Ouija Demon

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By SpectreCollector


The following supernatural occurrences happened around 2007. In this story, I will be referred to as Liam. I will not specify where the following events occurred, but I will say this; my nightmare demonic attack did occur in the USA. It all started when my friends and I were using a Ouija board; a nightmarish demonic portal that anybody should think more than twice about before using it. My four friends; whom I shall refer to as Chris, John, Jack and Paul, were equally horrified and emotionally traumatized as I was.

I shall begin at John’s apartment. It was around 22:30, when after much debate, we decided to hold a seance. After an equal amount of debate and discussion, we decided that since we were his guests, John was to be the medium. We had a Ouija board but no planchette. This matter was easily overcome, since John was able to provide us with a large whiskey glass. For added effect we turned off all the lights and lit some candles. To my surprise, we all got into it.

We started with John asking, “If there is any spirit or presence in this apartment, please move the glass.” Now you must remember that we didn’t expect this to work, so we were all pretty shocked by this. Because the glass did indeed move. We all gazed into one another’s eyes in complete awe and fright. We carried on. “Would you be able to spell your name for us, please?” asked John. The glass started to move.C-E-R-T-A-I-N-L-Y, it had spelled.

“And what is your name?”


“Ilkerl?” I said. “Isn’t it obvious?”, said Paul, “It’s an anagram for killer.” We all passed a glance at each other in worry and disbelief. We couldn’t believe what was happening. “Should we carry on?” asked Jack. “Maybe…” Chris replied.

We all put the session on hold for a few minutes. We were quite puzzled on what to do. We all wanted to return to the seance but we felt worried about the consequences. Because of this, we all discussed with each other on what we knew about Ouija boards, seances and spiritual presences.

“Well, I did hear that if you hold a seance, you should start with an opening prayer for extra protection.” Jack said. I also added some vital information, “Apparently, if the presence starts to talk about a portal, then the session should be ended immediately. It said on this website that portals are how demons can enter our world. Also, to end the session we have to move the glass to the goodbye sign on the board. After that, for extra protection we should end with a prayer; most preferably the ‘Our Father’, the most powerful prayer.” I said. “And we should always end with ‘In Jesus name, Amen’” Chris had implied. Then Paul stated a very important truth, “Nobody is to challenge the presence. If somebody does, then all Hell could break loose – Literally.” After all of us had agreed on these terms, we restarted the session.

“If Ilkerl is still here could they please make a sign?” asked John. “Ow!” shouted Chris. “What is it?” We asked. Chris had told us that he felt as if he had been slapped around his right cheek. I felt a sudden tinge of fear for this unexpected surprise ‘attack’. We assumed that this was the sign, and therefore we carried on. “Why did you hit Chris?” asked John.

B-E-C-A-U-S-E- I –  D-O-N-T –  L-I-K-E –  H-I-M

“Why don’t you like him?”

I –  D-O –  N-O-T –  L-I-K-E –  H-I-M –  B-E-C-A-U-S-E –  H-E –  I-S –  A –  T-W-A-T

Chris merely laughed this off, assuming that this was a joke. But it was after this that things started to get intense. “Are you a ghost?” asked John.


“Then what are you?”

E-L –  P-E-N-U-M-B-R-A

The room went freezing. We knew that by referring to itself as ‘El Penumbra’, it was telling us that this was no ordinary spirit, but a Demon.

“El Penumbra? A Demon! Ilkerl, are you a Demon?” John asked.

Y-E-S. N-O-W – D-I-E

After this, the room got even colder. “Oh my God.” said Paul. Then we all noticed that blood was trickling from John’s mouth. We had been filled with a new terror. We had been filled with a fear. A fear of death. We were so worried that we almost forgot that our arms were being moved around by the glass. To our horror we saw the dreaded word.

P-O-R-T-A-L – P-O-R-T-A-L – P-O-R-T-A-L – P-O-R-T-A-L – P-O-R-T-A-L – P-O-R-T-A-L – P-O-R-T-A-L

We all struggled to move the glass to the goodbye sign. After that, the glass was knocked onto the floor by an unseen force. Then, we all recited the ‘Our Father’ and finished with Chris’s suggestion, ‘In Jesus name, Amen’.

We hurried to the light switches, and flicked them on. Honestly, once those lights were turned on, I felt a million times better. John got us all a can of beer. Jokingly, he said, “None for you, Ilkerl!” We all laughed at this antic. None of us really wanted to leave John by his self, so we all stayed for the night. That was when we all had the dream.

A few hours later we all managed to drink ourselves to sleep. A nightmare came to haunt me. I woke up in a large, rectangular room. I had woken up in a circle of dim light. The rest of the room was shrouded in a black, smoke like mist. Suddenly, I heard many high pitched whispers. The whispers became voices and the voices became screams. The words never changed, those terrible words, “We’re going to get you…” Then hundreds of corpse like arms with taloned hands protruded the mist. I never saw who or what the arms belonged to, but I was guessing that this was Ilkerl. I could do nothing to escape this nightmare because I was paralyzed. The mist closed in on me and so did the arms. My throat was too dry for a scream; instead it let out an inaudible cough. Then the arms grabbed. It was only after this that I woke up.

Written by ElQueLlora, https://www.trueghosttales.com/paranormal/ouija-demon-ilkerl/