The Path Of Change Is A Fractal Theory

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By ANTARA - Manager

Worldviews can be connected. Controlling (Unity) a human who wants to commune (Social) is called Politics. It is  also possible to apply a worldview to another worldview. Abstracting (Unity) Human Relations becomes a Social Network.

Path of Change is an Ancient Theory

Path of Change is an ancient theory. It was known and used all over the world with different names and implementations. The worldviews were translated into visible Star Systems (Zodiac), People (“Gods” (India, Egypt,..)), Animals (Medicine Wheel), Games (Chess, Cards (TARO-T)) or Regulations (Laws (China), Religions).

A good example is China. In China Paths of Change was called the Sheng Cycle. In the Sheng Cycle the Observer was projected in the 2D-matrix by introducing a fifth view.

The Sheng Cycle was used to model the body (Acupuncture), the material context (buildings, city, ecology) (Feng Shui) and the state & society  (Sun Tsu (the Art of War)).

The organs, the body, the community, the state and the universe were seen as Flow Systems of Energy (Chi) that get into trouble when the flow is disrupted.

This disruption can be caused by blockages or by an input (an event) that is too big or too small to handle. The solution to a problem is to open one channel without causing too much overflow at another point in the system. The diagnosis is done on a place in the system (the pulse) where all the systems get together.

Old Chinese Scientists have developed all kinds of correspondence-tables between worldviews and situations. This makes it possible to reuse a theory by changing the semantics.

About Path of Change and Life Events

Path of Change describes the Paths along people (or organizations, or societies) change.

This change is triggered by an external or internal Event. Events are handled by the Sensory-Motor-System.

From the Sensory-Motor-System, the Event can bounce back to the Sensory-Motor-System which reacts with the Fight, Flight, Freeze Respons (FFFR, “I am Afraid”).

The event can propagate further to the Emotions (I Feel what Matters in this Situation), The Imagination (I See What has happened) or the  Pattern-Recognition State of Thinking (I know what happened).

The event moves further in the Network until the pulse of the Event comes back to the Sensory-Motor System that Reacts.

Paths of Change are Feed-Back-Systems that try to adapt the human Body (Sensory-Motor), Mind (Patterns, Memory), Emotions or Identity (Imagination) to the current situation.

The possible amount of steps and Time an event travels in the Internal Network cannot be calculated. There are sixteen (4×4) possible paths of length two and many more when the path rotates (with- or against the Clock) and loops  through the network. It can take many years before the body acts upon an event.

The FFFR-respons offers a very fast-reaction mechanism which uses predefined scripts when the system evaluates that the Event will be fatal.

The way Events are handled is determinated by the combination of the Worldviews of the Person (his Personality) at stake and his experience (Memory). Almost fatal events are stored in memory.

 About Resilience – Homeostasis

A Homeostatis is a System that determinates what action(s) will compensate an Event and keep the total System in balance.

Our Mind (Unity, Neocortex) is a Homeostasis that controls the Homeostasis of Our (Social, Limbic) Emotions that controls the Homeostasis of the Sensory Reptilian Brain.  This part of the brain is concerned with survival.

The thinking Mind, the social Emotions (Soul), the active Sensory-Motor System (Body) and the creative Imagination (Spirit) are coordinated by the thalamus. The thalamus could be the fourth and most ancient brain.

The System (“the whole”, Mythic) has to react to an Event in the Environment but it also has to keep its state of Homeostasis (“Balance”) on all levels.

Last but not least the system has to replace every part that is not able to play its role in the system. This process is called autopoiesis.

Cells are  killed (apoptosis) when they don’t fit in the overall picture. Between 50 and 70 billion cells die each day due to apoptosis in the average human adult. For an average child between the ages of 8 and 14, approximately 20 billion to 30 billion cells die a day.

The Four Worldview’s are  (Fractal sub-)Systems that keep their own  balance and act as sensors for the other sub-systems.

The sub-systems contain sub-sub-systems (Body, Organ, Cell, …) that all have to stay in balance (or die) and send their signals on their own level (electro-magnetic, chemical, ..) using their own communication-infrastructure to their own control center that is monitored by a higher level control center (etc. etc).

The systems are also part of super(-super-super-systems) (Family, Social Group, Organization, …Universe).

The System of Systems (of Systems, …) develops itself in the same pattern as the system itself. Mind (Unity) moves Up, Body/Matter mover Right (Causal), Social/Soul moves Down and Mythic (Imagination) moves Left (back to the Source).

If the four forces are in balance the total system expands and compresses in a Spiral Pattern. The same pattern as we see in the Ancient Cathedrals.

The nice thing is that on every level you look (or analyze, or evaluate, or sense, or see) the same structure comes back so you don’t have to create a new structure to get a better insight.

When you believe PoC is a self-referencing (“fractal”) system you can apply what you know if you are able to distinguish the right level/scale of the many scales there are. If you mix up scales the whole system looks like a big mess.

Just like the five elements in the generating (with-the-clock) Sheng Cycle (or the against-the clock destructing Wu Cycle) every Worldview is connected to the others views and compensates (is a Homeostasis for) another Worldview and vice-versa.

There are twelve connections possible between different views and four with the same view which brings the total amount of possible connection on 16 (4×4).

Examples are:

Unity (Control/Compression) compensates Sensory (Action/Expansion).

Mythic, the Interest of the Self compensates the Interest of the Group (Social).

Social (Emotions, Down, Earth) compensates Unity (Abstraction, Up, Sky, Mind).

Sensory (Sense & React, Forwards to the Outside) compensates Mythic (Imagination, Insight, Backwards to Inside).

The Consciousness (“the fifth worldview”) monitors the four Worldview’s and triggers a worldview that brings the system in another state that triggers a new worldview that brings the system in another state (etc etc).

Worldview’s trigger other Worldview’s directly or move to a higher state of abstraction (Mind) that is able to move to a higher abstraction until it has to move back to Earth (Soul/Social).

The system is constantly adapting its adaptions until it dies.

Adaption can only happen when the transport/communication-channels are not blocked and the system is able to remove the blockages in the channels.

About Flow Systems

The old Chinese scientists believed that every level of our universe is a Flow System that consists of five connected parts. Disturbances in the system are resolved by opening the channels between the parts that are disconnected.

The cosmic dance-cycle of Nataraja (Shiva) is controlled by a drum.

The Scientists of our time see an ecology (and a body and an organization and a city and…..) as a material transport network (an Infrastructure) which distributes energy, information and matter between big macroscopic reservoirs (f.i. Lungs/Air/UP) and  small microscopic sites (f.i. Alveoli/Blood/Water/Flow) on many “rhythmic” levels.

The macroscopic reservoirs are filled by repeating macroscopic processes (“weather”, “breath”,  ”market”) that are controlled by a macroscopic time-giver, the Drum of Shiva, a Clock, our Sun or our Heart.

When a flow system (Bloodvessels, Artery) is disturbed (Arteriosclerosis) it solves its problems by creating a “bypass”. Bypasses create bypasses (create bypasses, …) until it is impossible to change the physical environment (f.i. granite). Bypasses generate a repeating (fractal) structure.

This structure looks like a hierarchy when you look Top-Down and like a Flow-System when you look with an Input (From)/Output (To)-view. In essence it brings the Many (Sensory)-to-the One (Unity).

Nature solves its scaling problems by evolving fractal networks. The Law of Kleiber shows that big fractal flow-structures live longer (are more resilient) and are more efficient than small structures. Cities grow because of their shared fysical infrastructures.

Big Cities are also more creative than small cities because of the amount of possible contacts between creative minds.  It is clear that the Internet is taking over this function.

About Human Networks 

Human networks  are an organism capable of behaviors that are of greater complexity than those of an individual human being.

Humans networks are an abstraction (Unity) of human relations. They are the most important support structure for a human to become resilient.

Humans are two-sided. Human Networks are 12-sided. They are a combination of the 4-fold-Cycle X 4-Cycle without repetition (4**2-4).

That is why there are 12 Star-Systems in the Zodiac (12 + the Sun = 13), 12 Suns of  Jacob, 12 Tribes of Israel, 12 Disciples of Jesus (12+the One = 13) and 12 Knights of the Round Table (12 + Arthur = 13).

The anthropologist Alan Fiske created a 4-fold model that describes how groups of people cooperate.

The four relational models correspond perfectly with the four World-Views of PoC.

The fact that you can use PoC to classify a part of PoC (Social) proves that PoC is a fractal theory.

Social Structures are just like PoC nested combinations of the elementary relationship models:

(1) Communal Sharing (Social, Soul, Share, Values, Egalitarianism, We, Emotions, Choice, Classify, Priority, Values, Motivation, Group, Interacting, Conflict, (->0<-), Dependent, Egalitarian, Dynamic Equilibrium):

People live together and share things. People are treated as equivalent and undifferentiated. ”What’s mine is thine; what’s thine is mine”.

Fairness is important in such groups and appealing to values may be the best way to persuade. Conflict may be dealt with through mediation and others methods that seek consensus.

(2) Equality Matching (Mythic, Spirit, Altruism, Long-Term, Balance, Reciprocity, Self, Identity, Whole, Individual, Imagination, Creativity, Culture, Innovation, Inventor, Ideas, Insight, Being, (->->0), Histrionic, Static Equilibrium):

In equality relationships there is no authority between people nor is there the deeper responsibility towards one another as in the communal sharing model. Social relationships are long-term and monitored for balance.

Equality matched relationships generally collaborate around shared goals and help one another. Relationships are reciprocal and have equal value. People treat fairly those who treat them fairly.

(3) Authority Ranking (Unity, Mind, Order, Rank, Command, Hierarchism, It, Thinking, Patterns, Models. Laws, Rules, Control, Theory, Having, Compression, (0<-<-), Paranoid, Hierarchy, Polystable):

Social groups are arranged with a hierarchy of power. The top of the pyramid protects the lower layers. It starts with parent and child and then progresses to schools, workplaces and other groupings.

Whilst communal sharing groups are based on trust and fair play, authority relationships are based on command and control where the inferior person has little option but to obey the superior person.

(4) Market Pricing (Sensory, Individualism, Trans-Action, Direct, Exchange, Egoism, They, Sensory-Motor-System, Perceive, Act, Stimulus-Respons, Desire, Practice, Doing, Expansion, (0->->), Schizophrenic, Fatalism, Neutral Equilibrium):

Relationships are structured by proportions. In the market pricing model, the relationship is based around a transaction, where the parties exchange substantive items, often with money being a part of the transaction. Such relationships may be shorter than others and more formal, even with an explicit or implied contract to formalize the exchange.

If we don’t know what will happen we need an unknown path to save us. This path is part of an unknown phase space that we are able to calculate if we know more about predictability in general. This issue is covered by Combinatorics a part of mathematics.

Nature has generated a highly redundant system in which it is possible that one of the lines of evolution is able to resist a worldwide calamity.

If we want to destroy resilience we have to destroy the diversity of life-forms on earth.

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