A Parable For Understanding Life’s Purpose

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By SHABDA - Preceptor

A Parable For Understanding Life’s Purpose

 There is a story that can easily explain the mystery of life's purpose. A faery wanted to amuse herself, and she descended to earth. There some children had built a doll's house. She wanted to enter this doll's house, but it was quite difficult to go in a place meant only for dolls. " Very well," she said, "i'm going to try a different way. I will send this finger in one way, and another through another way, and each part by different ways." And she separated into different bits and each bit of herself went into the doll's house by a different way. And when one part met the other part, at once they rubbed against each other and that was very unpleasant. And there was a fight amongst different parts: " Why are you coming my way? this was my way; why do you come my way?" Each part of the faery's being interested itself in something, in some part of the doll's house. When that moment of interest had passed, a certain part of her being wanted to go out of the doll's house. But then there were other parts of the being which were not willing to let it go. They were holding it: "You stay here; you cannot go out." Some parts of her being wanted to push out another part, but there was no way of putting it out. So it was a kind of chaos all through, one part not knowing that the other part belonged to the same faery, and yet one part being attracted unconsciously to another part because they were parts of the same body. In the end the heart of the faery moved about also. This heart soothed every other part, saying, " You all have come from me. I wish to console, I wish to serve you. If you are troubled,I wish to take away your trouble. If you are in need of a service, I wish to render it you. If you lack anything, I wish to bring it for you. I know how much you are troubled in this doll's house." But some said, " We are not troubled at all; we are enjoying ourselves. If we are troubled, it is by the wish to remain here. Those who are troubled are others, not we." The heart said, "Well, I shall look at you, and I shall enjoy myself too. I shall sympathize with those who are troubled, and i shall help those who are enjoying themselves."  This was the one part of the faery's being which was conscious of its atoms scattered all around. But the atoms were hardly conscious of It, although since they belonged to the same body, they were attracted to the heart, knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously. Such was the power of the heart. It was just like the power of the sun, that turns a responsive flower into a sunflower. And so the power of the heart of the faery turned every part of its being that responded into a heart. And the heart was light and life itself, and the doll's house could no longer hold the heart. The heart was experiencing the joy of the doll's house, but was at the same time able to fly away. The heart was delighted to find all of its atoms belonging to its body, and so worked through all and through every part of its organs; so, in time, it turned every part of its organs into a heart also, by which this phenomenon was fulfilled.
   God is love. If God is love, love is most sacred, and to utter this word without meaning is a vain repetition. The lips of a person to whom it means nothing are closed; he can say little. For love is a revelation in itself; no study is necessary, no meditation is neded, no piety required. If love is pure, if the spark of love has begun to glow, there is no need to go somewhere and gain spirituality; then spirituality is within. One must keep blowing the spark till it turns into a perpetual fire.The fire worshippers of old, the Zoroastrians did not worship a fire which went out, they worshipped a perpetual fire. Where is that perpetual fire to be found? In one's own heart. 

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