People Do The Weirdest Things

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By Dr. Dave

                                             People Do The Weirdest Things

By BQmUB2010144 – Own work, Public Domain,


What is reality?

Look at your hands. Ever noticed that when you stare at your fingers for long enough they start transforming into alien appendages before your very eyes? Is that what is really is? An alien hand?

Ever stare at a door that is ajar and voila, it starts openeing up more? The bigger issue – what eaxctly is on the other side pushing the door open? Even worse – you KNOW you are alone in the house.

When we’re alone, we tend to let our real personality show, consciously or subconsciously. Sometimes when we’re on our own, we also ponder about some random things that everyone does but doesn’t talk about. Indeed, we feel a certain type of freedom every time we’re on our own. We take that special ‘me-time’ to bare ourselves from any pretense or any façade we are forced to wear just to meet other people’s expectations. On our own, we feel no pressure to meet certain standards. Furthermore, this is our only chance to get away from the judgement zone.

But on a less serious note, being alone also makes us realize some unexpected things. It’s a fact that everyone does the most unusual things. But seems like no one talks about this kind of odd behavior.Or should we say, we are just too embarrassed to say we do these things. For example, that unexplainable feeling of anxiety when you’re walking past a security sensor even though you’re sure you haven’t taken anything from the store.  Or when you’re laying down and you just put your hand up for no reason at all.

We do have some odd behavior and feel some unfamiliar emotions that even we ourselves are not aware of. But when we get to contemplate about our lives, we tend to recognize these things about ourselves. For sure, we’re not the only who feels this way. We just don’t dare to tell other people about it. You know what they say, some things are better left unsaid. Or are they?*

“Among all the things people can be, we can also be pretty weird sometimes. It’s safe to say we’re ‘in our senses’ most of the time, during the day: we drive, go to work, hang out with friends and family… you get the picture. But there are also times when we end up doing things that make no sense whatsoever. The realisation comes later. It leaves you wondering whether what you did was funny or just plain awkward. Sometimes, the things we end up doing turn out to be hilariously stupid. These situations can arrive at any point without warning, unconsciously making you do things because may be sometimes your brain and loves to be random.” ** – Arushi Lohia

Presenting the following weirdness:

Lowering the volume of music in the car just so you can ‘see’ better, especially if it’s someplace you’ve never been before.

Searching for your phone while holding it in your hand.

Unconsciously counting your teeth or attempting to connect your elbows when a post on social media claims you can’t do either.

Laughing out loud even when you don’t get the joke and probably never will.

Checking to see how your social media profile will look to people who may or may not want to stalk you.

Walking to the beat of the song you are listening to feeling like a total star.

Imagining yourself as a winner of some reality show. 

Picking your nose in public while also trying to ensure no one notices. 

Rehearsing a fight you’ve already had with someone you hate in front of the mirror.

Watching fruit turn bad but not eating it for days. 

Letting Google convince that you are going to die soon after you search for the symptoms of a common cold. **

Sneak a “sniff” test. We’ve all been there:  you casually lift your arm and slightly tilt your head to give your pits a whiff. 

Fake a yawn to smell your breath.

Pick your teeth with something that, well, just shouldn’t be in your mouth.

Pick your toes and toenails.Yeah, we know it’s gross, but humans just naturally like to pick things.

Look in the toilet after you go to the bathroom.If Dr. Oz taught us anything, it’s that what our poop looks like matters.

Pee in the shower. A survey found that a whopping 62% of Americans have urinated in the shower.

Check under the bed or behind the shower curtain to make sure nobody is there.

Maybe you don’t really believe the bogeyman is hiding behind every corner like you did as a kid, but old habits die hard.

Have imaginary arguments in your head. At least you win every time.***


** Quoted Passages – Arushi Lohia

*** Amanda Hawkins

Posted for informational/educational and humor purposes only.