Positive Beings

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By All Knowing


Is there a way to seek help from the positive beings?


The first step is freeing yourself of beliefs (subconscious programming) that shut them out. I’m talking about thoughts that you are undeserving, that your destiny is to be in misery, that you are forsaken or abandoned, that this world is dog eat dog and we’re all alone, etc.

Those thoughts are precisely the same ones that negative forces use to wage spiritual warfare on a person, to grind them down spiritually and choke off their access to the positive forces. It’s to get them to freely choose to enter a prison of their own making, though with the blueprints provided by these negative forces.

Anyway, using affirmations to counter-program positive thoughts can help remove those, and then with optimism and hope in your heart, you are in a better position to work ‘hand in hand’ with the positive forces.

Then you just get yourself into a positive, uplifted, heart-ignited mood and address the highest positive force you can think of, whether it’s your Higher Self or the infinite Creator or the angels or whatever. Ask for help. Bonus points if it’s for something intangible like happiness, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, insight, and so on. If it’s for material circumstances, that’s fine too if you earnestly and honestly feel it’s right and just. End the request with a thank you and a feeling that, like ordering something online, the deal is done and you can feel relaxed and glad that your request will be answered. If they decide it’s not wise to fulfill, no big deal, then it just won’t happen.

Where you’re asking from, what assumptions you’re asking under, that plays a role. For example, let’s say someone is lazy and doesn’t want to think too much or investigate anything, and thus not apply themselves and grow from that exercise. Let’s say this person then requests the Creator to send him or her a wise master to tell him all the answers to life, handing it over on a silver platter. What’ll usually happen is, a synchronicity will occur whereby this person (maybe online) will come across such a seemingly wise person, say someone who acts like the self-appointed guru on a forum, and they connect. But really it’s a lazy person connecting with an egomaniacal guru-complex person. Lots of B.S. is exchanged and one day the person will realize what a bunch of B.S. it all was, and regret having come under the control of someone who was only out to gratify themselves. Well, that’s because the person was asking from a place of ego and ignorance to begin with, so he manifested an appropriate fit for it.

Therefore the more right, just, honest, wise, correct, etc. the request for help, the more likely it will receive an equally honest and just reply. The mind is quite powerful though, and even in the absence of positive forces, one can use strong intent and almost black-magic like power or ritual to manifest the answer to to one’s desire no matter how dark it is. That’s because then dark forces (demons usually) step in and answer the request in exchange for the person’s soul energy, spiritual integrity, and personal power. There’s also the neutral case where in the absence of higher positive or negative forces, a person’s mind alone can nudge reality into manifesting certain things, hence some people who aren’t particularly nice, nevertheless end up becoming rich or lucky in life because their minds/thoughts are oriented toward that outcome and so they attract it.

Tom Montalk
