Overcoming Emotional Problems Through Pranic Healing

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By LI - Executor


What is pranic healing?

Pranic healing is an alternative to drug therapy that works on the holistic principle. In pranic healing, the healer is not required to know the nature of a disease in detail. The cause of the ailment may be due to improper lifestyle, like unhealthy diet or eating habits, excessive physical or emotional stress; improper medical treatment or even a childhood trauma. However, the healer doesn’t deal with these causes directly. He only treats with the effect these causes have produced on the pranic (energy) body. Then he invites the patient to participate in finding and removing the deeper causes to avoid a recurrence of the ailment. The treatment is given by working on the chakras in the pranic body.

What are the chakras?

In addition to the physical body we have a ‘pranic double-body’. It is a subtle body that extends to about three inches beyond the physical body. This double-body absorbs prana or life-energy from inside the body and outside the body. Its main function is to distribute prana throughout the whole body. The prana circulates in the body as currents that flow smoothly along certain channels. In addition to these currents, there are energy centres or points within the pranic body where the pranic energy gets focused and forms nodes. These energy centres are usually called chakras. These chakras distribute the pranic energy to the different endocrine glands in the body and to the more subtle, astral bodies. Whenever there is a deficiency of prana or a congestion of spoilt prana in any of these chakras, a great emotional imbalance arises in the person.

The treatment

Deep emotional wounds like those that arise from abuse, personal loss, unresolved trauma, etc. give rise to negative emotions and negative thoughts on the astral plane. When we harbour such thoughts and emotions they get life and become like emotional parasites that feed on the inner plane. When these parasites become strong they draw on our vitality and create ‘energy locks’ with spoilt energy within our pranic body. The pranic healer can draw out this spoilt energy and release these energy locks. What does that do? It restores the circulation of the prana in the pranic body, which in turn restores health in the physical and astral body. The treatment normally consists of cleansing the energy field of a chakra, and pumping fresh energy into it and then restoring the flow of the pranic current that feeds it. Many deep psychological conditions are associated with the energy in the chakras. When this energy field is treated, the patient feels good immediately. It usually gives relief from the pressure of emotions and leaves the patient feeling lighter.

Some chakra-related disorders

Here is an outline of some disorders that arise due to energy imbalance in the chakras, which can be treated by pranic healers:


1. The root chakra

When there is congestion of spoilt prana in the root chakra the person’s basic support system is disturbed, leading to survival or self-esteem issues and the person may consider suicide as an option. Such effects can be relieved by treating this chakra. When it is properly done, it will totally change the disposition of the person. The treatment has to be followed up with some corrections in thinking and self-talk.

2. The sex chakra

When there is a congestion of spoilt prana in the sex chakra there is an imbalance in sensual desires. In some people, it develops into gluttonous eating habits; some people experience uncontrollable sexual desire and others develop a strong desire to be appreciated. A lack of prana here would indicate that the person has lost his or her charm and perhaps also has some sexually related trouble. There may be a weakness in the ovaries, testicles, rectum, bladder or the small intestines. Excessive energy in this chakra makes a person attractive, but if this energy is not diverted to the higher chakras there is a tendency to veer towards perversion. Hence, this chakra has to be treated carefully to balance the energy here. There should be no deficiency or excess.

3. The navel chakra

When there is a lack of energy in this chakra, the person will lack self-confidence and has difficulty asserting himself. Such a person can easily get frustrated or recoil into a ‘protest mode’. Deficiency of prana in this chakra is often associated with weakness in digestion. On the other hand, when there is excessive prana here the person can easily become aggressive, manipulative or greedy. However, when the prana in this chakra is balanced, the person acts with confidence. There will be no tendency to bully or get bullied.

4. The heart chakra

This chakra is very sensitive to feelings. When a person is carrying an emotional hurt, the energy in this chakra will be less. A feeling of rejection, of being treated unjustly, or of being cheated drains away the energy of this chakra. The person feels uncared for, not valued or loved and can become insensitive towards others. When this deficiency persists, it gives rise to weakness or ailments in the heart and lungs. Excessive energy in this chakra makes a person very demonstrative in their feelings. Sometimes they show a very vital behaviour. Whenever this chakra is properly energised, the person becomes peaceful, gentle and caring. He or she does not feel emotionally dependent on others.

5. The throat chakra

This chakra governs our aesthetic sense and creative urges. When the energy of this chakra is balanced, the person has good expression, communication and creativity; and he or she is able to work meticulously. When energy is lacking in this chakra, the person usually experiences frustration on some of these matters. A congestion of spoilt prana here can make a person talkative, worried or over-meticulous. It can also give rise to frequent ailments in the mouth, ears, nose, throat or neck.

6. The eyebrow chakra

This chakra governs the ability to do abstract and conceptual thinking and to exercise the will-power. When this chakra is well-developed, the person has psychic power (the sixth sense), ie. the power to command things, to heal and to visualise and act on mental images. When there is a lack of energy in this chakra, the person has attention deficiency, is unable to conceptualise, command things. In addition there can be weakness in the eyes, the pituitary gland and the lower brain. Many of these troubles can be relieved by activating this chakra through practices like tratak (steady gazing). Pranic healing can be used ‘to provide the finishing effects’.

7. The crown chakra

This chakra has a bearing on our connection with the over-soul or the universal consciousness. A well-developed crown chakra makes a person naturally intuitive and dharmic. When there is a lack of energy in this chakra the person is disconnected from the higher consciousness. Such a person can easily develop atheistic tendencies, feel purposeless or lack a sense of dharma. He or she will keep on looking for solutions in the wrong places! Such disturbances cannot be healed through persuasion but they can be corrected by energising this chakra.

What exactly does the healer do?

The healer usually dips his hand into the energy-field of the chakra and begins to weed out the negative energy from it. He draws it out and flicks it away. After cleaning the energy-field, he injects some fresh prana into the chakra. He may do it by chanting a mantra and waving his hand over the area of the chakra. He may also try to enlarge the chakra by spreading its energy over a slightly wider area.

After treating one or more chakras, the healer will balance the flow of energy inside the spinal cord that connects the chakras. He will push the energy up and down to clear the blockages in the flow of energy. This is done to ensure that the chakra remains replenished. In addition, if there is a congestion of excess prana in the lower chakras, the energy will be profitably diverted to energise some of the higher chakras. In this connection it is interesting to note some of the connections of the lower chakras with the higher chakras. In particular, the second chakra is connected with the fifth chakra. So, the sexual force can be diverted to enhance the aesthetic side of the person. In the same way, the third chakra is connected with the sixth chakra. Hence, energy from desires and ambition can be diverted to strengthen the central will-force. In the same way, the fourth and seventh chakras are connected. Hence, devotional practices can develop the truth-sense and soul power.

Clearing the blockages in flow of inter-chakra energy also has great value for those doing spiritual practice. It can show them what parts of them are progressing too fast and what parts are lagging behind. If the imbalance is allowed to continue, they become prone to illness.

After cleansing, charging, and balancing the chakras, the healer will close the energy-field. This will ensure that the effect of the healing continues for some time.

This work on a chakra is usually done slowly, a little at a time. It gives the patient the time they need to make the adjustments in their attitude and lifestyle to be able to sustain the new energy-field.

An estimate

After reading this article some people may get the impression that the healer does all the healing and the patient has only to remain a passive recipient. However, this attitude is very de-motivating to the healer and the results of the treatment will also not be long-lasting. The reality is that the patients have to participate in the healing by trying to become aware of the layers of causes behind their ailment. The healer will start up the process, but the patients have to follow it up with appropriate action. Usually the patients are invited to locate and correct some faults in their thinking and lifestyle. When the patients participate properly, even longstanding emotional disturbances can be relieved permanently.

Prashant S. Shah
