One day Mephistopheles came my way, I took a courteous bow and poked him in the eye,
And ran up to Eris, a cheeky wee lass, who raised her skirt in greeting,
I took her apple and gave it to Zoroaster, a serious chap, who needed to lighten up,
On to Shiva who shook my hand again and again and again,
I was finished with him, passed Buddha under his tree, waiting for Christ knows what,
Out of the corner of his eye old Horus did spy, me sneaking
Up to Persephone for I wanted a kiss from one who cannot die,
Jove came down from his mountain town to usher me away,
“Go play with Venus instead”,
Tricky thought I for too many aspects has she, so off
To bug Quetzalcoatl, for a feathered snake must be seen,
But he wasn’t home so I knocked on Isis’s door. Osiris answered,
Said I “I hear your wife has a dress that has to be perceived”,
He gave a chuckle, and shooed me on, past Hermes who exclaimed,
“No three times I said” and took poor Thoth’s pen away, Krishna played,
As Artemis came my way to see if I would go hunting instead,
With you and Hu I would be pleased but Hades said “Sshh mine are sleeping”
So with that I sailed on Poseidon’s back whilst gazing up at Nut,
But Tiamat shook her coils, and threw me to shore,
Where Yahweh, Odin and Amun,
Were in deep discussion about all creation,
When stopped was I with a glint in my eye, by one I strained to see,
“I see you’re having fun with aspects of me” said it,
I fell from my feet, for it is not often you greet,
The all that is in ALL.
Courtesy of Craig Hawthorne with permission