Everyone knows that while magic differs greatly from religion they are both built upon two things – doctrine and ritual.
More importantly, they are also both rooted in “request” –
In religion, a positive request can occur when an individual believes he or she has a special relationship with God or the gods who are approached by humble prayer where Divine assistance is sought. In my personal experience, I have found that such requests are carried to Divine ears and do not float up there randomly. This may be because they are filtered for truth and sincerity. The guy who is praying for money because he is in dire straits will not get it but he would be heard if he requested to be shown a way to make the money for himself. Some meta-camps believe if you just put it out to the Universe it will be heard and granted because of the Law of Attraction. Funny little bugger that Law of Attraction – it doesn’t always work the way one expects for the very same reason I just proposed.
In magic, the request is negative because it is not God who is dealt with but lesser spiritual beings who are believed to exist to assist in carrying out a plan (usually not the Divine Plan). Manifesting assistance and result via demand is contingent upon these lesser beings because they are believed to stand beneath all humankind and must listen and do whatever they are told to do when summoned. Some would argue that these beings are actually ‘assistants’ in carrying out God’s plan as in the case of angelic evocation but this does not excuse the motive. Such may be the case when dealing with the Key of Solomon. The belief that the King of Israel captured 72 spirits, emissaries of the gods and imprisoned them in a brass vessel that were later released by the Babylonians led to the assumption that these entities were available to do magical bidding. The point is one never knows what they will conjure and draw in despite appearances or ‘magical knowledge.’
The question from time immemorial is why would a human, a drop of Divine essence, even bother with forms of manipulation that never finish without an eventual negative consequence as in the result of conjuring? The reasons are very human and represent the worst of the race – greed, lust for power, revenge and often just plain old need to control.
Perhaps they might resist if they were lifted up to the plane where the request is heard. This becomes a complicated matter for there are many planes and sub-planes and even some peculiar nooks and crannies beyond what is commonly known as the physical, the astral, the devachanic, the shushuptic and the nirvanic. To limit ourselves to these five is a grave error. This is merely our mind constructing reason trying to make sense of the esoteric reality of it all. Students of slightly more advance spiritual reasoning will be more likely to claim seven planes, physical, astral, causal, mental, etheric, soul and spirit. The out-of- body journey through these planes ultimately results in what some coin as God-Realization. There have been many handles attached to these planes throughout human advancement just as there have been many names attached to the Masters – as I have said many times, the human race is only advanced to the point of reasoning according to mind construction and available knowledge. Depending where you as an individual are on your spiritual journey, you may know that all of this is just the tip of iceberg regarding how many planes exist, but, for the sake of argument this dissertation will be kept simple.
Using this simple reasoning, a magical demand is heard and taken up on the lower Astral plane or to some the Epithymic Plane. This is best described as a psychic zone that surrounds the Earth and can pervade it. It is the most accessible of the Yetziratic worlds because it is the closest to Earth. Plenty of unsavory phenomena there … much to choose from and rarely does an individual actually conjure what they wanted. It certainly might look that way but I have not seen it happen yet and that is because ‘demands’ get filtered there as well prayers do on the higher planes. The assistance is designed to fit the so called demand (or crime) – all of this unknown to the practitioner. The shape-shifting, delusion loving entities that come to play, come to drain the practitioner from their power source (solar plexus) slowly. They thrive on leading the practitioner to excess which often proves fatal. Eventually this will be experienced in a physical manner as if the individual were being sucked dry by a giant straw (as I have often heard it described). Those practitioners who deem themselves to be a little smarter will attempt to extend their sensorium outward to the astral psychically to ‘shop’ around but, they still become duped. Astral traveling for this reason doesn’t seem to work either.
As the Rolling Stones song says: You Can’t Always Get What You Want – But You Get What You Need.
Not exactly.
Great blog, and the only points I have to make about it are that I define what is magic a bit differently than you have above. That being, that all magics are negative because, they attempt to subvert the natural laws that are in place to their own will, that being a matter of the lower or egoic "self."
It might not necessarily matter whether or not they use servitors of any type because of the basic motivation for doing it is to control a natural process which leave no room for any level of Divine control.
About the Law of Attraction, I find that a bad name for it and myself prefer to go wth the Neville Goddard name of it, the Law of Assumption. This gets somewhat closer to how it actually works, and one must always have all of the key factors at play within it regardless of the motivations, although it is also undeniable that using it with Love is always a necessity, and by that standard, one could not actually be so lazy as to simply try for asny sort of a free ride. Gaining wealth however is quite easily done, BUT, one must understand that it cannot simply be created from thin air so it must come from somewhere, so it is 6 of one and a half-dozen of the other. Regardless the feeling of the act already accomplished is an absolute necessity.
What a Master is and is not is a thing that can be completely different according to spiritual point of view and/or religion. Some paths call a Sant or a Guru a Master, while others consider them to merely be Saints that gained access to states of consciousness that are Self-Realized and beyond duality. Certain of those paths hold Mastership to a considerably higher standard. That being said, each of these varying personages or entities also explain the various planes and cosmologies differently, and that alone makes your breakdown accurate in many interpretations, but I assume that was always your purpose while writing this. To that I say well done!