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NOTE: This video contains material and language that may be offensive and/or highly unnerving to some readers/viewers however you can only learn by being open-minded and even shocked.
In the video below by Reverend Mark Rhochar (background as a priest in the Church of Satan), "our entire society Is one big satanic ritual. Satanism is an ancient Occult Religion comprised of a diverse world-wide network of adherants."
The video addresses the following:
- Satanists as highly advanced ancient psychologists
- Psychological manipulation of the human race
- Dark Occultists maintain their power differential through occulted knowledge
- Satan as the Adversary or Opposer of Natural Law, the Ego-driven Self is the “God” of modern Satanism,
- Christain devil-worship is NOT what modern Satanism is
- Satanists refer their ideology as “The Old Religion”
- Four Main Tenets of the Satanic ideology
- Egotism, the Satanic Worldview is that Service-To-Self is life’s highest goal
- Moral Relativism, Social Darwinism, Eugenics and Epi-Eugenics
- Mind-Controlled Selective Breeding, True Evolution vs. Involution
- Involution as the Adversarial dynamic in nature
- Genius-level individuals in the world-wide Satanic Network, the Satanic rulers of the world as “The Order of Death” or “The Cult of the Black Sun”
- De Facto Satanism (Satanism In Deed), Mini-Me Satanism, the “Money” of the Satanic Ruling Class is children
- Earth is a Prison and a Zoo
- Evolution/Syntropy as the Ordering Force within Creation
- Involution/Entropy as the force of Decay and Chaos
- “Sects” of Modern Satanism
- Over-arching goal of Satanism is to destroy Human Freedom
- Organized Crime Syndicates are directly controlled by the Dark Occult
- Left-Wing and Right-Wing Politics as the two major “Sects” of Satanism
- Corporatism, Socialism, Fascism Communism, and Totalitarianism all stem from Satanism
- Methods and Social Manifestations of Satanism, the Natural World vs. Artificial Constructs
- Satanic Inversion Principle
- Aspects of Reality which satanists always seek to invert,
- Unconscious humans referred to as “The Dead” by Satanists
- Master-Slave Society and its true structure
- Human Slavery continues due to Ignorance
- Apathy, Cowardice and Inaction, which is a Free-Will Choice
- Our Entire Society Is One Big Satanic Ritual.
This has been needed to be said for a very long time as it touches on the heart of the matter. The best type of education in my view.
Been saying this for years. Good to see someone with the guts to put it out there/