Our Muse

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By Adonis

Broken hearts and stolen parts

Lost minds waiting to be found

We love we lose

We pick and choose

Not looking for our true muse

Instead we sit and wait for wounds to be healed

In each and everyone of us is a small child

Waiting to be found

Waiting to be mended

In each of us is a mother

Waiting to nurture

Waiting to heal

Why do our souls do so much waiting?

Our minds dance while our hearts beat


If your mind starts to dance to the rhythm of your heart

And your Inner child meets your inner mother

We finally meet our muse

She tells us

Your mind was never lost

Your heart was never broken

Parts of you were never stolen

You look at her as if this divine being is a charlatan

She smiles and explains

You were not merely picked

You were CHOSEN

Your mother met you when she gave birth to you

Your soul awaited for nothing

Your heart is strong

And your mind knows your heart is merely a muscle

She explains further…

Every time it feels as though it has been torn or broken

It heals itself and gets stronger

My inspiration is simply…

The realization that you have the strength to lift your soul higher than the heavens

The confirmation that your mind is solid and you were right

The knowledge that you are chosen


Remind yourself everyday that you are chosen

That the people you have picked or have picked to be in your life picked you as well

Remember that you only hold 50% of the responsibility

And that you are ALWAYS stronger than you think.

You are a soul and you can heal yourself at any moment

Make sure to Love yourself not only as a mother loves her child

But as a child loves there mother.

STOP WAITING because what already has been done is done

The sooner we move on in order to heal the sooner the next best thing will come along.





1 thought on “Our Muse”

  1. Thank you!

    Thank you for the reminder Adonis……..

    I'm working on it……….


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