Image by zeferli from
Politics is nothing more than a lower astral plane form of human conduct. Scholars may argue that is a viable part of natural evolutionary progression and a necessary means of self-governing growth of basic animalistic behaviors. Others will argue that it contributes to the surfacing and acceptance of the absolute worst modes of criminal behavior with a goal of control and imprisonment and destruction of freedom of spirit which is part of Universal Natural Law and the total shunning of a Higher Power or Vibration that pervades the Universe. INW, humans are sheep needing to be herded and slaughtered if necessary in the name of conformity. It is an old argument but why is it that humans refuse to pay attention or simply think it is a bunch of bunk spouted by kooks who are nothing but residue of the Hippie Era.
A lot of nonsensical evil is born up on the lower astral plane in an area where negative collective thoughts and feelings of dissatisfaction with life accumulate and grow to a point where it actually becomes a ‘thing’ that is projected onto current life on the earth plane. Once it takes hold it morphs into something rather pretty and appealing and like a giant vacuum starts sucking people in. The more human chaos it creates, the larger and more prominent it grows complete with glimmering popularity that hypnotizes communities, states and countries until it becomes the worldwide standard of functioning. No one seems to notice that for the most part it does no actual good at all.
Political leaders are looked up to and revered while the proverbial rug is being pulled out from under peoples’ feet. It has always been this way almost from the beginning when the first Neanderthal swung his club with brute force and became the leader of the tribe. Why are these people revered and why do people select them? The old argument is that leaders are chosen because the views and fixes they are spouting out of their dripping lying mouths are in agreement with a person’s personal political beliefs of how life should be. This is how “political parties” were born and exploited. Not quite.
“In field of neuropolitics, the science of studying how a person’s brain affects their political thoughts and actions, or why a particular person supports one candidate over the other comes down to the fact that the supporters’ underlying psychological thought processes determine, to a large extent, whether they see a candidate’s leadership style as appealing or not.” – Michael Groathaus
Did you get that? BASICALLY: the more stunning and sparkling the appeal the more the votes. Glimmering superficiality. Fake, phony, deceptive – all little darlings of the lower astral. Guess where this goes? Right into fear-based versus logical thinking and right now in this world, fear-based has taken over complete with psychic defense mechanism of identification. What appeals to you? Someone who promotes the anger you are feeling? Someone who appeals to ‘unfairness’? Someone who appeals to gender inequality? Someone who appeals to your religious ideology? Someone who espouses your beloved grandpa or grandma? All show. All glitter. Style.
Humans seem to love living in a reality show where fantasies play out as real life – all of it low vibe. Brings to mind Parkinson’s Law of triviality, where people will spend far more time and effort focusing on something trivial that they do understand than something complicated that they don’t, which unfortunately happens a majority of the time.
This is where we are on the world stage. Stuck in this pattern like puppets on a string mastered by the lower astral and their political representatives.
What can you do?
Get real. Get out of the lower plane gutter.
Grow up.