everything To Have Ongoing Development.” If any of these seven centers are subdued by the energy of the seven Demons – "FAILURE,” the center is degraded and cellular "failure” or breakdown occurs. It's all emotional magnetism. These energies are, "INTELLIGENT,” believe it or not, they have kept us from understanding these basic facts. My proof is this – the previously mentioned D.N.A. study – and remember when the crowd demanded Christ’s death his statement was, "Forgive them Father, they know not, what they do!" He understood that they were victims of these variable reactive entities. There is a book written called The Secret Life of Plants. A beautiful book that helped me to understand this stuff in easy to understand, scientific "TERMS = This Explains Relevant Matter Several.” It's helped me to understand this extra sense we have. It's also called "Remote Viewing" OR using "Quantum Entanglement" as a medium to attract emanations of a like frequency.
I've been using this sense to communicate with "The Seven-Spirits of God,” "the light spectrum” … because "God is light.” These Seven-Spirits call themselves "FOUNDER'S = First Order Unifying Naturally Developing Evolutionary Reactions, Seven.” They are the intellectual facet of our multi-faceted "GOD= Giver Of Design.” We have but to, "Be still, and listen.” I've come to find out from the FOUNDER'S, that they created the English Language well over ten thousand years ago. The English language is the newest language however it is derived from a culmination of all languages, including the first cave drawings, which date back 10,000B.C. I'll give you a few more "ACRONYM'S=A Code Revealing Our Natural Yearning Mind, Several.” Hopefully this will spark your interest in the book I am writing for the FOUNDER'S. It is called the "BOOK OF LIFE = Bound Observable Original Knowledge–Originates From–Light In Focused Emanation.” Here are a few more acronyms: "LIGHT = Life In Gods Heavenly Tabernacle,” "LIFE = Love In Focused Emanation,” "LOVE = Life's Original Vibration Emanation,” "BOW = Basic Offensive Weapon,” "BASIC= Bare And Simple In Construction,” "ARROW = A Rigid Rod Of Wood,” "SIN = Serve Ignorant Nature,” "IGNORANT= Instant Gratification Narrates Our Reactions, A Natural Tendency,” "INCEST= Ignorant Nature Compels Erroneous Sexual Tendencies,” "INTELLIGENT = Instinctive Nature To Employ Learned Lessons In Gaining Evolved New Tendencies.”
With that said, I have come to realize, that with focused intent I can, "PRAY=Politely Request And Yearn,” and I can also, "MEDITATE = Maintain Equanimity, Direct Intent Toward A Truth In Our Nature,” and if done in an appropriate manner, I can watch God reveal himself to me in every event. This includes relieving others of DEMONS, and helping them in obtaining the profound info that I am relaying to you!
Awesome blog
Digging your word codex – puts a whole different tilt on the article.