Old School New Age Sapistry – Oh My!

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By MasterMind

Image by Kristin Baldeschwiler from Pixabay

Are you an Old School New Age Sap?

QUESTION: I read an article by someone who is purportedly the human representative for the Pleiadeans on Earth. Prior to seeing this article, I had hopes that at least the Pleiadeans would be kosher, but no, he was channeling for the Ascended Masters. YIKES! I know the Ascended Masters belong to the Great White Brotherhood and are a spiritual branch of the Illuminati. One of my friends who I shared this with said we might as well shoot ourselves and I am close to loosing hope for a brighter future.

ANSWER: From Tom Montalk of http://montalk.net

The problem is that negative forces, hoaxers, and delusional New Agers have created caricatures of the real thing and either usurped the name, or created a new name to designate their fabrications.

So there may in fact be positive humanoid aliens and a positive spiritual brotherhood. They might even be called the Pleiadeans and Great White Brotherhood. But that doesn’t mean everyone who identifies themselves under those names, or associates with them, is necessarily also positive. In fact I’d say that a huge majority of the latter are nothing but impostors and scammers.

I mean, how many humans, aliens, demons, etc. throughout history have posed as “God” to their unsuspecting victims? Negative forces obviously can’t gain much allegiance by revealing their true colors, so they wear the colors of the good guys.

The Ashtar Command, Galactic Federation, and Galactic Federation of light as known by those names are false, as those names originated with certain channelers and hippies and not with anybody actually known by that name. I mean Ashtar sounds like a joke derived from Ashtaroth, the name of a demon who “who seduces by means of laziness, vanity, and rationalized philosophies.”

But I know from personal experience that positive aliens, some looking like humans, do exist. Only, they never identify their real names, where they come from, and they sure as hell never call themselves by grandiose titles like “Melchizedek Princess of the Mintakan Crystal Dolphin Alliance” or something along those lines.

The only reason you know they’re positive is by their actions and the end results of their words, the knowledge and training they give to make you a more aware, ethical, powerful, and freer human being. And not through common sense, over used, trite sayings that anyone could get from fortune cookies, but through timely, specific, powerful knowledge that makes a difference, that you can verify through personal experience and reason, that has a certain deep elegance to it testifying to their experience, wisdom, and intelligence.

The real good guys aren’t the sappy cartoons that you read about in New Age literature. They’re more mature, mentally lucid and sharp. They say a lot with few words. You know how my site gets to the point and cuts through the crap. Well, same for these guys, just to a higher level. What they say accords with the facts. If someone calling himself Commander Ashtar says all negative aliens have just been kicked off the planet and we should rejoice, but you yourself are still getting symptoms of alien monitoring and abductions, then guess what, that Ashtar character is full of it.

I don’t see a reason to shoot ourselves, because the situation isn’t hopeless. I mean, we’ve known for a long time — from dreams, prophecies, trends, lessons of history — that the world needs to change, will change, but that the transition would be mightily difficult, and that dark forces would reach an excruciating crescendo before their downfall. So we’re at the foothill of that dark mountain, and sure we have a difficult time to get through, but there’s a positive light at the end of the tunnel. We shouldn’t give up, because the fight has yet to truly begin. We just have to hang in there and take our battles one day at a time, keeping our eye on the faithful positive outcome at the end.

Post Script by MasterMind – It is troubling when I think of how so many people were duped by this nonsense even in early 2000 and probably still carry some beliefs in it. Even more disconcerting is how people still grasp at fantasy today be it lifestyle, politica, academicl or metaphysical.

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