Partir eu do Mar

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By LOGOS - Overseer

Partir eu do Mar


“Partir eu do Mar”

(“That I may depart from the Sea”)


Crested fingers caress the trodden strand

like an Olde Mother giving comfort to a babe.

The tide has risen and carried from memory

the dark secrets of the Sea.

Footfalls upon the sands of foreign shores,

busy ports teeming with life and lust.

Spoils divided amongst sweat and wine-

the sanguine contest ended by saber and cutlass.

The victor’s only excess to lay a bloodied brow

upon a supple breast and weep and rest

Until the Sea beckons…

Manifold journeys across an endless expanse,

every breath heaving in rhythm with the swell.

Leather muscles adorned with diamond spray,

salt on every lip, “Dios” on every tongue.

Ocean titans in vain display engage the volley,

timbers corrupted and torn by cannon blast.

In camaraderie they waste and fall-

those souls maligned of Poseidon.

The borrowed time of men

consumed hungrily by the watery abyss

And yet, the Sea beckons…

The surf summons ancient seasons to this shore,

mariner’s wisdom spent in the waves.

From the jetty the Sky and Sea become as one,

a muted view like so many spilled water colors.

The ship glides into the harbor, its sails exultant,

rays of the Sun dancing on her, crimson and gold.

I look out to the horizon from her proud deck-

eager to partake of the quest like those before me.

That I may depart the Sea

comes only at the hands of Fate.

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